Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { type JSONSchema7 } from 'json-schema'; import * as z from 'zod'; import { lazy } from './async.js'; import { ActionContext, getContext, runWithContext } from './context.js'; import { ActionType, Registry } from './registry.js'; import { parseSchema } from './schema.js'; import { SPAN_TYPE_ATTR, newTrace, setCustomMetadataAttributes, } from './tracing.js'; export { StatusCodes, StatusSchema, type Status } from './statusTypes.js'; export { JSONSchema7 }; /** * Action metadata. */ export interface ActionMetadata< I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny, S extends z.ZodTypeAny, > { actionType?: ActionType; name: string; description?: string; inputSchema?: I; inputJsonSchema?: JSONSchema7; outputSchema?: O; outputJsonSchema?: JSONSchema7; streamSchema?: S; metadata?: Record<string, any>; } /** * Results of an action run. Includes telemetry. */ export interface ActionResult<O> { result: O; telemetry: { traceId: string; spanId: string; }; } /** * Options (side channel) data to pass to the model. */ export interface ActionRunOptions<S> { /** * Streaming callback (optional). */ onChunk?: StreamingCallback<S>; /** * Additional runtime context data (ex. auth context data). */ context?: ActionContext; /** * Additional span attributes to apply to OT spans. */ telemetryLabels?: Record<string, string>; } /** * Options (side channel) data to pass to the model. */ export interface ActionFnArg<S> { /** * Streaming callback (optional). */ sendChunk: StreamingCallback<S>; /** * Additional runtime context data (ex. auth context data). */ context?: ActionContext; } /** * Streaming response from an action. */ export interface StreamingResponse< O extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, S extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > { /** Iterator over the streaming chunks. */ stream: AsyncGenerator<z.infer<S>>; /** Final output of the action. */ output: Promise<z.infer<O>>; } /** * Self-describing, validating, observable, locally and remotely callable function. */ export type Action< I extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, S extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, RunOptions extends ActionRunOptions<S> = ActionRunOptions<S>, > = ((input?: z.infer<I>, options?: RunOptions) => Promise<z.infer<O>>) & { __action: ActionMetadata<I, O, S>; __registry: Registry; run( input?: z.infer<I>, options?: ActionRunOptions<z.infer<S>> ): Promise<ActionResult<z.infer<O>>>; stream( input?: z.infer<I>, opts?: ActionRunOptions<z.infer<S>> ): StreamingResponse<O, S>; }; /** * Action factory params. */ export type ActionParams< I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny, S extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > = { name: | string | { pluginId: string; actionId: string; }; description?: string; inputSchema?: I; inputJsonSchema?: JSONSchema7; outputSchema?: O; outputJsonSchema?: JSONSchema7; metadata?: Record<string, any>; use?: Middleware<z.infer<I>, z.infer<O>, z.infer<S>>[]; streamSchema?: S; actionType: ActionType; }; export type ActionAsyncParams< I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny, S extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > = ActionParams<I, O, S> & { fn: ( input: z.infer<I>, options: ActionFnArg<z.infer<S>> ) => Promise<z.infer<O>>; }; export type SimpleMiddleware<I = any, O = any> = ( req: I, next: (req?: I) => Promise<O> ) => Promise<O>; export type MiddlewareWithOptions<I = any, O = any, S = any> = ( req: I, options: ActionRunOptions<S> | undefined, next: (req?: I, options?: ActionRunOptions<S>) => Promise<O> ) => Promise<O>; /** * Middleware function for actions. */ export type Middleware<I = any, O = any, S = any> = | SimpleMiddleware<I, O> | MiddlewareWithOptions<I, O, S>; /** * Creates an action with provided middleware. */ export function actionWithMiddleware< I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny, S extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, >( action: Action<I, O, S>, middleware: Middleware<z.infer<I>, z.infer<O>, z.infer<S>>[] ): Action<I, O, S> { const wrapped = (async (req: z.infer<I>) => { return (await; }) as Action<I, O, S>; wrapped.__action = action.__action; wrapped.__registry = action.__registry; = async ( req: z.infer<I>, options?: ActionRunOptions<z.infer<S>> ): Promise<ActionResult<z.infer<O>>> => { let telemetry; const dispatch = async ( index: number, req: z.infer<I>, opts?: ActionRunOptions<z.infer<S>> ) => { if (index === middleware.length) { // end of the chain, call the original model action const result = await, opts); telemetry = result.telemetry; return result.result; } const currentMiddleware = middleware[index]; if (currentMiddleware.length === 3) { return (currentMiddleware as MiddlewareWithOptions<I, O, z.infer<S>>)( req, opts, async (modifiedReq, modifiedOptions) => dispatch(index + 1, modifiedReq || req, modifiedOptions || opts) ); } else if (currentMiddleware.length === 2) { return (currentMiddleware as SimpleMiddleware<I, O>)( req, async (modifiedReq) => dispatch(index + 1, modifiedReq || req, opts) ); } else { throw new Error('unspported middleware function shape'); } }; =; return { result: await dispatch(0, req, options), telemetry }; }; return wrapped; } /** * Creates an action with the provided config. */ export function action< I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny, S extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, >( registry: Registry, config: ActionParams<I, O, S>, fn: ( input: z.infer<I>, options: ActionFnArg<z.infer<S>> ) => Promise<z.infer<O>> ): Action<I, O, z.infer<S>> { const actionName = typeof === 'string' ? : `${}/${}`; const actionFn = async ( input?: I, options?: ActionRunOptions<z.infer<S>> ) => { return (await, options)).result; }; actionFn.__registry = registry; actionFn.__action = { name: actionName, description: config.description, inputSchema: config.inputSchema, inputJsonSchema: config.inputJsonSchema, outputSchema: config.outputSchema, outputJsonSchema: config.outputJsonSchema, streamSchema: config.streamSchema, metadata: config.metadata, } as ActionMetadata<I, O, S>; = async ( input: z.infer<I>, options?: ActionRunOptions<z.infer<S>> ): Promise<ActionResult<z.infer<O>>> => { input = parseSchema(input, { schema: config.inputSchema, jsonSchema: config.inputJsonSchema, }); let traceId; let spanId; let output = await newTrace( registry, { name: actionName, labels: { [SPAN_TYPE_ATTR]: 'action', 'genkit:metadata:subtype': config.actionType, ...options?.telemetryLabels, }, }, async (metadata, span) => { setCustomMetadataAttributes(registry, { subtype: config.actionType }); if (options?.context) { setCustomMetadataAttributes(registry, { context: JSON.stringify(options.context), }); } traceId = span.spanContext().traceId; spanId = span.spanContext().spanId; = actionName; metadata.input = input; try { const actionFn = () => fn(input, { ...options, // Context can either be explicitly set, or inherited from the parent action. context: options?.context ?? getContext(registry), sendChunk: options?.onChunk ?? sentinelNoopStreamingCallback, }); // if context is explicitly passed in, we run action with the provided context, // otherwise we let upstream context carry through. const output = await runWithContext( registry, options?.context, actionFn ); metadata.output = JSON.stringify(output); return output; } catch (err) { if (typeof err === 'object') { (err as any).traceId = traceId; } throw err; } } ); output = parseSchema(output, { schema: config.outputSchema, jsonSchema: config.outputJsonSchema, }); return { result: output, telemetry: { traceId, spanId, }, }; }; = ( input?: z.infer<I>, opts?: ActionRunOptions<z.infer<S>> ): StreamingResponse<O, S> => { let chunkStreamController: ReadableStreamController<z.infer<S>>; const chunkStream = new ReadableStream<z.infer<S>>({ start(controller) { chunkStreamController = controller; }, pull() {}, cancel() {}, }); const invocationPromise = actionFn .run(config.inputSchema ? config.inputSchema.parse(input) : input, { onChunk: ((chunk: z.infer<S>) => { chunkStreamController.enqueue(chunk); }) as S extends z.ZodVoid ? undefined : StreamingCallback<z.infer<S>>, context: opts?.context, }) .then((s) => s.result) .finally(() => { chunkStreamController.close(); }); return { output: invocationPromise, stream: (async function* () { const reader = chunkStream.getReader(); while (true) { const chunk = await; if (chunk.value) { yield chunk.value; } if (chunk.done) { break; } } return await invocationPromise; })(), }; }; if (config.use) { return actionWithMiddleware(actionFn, config.use); } return actionFn; } /** * Defines an action with the given config and registers it in the registry. */ export function defineAction< I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny, S extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, >( registry: Registry, config: ActionParams<I, O, S>, fn: ( input: z.infer<I>, options: ActionFnArg<z.infer<S>> ) => Promise<z.infer<O>> ): Action<I, O, S> { if (isInRuntimeContext(registry)) { throw new Error( 'Cannot define new actions at runtime.\n' + 'See:' ); } const act = action( registry, config, async (i: I, options): Promise<z.infer<O>> => { await registry.initializeAllPlugins(); return await runInActionRuntimeContext(registry, () => fn(i, options)); } ); act.__action.actionType = config.actionType; registry.registerAction(config.actionType, act); return act; } /** * Defines an action with the given config promise and registers it in the registry. */ export function defineActionAsync< I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny, S extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, >( registry: Registry, actionType: ActionType, name: | string | { pluginId: string; actionId: string; }, config: PromiseLike<ActionAsyncParams<I, O, S>>, onInit?: (action: Action<I, O, S>) => void ): PromiseLike<Action<I, O, S>> { const actionName = typeof name === 'string' ? name : `${name.pluginId}/${name.actionId}`; const actionPromise = lazy(() => config.then((resolvedConfig) => { const act = action( registry, resolvedConfig, async (i: I, options): Promise<z.infer<O>> => { await registry.initializeAllPlugins(); return await runInActionRuntimeContext(registry, () => resolvedConfig.fn(i, options) ); } ); act.__action.actionType = actionType; onInit?.(act); return act; }) ); registry.registerActionAsync(actionType, actionName, actionPromise); return actionPromise; } // Streaming callback function. export type StreamingCallback<T> = (chunk: T) => void; const streamingAlsKey = 'core.action.streamingCallback'; export const sentinelNoopStreamingCallback = () => null; /** * Executes provided function with streaming callback in async local storage which can be retrieved * using {@link getStreamingCallback}. */ export function runWithStreamingCallback<S, O>( registry: Registry, streamingCallback: StreamingCallback<S> | undefined, fn: () => O ): O { return streamingAlsKey, streamingCallback || sentinelNoopStreamingCallback, fn ); } /** * Retrieves the {@link StreamingCallback} previously set by {@link runWithStreamingCallback} * * @hidden */ export function getStreamingCallback<S>( registry: Registry ): StreamingCallback<S> | undefined { const cb = registry.asyncStore.getStore<StreamingCallback<S>>(streamingAlsKey); if (cb === sentinelNoopStreamingCallback) { return undefined; } return cb; } const runtimeContextAslKey = 'core.action.runtimeContext'; /** * Checks whether the caller is currently in the runtime context of an action. */ export function isInRuntimeContext(registry: Registry) { return registry.asyncStore.getStore(runtimeContextAslKey) === 'runtime'; } /** * Execute the provided function in the action runtime context. */ export function runInActionRuntimeContext<R>(registry: Registry, fn: () => R) { return, 'runtime', fn); } /** * Execute the provided function outside the action runtime context. */ export function runOutsideActionRuntimeContext<R>( registry: Registry, fn: () => R ) { return, 'outside', fn); }