Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { ToolPluginSubCommandsSchema } from '@genkit-ai/tools-common/plugin'; import { RunCommandEvent, logger, notifyAnalyticsIfFirstRun, record, } from '@genkit-ai/tools-common/utils'; import { Command, program } from 'commander'; import { config } from './commands/config'; import { evalExtractData } from './commands/eval-extract-data'; import { evalFlow } from './commands/eval-flow'; import { evalRun } from './commands/eval-run'; import { flowBatchRun } from './commands/flow-batch-run'; import { flowRun } from './commands/flow-run'; import { getPluginCommands, getPluginSubCommand } from './commands/plugins'; import { start } from './commands/start'; import { uiStart } from './commands/ui-start'; import { uiStop } from './commands/ui-stop'; import { version } from './utils/version'; /** * All commands need to be directly registered in this list. * * To add a new command to the CLI, create a file under src/commands that * exports a Command constant, then add it to the list below */ const commands: Command[] = [ uiStart, uiStop, flowRun, flowBatchRun, evalExtractData, evalRun, evalFlow, config, start, ]; /** Main entry point for CLI. */ export async function startCLI(): Promise<void> { program .name('genkit') .description('Firebase Genkit CLI') .version(version) .hook('preAction', async (_, actionCommand) => { await notifyAnalyticsIfFirstRun(); // For now only record known command names, to avoid tools plugins causing // arbitrary text to get recorded. Once we launch tools plugins, we'll have // to give this more thought const commandNames = =>; let commandName: string; if (commandNames.includes( { commandName =; } else if ( actionCommand.parent && commandNames.includes( ) { commandName =; } else { commandName = 'unknown'; } await record(new RunCommandEvent(commandName)); }); for (const command of commands) program.addCommand(command); for (const command of await getPluginCommands()) program.addCommand(command); for (const cmd of ToolPluginSubCommandsSchema.keyof().options) { const command = await getPluginSubCommand(cmd); if (command) { program.addCommand(command); } } program.addCommand( new Command('help').action(() => {; }) ); // Default action to catch unknown commands. program.action(() => { // print help; }); await program.parseAsync(); }