Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { gemini15Flash, googleAI } from '@genkit-ai/googleai'; import { z } from 'genkit'; import { genkit } from 'genkit/beta'; const ai = genkit({ plugins: [googleAI()], }); // [START ex01] export const menuSuggestionFlow = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'menuSuggestionFlow', }, async (restaurantTheme) => { const { text } = await ai.generate({ model: gemini15Flash, prompt: `Invent a menu item for a ${restaurantTheme} themed restaurant.`, }); return text; } ); // [END ex01] // [START ex02] const MenuItemSchema = z.object({ dishname: z.string(), description: z.string(), }); export const menuSuggestionFlowWithSchema = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'menuSuggestionFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: MenuItemSchema, }, async (restaurantTheme) => { const { output } = await ai.generate({ model: gemini15Flash, prompt: `Invent a menu item for a ${restaurantTheme} themed restaurant.`, output: { schema: MenuItemSchema }, }); if (output == null) { throw new Error("Response doesn't satisfy schema."); } return output; } ); // [END ex02] // [START ex03] export const menuSuggestionFlowMarkdown = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'menuSuggestionFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (restaurantTheme) => { const { output } = await ai.generate({ model: gemini15Flash, prompt: `Invent a menu item for a ${restaurantTheme} themed restaurant.`, output: { schema: MenuItemSchema }, }); if (output == null) { throw new Error("Response doesn't satisfy schema."); } return `**${output.dishname}**: ${output.description}`; } ); // [END ex03] // [START ex06] export const menuSuggestionStreamingFlow = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'menuSuggestionFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), streamSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.object({ theme: z.string(), menuItem: z.string() }), }, async (restaurantTheme, { sendChunk }) => { const response = await ai.generateStream({ model: gemini15Flash, prompt: `Invent a menu item for a ${restaurantTheme} themed restaurant.`, }); for await (const chunk of { // Here, you could process the chunk in some way before sending it to // the output stream via streamingCallback(). In this example, we output // the text of the chunk, unmodified. sendChunk(chunk.text); } return { theme: restaurantTheme, menuItem: (await response.response).text, }; } ); // [END ex06] // [START ex10] const PrixFixeMenuSchema = z.object({ starter: z.string(), soup: z.string(), main: z.string(), dessert: z.string(), }); export const complexMenuSuggestionFlow = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'complexMenuSuggestionFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: PrixFixeMenuSchema, }, async (theme: string): Promise<z.infer<typeof PrixFixeMenuSchema>> => { const chat ={ model: gemini15Flash }); await chat.send('What makes a good prix fixe menu?'); await chat.send( 'What are some ingredients, seasonings, and cooking techniques that ' + `would work for a ${theme} themed menu?` ); const { output } = await chat.send({ prompt: `Based on our discussion, invent a prix fixe menu for a ${theme} ` + 'themed restaurant.', output: { schema: PrixFixeMenuSchema, }, }); if (!output) { throw new Error('No data generated.'); } return output; } ); // [END ex10] // [START ex11] export const menuQuestionFlow = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'menuQuestionFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (input: string): Promise<string> => { const menu = await 'retrieve-daily-menu', async (): Promise<string> => { // Retrieve today's menu. (This could be a database access or simply // fetching the menu from your website.) // [START_EXCLUDE] const menu = ` Today's menu - Breakfast: spam and eggs - Lunch: spam sandwich with a cup of spam soup - Dinner: spam roast with a side of spammed potatoes `; // [END_EXCLUDE] return menu; } ); const { text } = await ai.generate({ model: gemini15Flash, system: "Help the user answer questions about today's menu.", prompt: input, docs: [{ content: [{ text: menu }] }], }); return text; } ); // [END ex11] async function fn() { // [START ex04] const { text } = await menuSuggestionFlow('bistro'); // [END ex04] // [START ex05] const { dishname, description } = await menuSuggestionFlowWithSchema('bistro'); // [END ex05] // [START ex07] const response ='Danube'); // [END ex07] // [START ex08] for await (const chunk of { console.log('chunk', chunk); } // [END ex08] // [START ex09] const output = await response.output; // [END ex09] }