Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2025 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import Ajv, { ErrorObject, JSONSchemaType } from 'ajv'; import addFormats from 'ajv-formats'; import { getDatasetStore } from '.'; import { RuntimeManager } from '../manager'; import { Action, ErrorDetail, InferenceDatasetSchema, ValidateDataRequest, ValidateDataResponse, } from '../types'; import { getModelInput } from '../utils'; // Setup for AJV type JSONSchema = JSONSchemaType<any> | any; const ajv = new Ajv(); addFormats(ajv); /** * Validate given data against a target action. Intended to be used via the * reflection API. */ export async function validateSchema( manager: RuntimeManager, request: ValidateDataRequest ): Promise<ValidateDataResponse> { const { dataSource, actionRef } = request; const { datasetId, data } = dataSource; if (!datasetId && !data) { throw new Error(`Either 'data' or 'datasetId' must be provided`); } const targetAction = await getAction(manager, actionRef); const targetSchema = targetAction?.inputSchema; if (!targetAction) { throw new Error(`Could not find matching action for ${actionRef}`); } if (!targetSchema) { return { valid: true }; } const errorsMap: Record<string, ErrorDetail[]> = {}; if (datasetId) { const datasetStore = await getDatasetStore(); const dataset = await datasetStore.getDataset(datasetId); if (dataset.length === 0) { return { valid: true }; } dataset.forEach((sample) => { const response = validate(actionRef, targetSchema, sample.input); if (!response.valid) { errorsMap[sample.testCaseId] = response.errors ?? []; } }); return Object.keys(errorsMap).length === 0 ? { valid: true } : { valid: false, errors: errorsMap }; } else { const dataset = InferenceDatasetSchema.parse(data); dataset.forEach((sample, index) => { const response = validate(actionRef, targetSchema, sample.input); if (!response.valid) { errorsMap[index.toString()] = response.errors ?? []; } }); return Object.keys(errorsMap).length === 0 ? { valid: true } : { valid: false, errors: errorsMap }; } } function validate( actionRef: string, jsonSchema: JSONSchema, data: unknown ): { valid: boolean; errors?: ErrorDetail[] } { const isModelAction = actionRef.startsWith('/model'); let input; if (isModelAction) { try { input = getModelInput(data, /* modelConfig= */ undefined); } catch (e) { return { valid: false, errors: [ { path: '(root)', message: `Unable to convert to model input. Details: ${e}`, }, ], }; } } else { input = data; } const validator = ajv.compile(jsonSchema); const valid = validator(input) as boolean; const errors = validator.errors?.map((e) => e); return { valid, errors: errors?.map(toErrorDetail) }; } function toErrorDetail(error: ErrorObject): ErrorDetail { return { path: error.instancePath.substring(1).replace(/\//g, '.') || '(root)', message: error.message!, }; } async function getAction( manager: RuntimeManager, actionRef: string ): Promise<Action | undefined> { const actions = await manager.listActions(); return actions[actionRef]; }