Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Span as ApiSpan, Link, ROOT_CONTEXT, SpanStatusCode, trace, } from '@opentelemetry/api'; import { performance } from 'node:perf_hooks'; import { HasRegistry, Registry } from '../registry.js'; import { ensureBasicTelemetryInstrumentation } from '../tracing.js'; import { PathMetadata, SpanMetadata, TraceMetadata } from './types.js'; export const spanMetadataAlsKey = 'core.tracing.instrumentation.span'; export const traceMetadataAlsKey = 'core.tracing.instrumentation.trace'; export const ATTR_PREFIX = 'genkit'; /** @hidden */ export const SPAN_TYPE_ATTR = ATTR_PREFIX + ':type'; const TRACER_NAME = 'genkit-tracer'; const TRACER_VERSION = 'v1'; /** * @hidden */ export async function newTrace<T>( registry: Registry | HasRegistry, opts: { name: string; labels?: Record<string, string>; links?: Link[]; }, fn: (metadata: SpanMetadata, rootSpan: ApiSpan) => Promise<T> ) { registry = (registry as HasRegistry).registry ? (registry as HasRegistry).registry : (registry as Registry); await ensureBasicTelemetryInstrumentation(); const traceMetadata: TraceMetadata = registry.asyncStore.getStore( traceMetadataAlsKey ) || { paths: new Set<PathMetadata>(), timestamp:, featureName:, }; return await, traceMetadata, () => runInNewSpan( registry, { metadata: { name:, }, labels: opts.labels, links: opts.links, }, async (metadata, otSpan) => { return await fn(metadata, otSpan); } ) ); } /** * Runs the provided function in a new span. * * @hidden */ export async function runInNewSpan<T>( registry: Registry | HasRegistry, opts: { metadata: SpanMetadata; labels?: Record<string, string>; links?: Link[]; }, fn: (metadata: SpanMetadata, otSpan: ApiSpan, isRoot: boolean) => Promise<T> ): Promise<T> { await ensureBasicTelemetryInstrumentation(); const resolvedRegistry = (registry as HasRegistry).registry ? (registry as HasRegistry).registry : (registry as Registry); const tracer = trace.getTracer(TRACER_NAME, TRACER_VERSION); const parentStep = resolvedRegistry.asyncStore.getStore<SpanMetadata>(spanMetadataAlsKey); const isInRoot = parentStep?.isRoot === true; if (!parentStep) opts.metadata.isRoot ||= true; return await tracer.startActiveSpan(, { links: opts.links, root: opts.metadata.isRoot }, async (otSpan) => { if (opts.labels) otSpan.setAttributes(opts.labels); try { opts.metadata.path = buildPath(, parentStep?.path || '', opts.labels ); const output = await spanMetadataAlsKey, opts.metadata, () => fn(opts.metadata, otSpan, isInRoot) ); if (opts.metadata.state !== 'error') { opts.metadata.state = 'success'; } recordPath(resolvedRegistry, opts.metadata); return output; } catch (e) { recordPath(resolvedRegistry, opts.metadata, e); opts.metadata.state = 'error'; otSpan.setStatus({ code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: getErrorMessage(e), }); if (e instanceof Error) { otSpan.recordException(e); } throw e; } finally { otSpan.setAttributes(metadataToAttributes(opts.metadata)); otSpan.end(); } } ); } /** * Creates a new child span and attaches it to a previously created trace. This * is useful, for example, for adding deferred user engagement metadata. * * @hidden */ export async function appendSpan( traceId: string, parentSpanId: string, metadata: SpanMetadata, labels?: Record<string, string> ) { await ensureBasicTelemetryInstrumentation(); const tracer = trace.getTracer(TRACER_NAME, TRACER_VERSION); const spanContext = trace.setSpanContext(ROOT_CONTEXT, { traceId: traceId, traceFlags: 1, // sampled spanId: parentSpanId, }); // TODO(abrook): add explicit start time to align with parent const span = tracer.startSpan(, {}, spanContext); span.setAttributes(metadataToAttributes(metadata)); if (labels) { span.setAttributes(labels); } span.end(); } function getErrorMessage(e: any): string { if (e instanceof Error) { return e.message; } return `${e}`; } function metadataToAttributes(metadata: SpanMetadata): Record<string, string> { const out = {} as Record<string, string>; Object.keys(metadata).forEach((key) => { if ( key === 'metadata' && typeof metadata[key] === 'object' && metadata.metadata ) { Object.entries(metadata.metadata).forEach(([metaKey, value]) => { out[ATTR_PREFIX + ':metadata:' + metaKey] = value; }); } else if (key === 'input' || typeof metadata[key] === 'object') { out[ATTR_PREFIX + ':' + key] = JSON.stringify(metadata[key]); } else { out[ATTR_PREFIX + ':' + key] = metadata[key]; } }); return out; } /** * Sets provided attribute value in the current span. * * @hidden */ export function setCustomMetadataAttribute( registry: Registry, key: string, value: string ) { const currentStep = getCurrentSpan(registry); if (!currentStep) { return; } if (!currentStep.metadata) { currentStep.metadata = {}; } currentStep.metadata[key] = value; } /** * Sets provided attribute values in the current span. * * @hidden */ export function setCustomMetadataAttributes( registry: Registry, values: Record<string, string> ) { const currentStep = getCurrentSpan(registry); if (!currentStep) { return; } if (!currentStep.metadata) { currentStep.metadata = {}; } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(values)) { currentStep.metadata[key] = value; } } /** * Converts a fully annotated path to a friendly display version for logs * * @hidden */ export function toDisplayPath(path: string): string { const pathPartRegex = /\{([^\,}]+),[^\}]+\}/g; return Array.from(path.matchAll(pathPartRegex), (m) => m[1]).join(' > '); } function getCurrentSpan(registry: Registry): SpanMetadata { const step = registry.asyncStore.getStore<SpanMetadata>(spanMetadataAlsKey); if (!step) { throw new Error('running outside step context'); } return step; } function buildPath( name: string, parentPath: string, labels?: Record<string, string> ) { const stepType = labels && labels['genkit:type'] ? `,t:${labels['genkit:metadata:subtype'] === 'flow' ? 'flow' : labels['genkit:type']}` : ''; return parentPath + `/{${name}${stepType}}`; } function recordPath(registry: Registry, spanMeta: SpanMetadata, err?: any) { const path = spanMeta.path || ''; const decoratedPath = decoratePathWithSubtype(spanMeta); // Only add the path if a child has not already been added. In the event that // an error is rethrown, we don't want to add each step in the unwind. const paths = Array.from( registry.asyncStore.getStore<TraceMetadata>(traceMetadataAlsKey)?.paths || new Set<PathMetadata>() ); const status = err ? 'failure' : 'success'; if (!paths.some((p) => p.path.startsWith(path) && p.status === status)) { const now =; const start = registry.asyncStore.getStore<TraceMetadata>(traceMetadataAlsKey) ?.timestamp || now; registry.asyncStore .getStore<TraceMetadata>(traceMetadataAlsKey) ?.paths?.add({ path: decoratedPath, error: err?.name, latency: now - start, status, }); } spanMeta.path = decoratedPath; } function decoratePathWithSubtype(metadata: SpanMetadata): string { if (!metadata.path) { return ''; } const pathComponents = metadata.path.split('}/{'); if (pathComponents.length == 1) { return metadata.path; } const stepSubtype = metadata.metadata && metadata.metadata['subtype'] ? `,s:${metadata.metadata['subtype']}` : ''; const root = `${pathComponents.slice(0, -1).join('}/{')}}/`; const decoratedStep = `{${, -1)}${stepSubtype}}`; return root + decoratedStep; }