Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { afterEach, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, jest, } from '@jest/globals'; import fs from 'fs'; import { toCsv, toJson } from '../../src/eval/exporter'; import { EvalResult, EvalRun, EvalRunKey } from '../../src/types/eval'; jest.mock('crypto', () => { return { createHash: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(), update: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(), digest: jest.fn(() => 'store-root'), }; }); const EVAL_RESULTS: EvalResult[] = [ { testCaseId: 'alakjdshfalsdkjh', input: { subject: 'something', style: 'structured' }, output: { output: 'output', other: 'other' }, context: ['context1', 'context2'], metrics: [ { evaluator: 'faithfulness', score: 0.5, rationale: 'somewhat faithful', traceId: '123', spanId: '456', }, { evaluator: 'answer_relevancy', error: 'errored\nwith\nreturns\n', }, ], traceIds: ['abc123', 'defhij'], reference: { structured: 'structured', output: 'output', other: 'other' }, }, { testCaseId: 'poqiweurqwepru', input: 'This is just a string', output: 'This is also just a string', context: [], metrics: [ { evaluator: 'faithfulness', score: 0, rationale: 'The provided context does not mention typical cat behaviors, so I cannot answer this question from the provided context.', traceId: '789', spanId: '101', }, { evaluator: 'answer_relevancy', error: 'errored, with a comma', }, ], traceIds: [], }, ]; const EVAL_RUN_KEY: EvalRunKey = { actionRef: 'flow/myAwesomeFlow', evalRunId: 'abc1234', createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }; const EVAL_RUN: EvalRun = { key: EVAL_RUN_KEY, results: EVAL_RESULTS, }; const CSV_OUTPUT_FILE = '/tmp/myAwesomeOutput.csv'; const JSON_OUTPUT_FILE = '/tmp/myAwesomeOutput.json'; describe('exporter', () => { beforeEach(() => { fs.promises.writeFile = jest.fn(async () => Promise.resolve(undefined)); }); afterEach(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); describe('toCsv', () => { it('should handle vanilla strings', () => { const evalResults: EvalResult[] = [ { testCaseId: 'testCase1', input: 'input', output: 'output', context: [], metrics: [ { evaluator: 'faithfulness', score: 0.5, rationale: 'faithful', traceId: '123', spanId: '456', }, ], traceIds: [], }, ]; toCsv({ key: EVAL_RUN_KEY, results: evalResults }, CSV_OUTPUT_FILE); const expectedHeader = 'testCaseId,input,output,context,traceIds,faithfulness_score,faithfulness_rationale,faithfulness_error,faithfulness_traceId,faithfulness_spanId'; const expectedRecord = `testCase1,input,output,[],[],0.5,faithful,,123,456`; expect(fs.promises.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith( CSV_OUTPUT_FILE, `${expectedHeader}\n${expectedRecord}` ); }); it('should unnest metrics', () => { const evalResults: EvalResult[] = [ { testCaseId: 'testCase1', input: 'input', output: 'output', context: [], metrics: [ { evaluator: 'faithfulness', score: 0.5, rationale: 'faithful', traceId: '123', spanId: '456', }, { evaluator: 'answer_relevancy', score: 1.0, rationale: 'relevant', traceId: '789', spanId: '101', }, ], traceIds: [], }, ]; toCsv({ key: EVAL_RUN_KEY, results: evalResults }, CSV_OUTPUT_FILE); const expectedHeader = 'testCaseId,input,output,context,traceIds,faithfulness_score,faithfulness_rationale,faithfulness_error,faithfulness_traceId,faithfulness_spanId,answer_relevancy_score,answer_relevancy_rationale,answer_relevancy_error,answer_relevancy_traceId,answer_relevancy_spanId'; const expectedRecord = `testCase1,input,output,[],[],0.5,faithful,,123,456,1,relevant,,789,101`; expect(fs.promises.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith( CSV_OUTPUT_FILE, `${expectedHeader}\n${expectedRecord}` ); }); it('should handle errors in metrics', () => { const evalResults: EvalResult[] = [ { testCaseId: 'testCase1', input: 'input', output: 'output', context: [], metrics: [ { evaluator: 'faithfulness', error: 'This is an error!', }, ], traceIds: [], }, ]; toCsv({ key: EVAL_RUN_KEY, results: evalResults }, CSV_OUTPUT_FILE); const expectedHeader = 'testCaseId,input,output,context,traceIds,faithfulness_score,faithfulness_rationale,faithfulness_error,faithfulness_traceId,faithfulness_spanId'; const expectedRecord = `testCase1,input,output,[],[],,,This is an error!,,`; expect(fs.promises.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith( CSV_OUTPUT_FILE, `${expectedHeader}\n${expectedRecord}` ); }); it('should stringify structured input', () => { const evalResults: EvalResult[] = [ { testCaseId: 'testCase1', input: { subject: 'something', style: 'structured' }, output: 'output', context: [], metrics: [ { evaluator: 'faithfulness', score: 0.5, rationale: 'faithful', traceId: '123', spanId: '456', }, ], traceIds: [], }, ]; toCsv({ key: EVAL_RUN_KEY, results: evalResults }, CSV_OUTPUT_FILE); const expectedHeader = 'testCaseId,input,output,context,traceIds,faithfulness_score,faithfulness_rationale,faithfulness_error,faithfulness_traceId,faithfulness_spanId'; const expectedRecord = `testCase1,\"{\"\"subject\"\":\"\"something\"\",\"\"style\"\":\"\"structured\"\"}\",output,[],[],0.5,faithful,,123,456`; expect(fs.promises.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith( CSV_OUTPUT_FILE, `${expectedHeader}\n${expectedRecord}` ); }); it('should handle carriage returns', () => { const evalResults: EvalResult[] = [ { testCaseId: 'testCase1', input: 'input', output: 'output', context: [], metrics: [ { evaluator: 'faithfulness', error: 'errored\nwith\na\ncarriage return', }, ], traceIds: [], }, ]; toCsv({ key: EVAL_RUN_KEY, results: evalResults }, CSV_OUTPUT_FILE); const expectedHeader = 'testCaseId,input,output,context,traceIds,faithfulness_score,faithfulness_rationale,faithfulness_error,faithfulness_traceId,faithfulness_spanId'; const expectedRecord = `testCase1,input,output,[],[],,,\"errored with a carriage return\",,`; expect(fs.promises.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith( CSV_OUTPUT_FILE, `${expectedHeader}\n${expectedRecord}` ); }); it('should handle context and trace arrays', () => { const evalResults: EvalResult[] = [ { testCaseId: 'testCase1', input: 'input', output: 'output', context: ['context1', 'context2'], metrics: [ { evaluator: 'faithfulness', score: 0.5, rationale: 'faithful', traceId: '123', spanId: '456', }, ], traceIds: ['trace1', 'trace2'], }, ]; toCsv({ key: EVAL_RUN_KEY, results: evalResults }, CSV_OUTPUT_FILE); const expectedHeader = 'testCaseId,input,output,context,traceIds,faithfulness_score,faithfulness_rationale,faithfulness_error,faithfulness_traceId,faithfulness_spanId'; const expectedRecord = `testCase1,input,output,\"[\"\"context1\"\",\"\"context2\"\"]\",\"[\"\"trace1\"\",\"\"trace2\"\"]\",0.5,faithful,,123,456`; expect(fs.promises.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith( CSV_OUTPUT_FILE, `${expectedHeader}\n${expectedRecord}` ); }); it('should handle commas in strings', () => { const evalResults: EvalResult[] = [ { testCaseId: 'testCase1', input: 'input, with, extra, commas', output: 'output', context: [], metrics: [ { evaluator: 'faithfulness', score: 0.5, rationale: 'faithful', traceId: '123', spanId: '456', }, ], traceIds: [], }, ]; toCsv({ key: EVAL_RUN_KEY, results: evalResults }, CSV_OUTPUT_FILE); const expectedHeader = 'testCaseId,input,output,context,traceIds,faithfulness_score,faithfulness_rationale,faithfulness_error,faithfulness_traceId,faithfulness_spanId'; const expectedRecord = `testCase1,\"input, with, extra, commas\",output,[],[],0.5,faithful,,123,456`; expect(fs.promises.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith( CSV_OUTPUT_FILE, `${expectedHeader}\n${expectedRecord}` ); }); it('should include ground truth', () => { const evalResults: EvalResult[] = [ { testCaseId: 'testCase1', input: 'input', output: 'output', context: [], metrics: [ { evaluator: 'faithfulness', score: 0.5, rationale: 'faithful', traceId: '123', spanId: '456', }, ], traceIds: [], reference: 'This is the honest truth', }, ]; toCsv({ key: EVAL_RUN_KEY, results: evalResults }, CSV_OUTPUT_FILE); const expectedHeader = 'testCaseId,input,output,context,traceIds,reference,faithfulness_score,faithfulness_rationale,faithfulness_error,faithfulness_traceId,faithfulness_spanId'; const expectedRecord = `testCase1,input,output,[],[],This is the honest truth,0.5,faithful,,123,456`; expect(fs.promises.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith( CSV_OUTPUT_FILE, `${expectedHeader}\n${expectedRecord}` ); }); }); describe('toJson', () => { it('should write json string', () => { toJson(EVAL_RUN, JSON_OUTPUT_FILE); expect(fs.promises.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith( JSON_OUTPUT_FILE, JSON.stringify(EVAL_RESULTS, undefined, ' ') ); }); }); });