Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { SimpleSpanProcessor } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { beforeEach, describe, it } from 'node:test'; import { defineFlow, run } from '../src/flow.js'; import { defineAction, getContext, z } from '../src/index.js'; import { Registry } from '../src/registry.js'; import { enableTelemetry } from '../src/tracing.js'; import { TestSpanExporter } from './utils.js'; const spanExporter = new TestSpanExporter(); enableTelemetry({ spanProcessors: [new SimpleSpanProcessor(spanExporter)], }); function createTestFlow(registry: Registry) { return defineFlow( registry, { name: 'testFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (input) => { return `bar ${input}`; } ); } describe('flow', () => { let registry: Registry; beforeEach(() => { // Skips starting reflection server. delete process.env.GENKIT_ENV; registry = new Registry(); }); describe('runFlow', () => { it('should run the flow', async () => { const testFlow = createTestFlow(registry); const result = await testFlow('foo'); assert.equal(result, 'bar foo'); }); it('should run simple sync flow', async () => { const testFlow = defineFlow(registry, 'testFlow', (input) => { return `bar ${input}`; }); const result = await testFlow('foo'); assert.equal(result, 'bar foo'); }); it('should rethrow the error', async () => { const testFlow = defineFlow( registry, { name: 'throwing', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (input) => { throw new Error(`bad happened: ${input}`); } ); await assert.rejects(() => testFlow('foo'), { name: 'Error', message: 'bad happened: foo', }); }); it('should validate input', async () => { const testFlow = defineFlow( registry, { name: 'validating', inputSchema: z.object({ foo: z.string(), bar: z.number() }), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (input) => { return `ok ${input}`; } ); await assert.rejects( async () => await testFlow({ foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' } as any), (err: Error) => { return ( === 'GenkitError' && err.message.includes('Schema validation failed') ); } ); }); }); describe('getContext', () => { let registry: Registry; beforeEach(() => { registry = new Registry(); }); it('should run the flow', async () => { const testFlow = defineFlow( registry, { name: 'testFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (input) => { return `bar ${input} ${JSON.stringify(getContext(registry))}`; } ); const response = await testFlow('foo', { context: { user: 'test-user' }, }); assert.equal(response, 'bar foo {"user":"test-user"}'); }); it('should streams the flow', async () => { const testFlow = defineFlow( registry, { name: 'testFlow', inputSchema: z.number(), outputSchema: z.string(), streamSchema: z.object({ count: z.number() }), }, async (input, streamingCallback) => { if (streamingCallback) { for (let i = 0; i < input; i++) { streamingCallback({ count: i }); } } return `bar ${input} ${!!streamingCallback} ${JSON.stringify(getContext(registry))}`; } ); const response =, { context: { user: 'test-user' }, }); const gotChunks: any[] = []; for await (const chunk of { gotChunks.push(chunk); } assert.equal(await response.output, 'bar 3 true {"user":"test-user"}'); assert.deepEqual(gotChunks, [{ count: 0 }, { count: 1 }, { count: 2 }]); }); }); describe('context', () => { it('should run the flow with context (old way)', async () => { const testFlow = defineFlow( registry, { name: 'testFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (input) => { return `bar ${input} ${JSON.stringify(getContext(registry))}`; } ); const response = await testFlow('foo', { context: { user: 'test-user' }, }); assert.equal(response, 'bar foo {"user":"test-user"}'); }); it('should run the flow with context (new way)', async () => { const testFlow = defineFlow( registry, { name: 'testFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (input, { context }) => { return `bar ${input} ${JSON.stringify(context)}`; } ); const response = await testFlow('foo', { context: { user: 'test-user' }, }); assert.equal(response, 'bar foo {"user":"test-user"}'); }); it('should inherit context from the parent', async () => { const childFlow = defineFlow( registry, { name: 'childFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (input, { context }) => { return `bar ${input} ${JSON.stringify(context)}`; } ); const parentFlow = defineFlow( registry, { name: 'testFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (input) => { return childFlow(input); } ); const response = await parentFlow('foo', { context: { user: 'test-user' }, }); assert.equal(response, 'bar foo {"user":"test-user"}'); }); it('should streams the flow with context', async () => { const testFlow = defineFlow( registry, { name: 'testFlow', inputSchema: z.number(), outputSchema: z.string(), streamSchema: z.object({ count: z.number() }), }, async (input, { sendChunk, context }) => { for (let i = 0; i < input; i++) { sendChunk({ count: i }); } return `bar ${input} ${!!sendChunk} ${JSON.stringify(context)}`; } ); const response =, { context: { user: 'test-user' }, }); const gotChunks: any[] = []; for await (const chunk of { gotChunks.push(chunk); } assert.equal(await response.output, 'bar 3 true {"user":"test-user"}'); assert.deepEqual(gotChunks, [{ count: 0 }, { count: 1 }, { count: 2 }]); }); }); describe('telemetry', async () => { beforeEach(() => { spanExporter.exportedSpans = []; }); it('should create a trace', async () => { const testFlow = createTestFlow(registry); const result = await testFlow('foo'); assert.equal(result, 'bar foo'); assert.strictEqual(spanExporter.exportedSpans.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(spanExporter.exportedSpans[0].displayName, 'testFlow'); assert.deepStrictEqual(spanExporter.exportedSpans[0].attributes, { 'genkit:input': '"foo"', 'genkit:isRoot': true, 'genkit:metadata:subtype': 'flow', 'genkit:name': 'testFlow', 'genkit:output': '"bar foo"', 'genkit:path': '/{testFlow,t:flow}', 'genkit:state': 'success', 'genkit:type': 'action', }); }); it('records traces of nested actions', async () => { const testAction = defineAction( registry, { name: 'testAction', actionType: 'tool', metadata: { type: 'tool' }, }, async (i) => { return 'bar'; } ); const testFlow = defineFlow( registry, { name: 'testFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (input) => { return run( 'custom', async () => { return 'foo ' + (await testAction(undefined)); }, registry ); } ); const result = await testFlow('foo', { context: { user: 'pavel' } }); assert.equal(result, 'foo bar'); assert.strictEqual(spanExporter.exportedSpans.length, 3); assert.strictEqual( spanExporter.exportedSpans[0].displayName, 'testAction' ); assert.deepStrictEqual(spanExporter.exportedSpans[0].attributes, { 'genkit:metadata:subtype': 'tool', 'genkit:name': 'testAction', 'genkit:output': '"bar"', 'genkit:path': '/{testFlow,t:flow}/{custom,t:flowStep}/{testAction,t:action,s:tool}', 'genkit:state': 'success', 'genkit:type': 'action', }); assert.strictEqual(spanExporter.exportedSpans[1].displayName, 'custom'); assert.deepStrictEqual(spanExporter.exportedSpans[1].attributes, { 'genkit:name': 'custom', 'genkit:output': '"foo bar"', 'genkit:path': '/{testFlow,t:flow}/{custom,t:flowStep}', 'genkit:state': 'success', 'genkit:type': 'flowStep', }); assert.strictEqual(spanExporter.exportedSpans[2].displayName, 'testFlow'); assert.deepStrictEqual(spanExporter.exportedSpans[2].attributes, { 'genkit:input': '"foo"', 'genkit:isRoot': true, 'genkit:metadata:subtype': 'flow', 'genkit:metadata:context': '{"user":"pavel"}', 'genkit:name': 'testFlow', 'genkit:output': '"foo bar"', 'genkit:path': '/{testFlow,t:flow}', 'genkit:state': 'success', 'genkit:type': 'action', }); }); }); });