Genkit MCP
by firebase
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// A simple, self-contained code generator for JSON Schema.
// It converts a JSON Schema to equivalent Go types.
package main
import (
gocmp ""
var (
outputDir = flag.String("outdir", "", "directory to write to, or '-' for stdout")
noFormat = flag.Bool("nofmt", false, "do not format output")
configFile = flag.String("config", "", "config filename")
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("jsonschemagen: ")
flag.Usage = func() {
out := flag.CommandLine.Output()
fmt.Fprintf(out, "usage: jsonschemagen JSON_SCHEMA_FILE DEFAULT_PKG\n")
if flag.NArg() != 2 {
if err := run(flag.Arg(0), flag.Arg(1), *configFile, *outputDir); err != nil {
func run(infile, defaultPkgPath, configFile, outRoot string) error {
// Unmarshal the file, which is a JSON object with a "$defs" key that contains
// all the type definitions.
data, err := os.ReadFile(infile)
if err != nil {
return err
var schema *Schema
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &schema); err != nil {
return err
// Verify that we've captured all the information in the file.
// This checks that our Schema struct represents enough of JSONSchema to
// capture everything in the input file.
// (Even if we put everything in JSONSchema into our struct, there's still no
// guarantee that JSONSchema won't add more, or that the input file contains
// some extension that we don't know about.)
if err := checkSchemaIsComplete(schema, data); err != nil {
return err
// Read the config file, if any.
var cfg config
if configFile != "" {
cfg, err = parseConfigFile(configFile)
if err != nil {
return err
// The defs field of the top-level schema is the only interesting part.
// It is a map from type name to JSON schema for that type.
schemas := schema.Defs
// Many of the types are anonymous, used directly as the type of fields.
// We would end up generating something like
// someField struct { x int; y bool}
// While that is legal Go, it is hard to construct values of those types.
// Hoist all anonymous types to top level and name them.
// We do this as a transformation on the map of schemas.
// Split schemas by package.
schemasByPackage := map[string]map[string]*Schema{}
for name, s := range schemas {
pkgPath := defaultPkgPath
if ic := cfg.configFor(name); ic != nil && ic.pkgPath != "" {
pkgPath = ic.pkgPath
m := schemasByPackage[pkgPath]
if m == nil {
m = map[string]*Schema{}
schemasByPackage[pkgPath] = m
m[name] = s
// Generate code by package.
for pkgPath, schemaMap := range schemasByPackage {
// Generate code for each type in the package.
gen := &generator{
pkgName: path.Base(pkgPath),
schemas: schemaMap,
cfg: cfg,
src, err := gen.generate()
if err != nil {
return err
// Format and write the source.
if !*noFormat {
src, err = format.Source(src)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("file for package %s: %w", pkgPath, err)
if outRoot == "" {
outRoot = "."
outDir := filepath.Join(outRoot, filepath.FromSlash(pkgPath))
if err := os.MkdirAll(outDir, 0o755); err != nil {
return err
outFile := filepath.Join(outDir, "gen.go")
if err := os.WriteFile(outFile, src, 0o644); err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("wrote %s\n", outFile)
// Report unused config.
for name := range cfg.itemConfigs {
if !cfg.used[name] {
log.Printf("config %s unused", name)
return nil
// checkSchemaIsComplete compares the given schema to the original JSON it was unmarshaled
// from to see if the schema is missing anything.
func checkSchemaIsComplete(s *Schema, orig []byte) error {
var want, got any
if err := json.Unmarshal(orig, &want); err != nil {
return err
data, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &got); err != nil {
return err
diff := gocmp.Diff(want, got)
if diff != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("mismatch (-want, -got):\n%s", diff)
return nil
// adjustAdditionalProperties changes additionalProperties keys with the value {not{}} to false.
// It is needed because [Schema.UnmarshalJSON] does the opposite, and we want to compare with
// the input schema, which always uses false.
func adjustAdditionalProperties(x any) {
if m, ok := x.(map[string]any); ok {
for k, v := range m {
if k == "additionalProperties" {
if vm, ok := v.(map[string]any); ok && len(vm) == 1 {
if nm, ok := vm["not"].(map[string]any); ok && len(nm) == 0 {
m[k] = false
} else if a, ok := x.([]any); ok {
for _, e := range a {
// refPrefix is the common prefix for all "ref" schema elements.
// All references in this file are to other definitions in the same file.
const refPrefix = "#/$defs/"
// nameAnonymousTypes replaces anonymous types in the schemas with a reference to a named
// type, which it constructs and adds to the map.
func nameAnonymousTypes(schemas map[string]*Schema) {
var nameFields func(prefix string, props map[string]*Schema)
nameFields = func(prefix string, props map[string]*Schema) {
for fieldName, fs := range props {
if fs.Enum != nil || (fs.Type.Any() == "object" && fs.Properties != nil) {
fname := adjustIdentifier(fieldName)
newName := prefix + fname
schemas[newName] = fs
props[fieldName] = &Schema{Ref: refPrefix + newName}
nameFields(prefix+fname, fs.Properties)
for typeName, ts := range schemas {
nameFields(typeName, ts.Properties)
const license = `
// Copyright 2025 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
type generator struct {
pkgName string
schemas map[string]*Schema
cfg config
pr func(string, ...any)
// generate produces Go source for the types in schemas.
func (g *generator) generate() ([]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer = func(format string, args ...any) { fmt.Fprintf(&buf, format, args...) }"%s\n\n", license)"// This file was generated by jsonschemagen. DO NOT EDIT.\n\n")"package %s\n\n", g.pkgName)
if pc := g.cfg.configFor(g.pkgName); pc != nil {"import %q\n", pc.pkgPath)
// Sort the names so the output is deterministic.
for _, name := range sortedKeys(g.schemas) {
if ic := g.cfg.configFor(name); ic != nil && ic.omit {
if err := g.generateType(name); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (g *generator) generateType(name string) (err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", name, err)
s := g.schemas[name]
tcfg := g.cfg.configFor(name)
if tcfg == nil {
tcfg = &itemConfig{}
if s.Type.Any() == nil {
if s.AllOf != nil {
log.Printf("WARNING: %s: cannot handle allOf", name)
return nil
if s.AnyOf != nil {
log.Printf("WARNING: %s: cannot handle anyOf", name)
return nil
return errors.New("no type")
typ, ok := s.Type.Any().(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot handle multiple types: %v", s.Type)
if s.Enum != nil {
if typ != "string" {
return fmt.Errorf("don't understand enum with type %q", typ)
return g.generateStringEnum(name, s, tcfg)
switch typ {
case "object": // a JSONSchema object corresponds to a Go struct
if err := g.generateStruct(name, s, tcfg); err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("don't understand type %q", typ)
return nil
func (g *generator) generateStruct(name string, s *Schema, tcfg *itemConfig) error {
g.generateDoc(s, tcfg)
goName :=
if goName == "" {
goName = adjustIdentifier(name)
}"type %s struct {\n", goName)
for _, field := range sortedKeys(s.Properties) {
fcfg := g.cfg.configFor(name + "." + field)
if fcfg == nil {
fcfg = &itemConfig{}
if fcfg.omit {
fs := s.Properties[field]
// Ignore properties with a non-empty "not" constraint.
// They are probably the result of inheriting from a base zod type with a "never" constraint.
// E.g. see EmptyPartSchema and its subtypes in js/ai/src/model.ts.
if fs.Not != nil {
if fcfg.omit {
typeExpr := fcfg.typeExpr
if typeExpr == "" {
var err error
typeExpr, err = g.typeExpr(fs)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", field, err)
g.generateDoc(fs, fcfg)
jsonTag := fmt.Sprintf(`json:"%s,omitempty"`, field)" %s %s `%s`\n", adjustIdentifier(field), typeExpr, jsonTag)
return nil
func (g *generator) generateStringEnum(name string, s *Schema, tcfg *itemConfig) error {
g.generateDoc(s, tcfg)
goName :=
if goName == "" {
goName = adjustIdentifier(name)
}"type %s string\n", goName)"const (\n")
for _, v := range s.Enum {
goVName := goName + adjustIdentifier(v)
if ic := g.cfg.configFor(goVName); ic != nil {
if != "" {
goVName =
g.generateDoc(s, ic)
}` %s %s = "%s"`, goVName, goName, v)"\n")
return nil
func (g *generator) generateDoc(s *Schema, ic *itemConfig) {
var lines []string
if len(ic.docLines) > 0 {
lines = ic.docLines
} else if s.Description != "" {
lines = []string{s.Description}
if len(lines) > 0 {
for _, line := range lines {"// %s\n", line)
// typeExpr returns a Go type expression denoting the type represented by the schema.
func (g *generator) typeExpr(s *Schema) (string, error) {
// A reference to another type refers to that type by name. Use the name.
if s.Ref != "" {
name, ok := strings.CutPrefix(s.Ref, refPrefix)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("ref %q does not begin with prefix %q", s.Ref, refPrefix)
ic := g.cfg.configFor(name)
s2, ok := g.schemas[name]
if !ok {
// If there is no schema, perhaps there is a config value.
if ic != nil && != "" {
return, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unknown type in reference: %q", name)
// Apply a config that changes the name.
if ic := g.cfg.configFor(name); ic != nil && != "" {
name =
if s2.Enum != nil {
return name, nil
// If it's not an enum, it's a struct. Use a pointer to it.
return "*" + name, nil
// If there is no specified type, assume the schema represents any type.
if s.Type.Any() == nil {
return "any", nil
typ, ok := s.Type.Any().(string)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%+v: type not a string", s)
switch typ {
case "object": // a struct or map
if s.Properties == nil {
// An object with no properties is a map.
// The key type is always string.
// The value type is in the additionalProperties schema.
if s.AdditionalProperties == nil {
return "", errors.New("empty additionalProperties")
vte, err := g.typeExpr(s.AdditionalProperties)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "map[string]" + vte, nil
// This is an inline struct, which is not going to go well.
log.Printf("WARNING: ignoring inline struct %v", s.Properties)
return "any", nil
case "array": // a slice
el, err := g.typeExpr(s.Items)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf("[]%s", el), nil
case "string":
if s.Enum != nil {
log.Printf("WARNING: ignoring enum %v", s.Enum)
return "string", nil
return "string", nil
case "boolean":
return "bool", nil
case "number":
return "float64", nil
case "":
// Assume the empty schema, which means any type.
return "any", nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("typeExpr can't handle type %q", typ)
// adjustIdentifier returns name with the first letter capitalized
// so it is exported, and makes other idiomatic Go adjustments.
func adjustIdentifier(name string) string {
// "Id" is common; change to "ID".
if pre, ok := strings.CutSuffix(name, "Id"); ok {
name = pre + "ID"
} else if pre, ok := strings.CutSuffix(name, "Ids"); ok {
name = pre + "IDs"
return fmt.Sprintf("%c%s", unicode.ToUpper(rune(name[0])), name[1:])
func sortedKeys[K cmp.Ordered, V any](m map[K]V) []K {
keys := maps.Keys(m)
return keys
// config is the configuration for a schema file.
// It describes modifications to the defaults of the code generator.
type config struct {
itemConfigs map[string]*itemConfig
used map[string]bool // which itemConfigs were used
func (c config) configFor(name string) *itemConfig {
if ic := c.itemConfigs[name]; ic != nil {
c.used[name] = true
return ic
return nil
// itemConfig is configuration for one item: a type, a field or a package.
// Not all itemConfig fields apply to both, but using one type simplifies the parser.
type itemConfig struct {
omit bool
name string
pkgPath string
typeExpr string
docLines []string
// parseConfigFile parses the config file.
// The config file is line-oriented. Empty lines and lines beginning
// with '#' are ignored.
// Other lines start with a word which names either a package, a type or the
// field of a type (as TYPE.FIELD).
// Except for packages, the names are always the original JSONSchema names, not Go names.
// The rest of the line is a directive; one of
// omit
// don't generate code for this item
// name NAME
// use NAME instead of the default name
// type EXPR
// use EXPR for the type expression (for fields only)
// doc
// doc is following lines until the line "."
// pkg
// package path, relative to outdir (last component is package name)
// import
// path of package to import (for packages only)
func parseConfigFile(filename string) (config, error) {
c := config{
itemConfigs: map[string]*itemConfig{},
used: map[string]bool{},
filedata, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return config{}, err
var n int // line number
errf := func(format string, args ...any) (config, error) {
return config{}, fmt.Errorf("%s:%d: %s", filename, n, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
var docItem *itemConfig // if non-empty, collect doc lines here
for i, ln := range bytes.Split(filedata, []byte("\n")) {
n = i + 1
line := strings.TrimSpace(string(ln))
if docItem != nil {
if line == "." {
docItem = nil
} else {
docItem.docLines = append(docItem.docLines, line)
if len(line) == 0 || line[0] == '#' {
words := strings.Fields(line)
if len(words) < 2 {
return errf("need NAME DIRECTIVE ...")
ic := c.itemConfigs[words[0]]
if ic == nil {
ic = &itemConfig{}
c.itemConfigs[words[0]] = ic
switch words[1] {
case "omit":
ic.omit = true
case "name":
if len(words) < 3 {
return errf("need NAME name NEWNAME")
} = words[2]
case "type":
if len(words) < 3 {
return errf("need NAME type EXPR")
ic.typeExpr = words[2]
case "doc":
docItem = ic
case "pkg":
if len(words) < 3 {
return errf("need NAME pkg PATH")
ic.pkgPath = words[2]
case "import":
if len(words) < 3 {
return errf("need NAME import PATH")
ic.pkgPath = words[2]
return errf("unknown directive %q", words[1])
return c, nil