Genkit MCP
by firebase
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// The tracing package provides support for execution traces.
package tracing
import (
sdktrace ""
// State holds OpenTelemetry values for creating traces.
type State struct {
tp *sdktrace.TracerProvider // references Stores
tracer trace.Tracer // returned from tp.Tracer(), cached
func NewState() *State {
tp := sdktrace.NewTracerProvider()
return &State{
tp: tp,
tracer: tp.Tracer("genkit-tracer", trace.WithInstrumentationVersion("v1")),
func (ts *State) RegisterSpanProcessor(sp sdktrace.SpanProcessor) {
// WriteTelemetryImmediate adds a telemetry server to the tracingState.
// Traces are saved immediately as they are finshed.
// Use this for a gtrace.Store with a fast Save method,
// such as one that writes to a file.
func (ts *State) WriteTelemetryImmediate(client TelemetryClient) {
e := newTraceServerExporter(client)
// Adding a SimpleSpanProcessor is like using the WithSyncer option.
// Ignore tracerProvider.Shutdown. It shouldn't be needed when using WithSyncer.
// Confirmed for OTel packages as of v1.24.0.
// Also requires traceStoreExporter.Shutdown to be a no-op.
// WriteTelemetryBatch adds a telemetry server to the tracingState.
// Traces are batched before being sent for processing.
// Use this for a gtrace.Store with a potentially expensive Save method,
// such as one that makes an RPC.
// Callers must invoke the returned function at the end of the program to flush the final batch
// and perform other cleanup.
func (ts *State) WriteTelemetryBatch(client TelemetryClient) (shutdown func(context.Context) error) {
e := newTraceServerExporter(client)
// Adding a BatchSpanProcessor is like using the WithBatcher option.
// The rest of this file contains code translated from js/common/src/tracing/*.ts.
const (
attrPrefix = "genkit"
spanTypeAttr = attrPrefix + ":type"
// RunInNewSpan runs f on input in a new span with the given name.
// The attrs map provides the span's initial attributes.
func RunInNewSpan[I, O any](
ctx context.Context,
tstate *State,
name, spanType string,
isRoot bool,
input I,
f func(context.Context, I) (O, error),
) (O, error) {
// TODO: support span links.
log := logger.FromContext(ctx)
log.Debug("span start", "name", name)
defer log.Debug("span end", "name", name)
sm := &spanMetadata{
Name: name,
Input: input,
IsRoot: isRoot,
parentSpanMeta := spanMetaKey.FromContext(ctx)
var parentPath string
if parentSpanMeta != nil {
parentPath = parentSpanMeta.Path
sm.Path = parentPath + "/" + name
var opts []trace.SpanStartOption
if spanType != "" {
opts = append(opts, trace.WithAttributes(attribute.String(spanTypeAttr, spanType)))
ctx, span := tstate.tracer.Start(ctx, name, opts...)
defer span.End()
// At the end, copy some of the spanMetadata to the OpenTelemetry span.
defer func() { span.SetAttributes(sm.attributes()...) }()
// Add the spanMetadata to the context, so the function can access it.
ctx = spanMetaKey.NewContext(ctx, sm)
// Run the function.
output, err := f(ctx, input)
if err != nil {
sm.State = spanStateError
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
return base.Zero[O](), err
// TODO: the typescript code checks if sm.State == error here. Can that happen?
sm.State = spanStateSuccess
sm.Output = output
return output, nil
// spanState is the completion status of a span.
// An empty spanState indicates that the span has not ended.
type spanState string
const (
spanStateSuccess spanState = "success"
spanStateError spanState = "error"
// spanMetadata holds genkit-specific information about a span.
type spanMetadata struct {
Name string
State spanState
IsRoot bool
Input any
Output any
Path string // slash-separated list of names from the root span to the current one
mu sync.Mutex
attrs map[string]string // additional information, as key-value pairs
// SetAttr sets an attribute, overwriting whatever is there.
func (sm *spanMetadata) SetAttr(k, v string) {
if sm == nil {
if sm.attrs == nil {
sm.attrs = map[string]string{}
sm.attrs[k] = v
// attributes returns some information about the spanMetadata
// as a slice of OpenTelemetry attributes.
func (sm *spanMetadata) attributes() []attribute.KeyValue {
kvs := []attribute.KeyValue{
attribute.String("genkit:name", sm.Name),
attribute.String("genkit:state", string(sm.State)),
attribute.String("genkit:input", base.JSONString(sm.Input)),
attribute.String("genkit:path", sm.Path),
attribute.String("genkit:output", base.JSONString(sm.Output)),
if sm.IsRoot {
kvs = append(kvs, attribute.Bool("genkit:isRoot", sm.IsRoot))
for k, v := range sm.attrs {
kvs = append(kvs, attribute.String(attrPrefix+":metadata:"+k, v))
return kvs
// spanMetaKey is for storing spanMetadatas in a context.
var spanMetaKey = base.NewContextKey[*spanMetadata]()
// SetCustomMetadataAttr records a key in the current span metadata.
func SetCustomMetadataAttr(ctx context.Context, key, value string) {
spanMetaKey.FromContext(ctx).SetAttr(key, value)
// SpanPath returns the path as recroding in the current span metadata.
func SpanPath(ctx context.Context) string {
return spanMetaKey.FromContext(ctx).Path