Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2025 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { z } from '@genkit-ai/core'; import { Registry } from '@genkit-ai/core/registry'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { afterEach, describe, it } from 'node:test'; import { defineInterrupt, defineTool } from '../src/tool.js'; describe('defineInterrupt', () => { let registry = new Registry(); registry.apiStability = 'beta'; afterEach(() => { registry = new Registry(); registry.apiStability = 'beta'; }); function expectInterrupt(fn: () => any, metadata?: Record<string, any>) { return assert.rejects(fn, { name: 'ToolInterruptError', metadata }); } it('should throw a simple interrupt with no metadata', async () => { const simple = defineInterrupt(registry, { name: 'simple', description: 'simple interrupt', }); await expectInterrupt(async () => { await simple({}); }); }); it('should throw a simple interrupt with fixed metadata', async () => { const simple = defineInterrupt(registry, { name: 'simple', description: 'simple interrupt', requestMetadata: { foo: 'bar' }, }); await expectInterrupt( async () => { await simple({}); }, { foo: 'bar' } ); }); it('should throw a simple interrupt with function-returned metadata', async () => { const simple = defineInterrupt(registry, { name: 'simple', description: 'simple interrupt', inputSchema: z.string(), requestMetadata: (foo) => ({ foo }), }); await expectInterrupt( async () => { await simple('bar'); }, { foo: 'bar' } ); }); it('should throw a simple interrupt with async function-returned metadata', async () => { const simple = defineInterrupt(registry, { name: 'simple', description: 'simple interrupt', inputSchema: z.string(), requestMetadata: async (foo) => ({ foo }), }); await expectInterrupt( async () => { await simple('bar'); }, { foo: 'bar' } ); }); it('should register the reply schema / json schema as the output schema of the tool', () => { const ResponseSchema = z.object({ foo: z.string() }); const simple = defineInterrupt(registry, { name: 'simple', description: 'simple', outputSchema: ResponseSchema, }); assert.equal(simple.__action.outputSchema, ResponseSchema); const simple2 = defineInterrupt(registry, { name: 'simple2', description: 'simple2', outputJsonSchema: { type: 'string' }, }); assert.deepStrictEqual(simple2.__action.outputJsonSchema, { type: 'string', }); }); }); describe('defineTool', () => { let registry = new Registry(); registry.apiStability = 'beta'; afterEach(() => { registry = new Registry(); registry.apiStability = 'beta'; }); describe('.respond()', () => { it('constructs a ToolResponsePart', () => { const t = defineTool( registry, { name: 'test', description: 'test' }, async () => {} ); assert.deepStrictEqual( t.respond({ toolRequest: { name: 'test', input: {} } }, 'output'), { toolResponse: { name: 'test', output: 'output', }, metadata: { interruptResponse: true, }, } ); }); it('includes metadata', () => { const t = defineTool( registry, { name: 'test', description: 'test' }, async () => {} ); assert.deepStrictEqual( t.respond({ toolRequest: { name: 'test', input: {} } }, 'output', { metadata: { extra: 'data' }, }), { toolResponse: { name: 'test', output: 'output', }, metadata: { interruptResponse: { extra: 'data' }, }, } ); }); it('validates schema', () => { const t = defineTool( registry, { name: 'test', description: 'test', outputSchema: z.number() }, async (input, { interrupt }) => interrupt() ); assert.throws( () => { t.respond( { toolRequest: { name: 'test', input: {} } }, 'not_a_number' as any ); }, { name: 'GenkitError', status: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT' } ); assert.deepStrictEqual( t.respond({ toolRequest: { name: 'test', input: {} } }, 55), { toolResponse: { name: 'test', output: 55, }, metadata: { interruptResponse: true, }, } ); }); }); describe('.restart()', () => { it('constructs a ToolRequestPart', () => { const t = defineTool( registry, { name: 'test', description: 'test' }, async () => {} ); assert.deepStrictEqual( t.restart({ toolRequest: { name: 'test', input: {} } }), { toolRequest: { name: 'test', input: {}, }, metadata: { resumed: true, }, } ); }); it('includes metadata', () => { const t = defineTool( registry, { name: 'test', description: 'test' }, async () => {} ); assert.deepStrictEqual( t.restart( { toolRequest: { name: 'test', input: {} } }, { extra: 'data' } ), { toolRequest: { name: 'test', input: {}, }, metadata: { resumed: { extra: 'data' }, }, } ); }); it('validates schema', () => { const t = defineTool( registry, { name: 'test', description: 'test', inputSchema: z.number() }, async (input, { interrupt }) => interrupt() ); assert.throws( () => { t.restart({ toolRequest: { name: 'test', input: {} } }, undefined, { replaceInput: 'not_a_number' as any, }); }, { name: 'GenkitError', status: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT' } ); assert.deepStrictEqual( t.restart({ toolRequest: { name: 'test', input: {} } }, undefined, { replaceInput: 55, }), { toolRequest: { name: 'test', input: 55, }, metadata: { resumed: true, replacedInput: {}, }, } ); }); }); });