
by PV-Bhat
import axios from 'axios'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import { McpError, ErrorCode } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import { MODELS, TaskType, getModelForTask } from '../config/models.js'; import { API, TOOL_NAMES } from '../config/constants.js'; import { rateLimitManager } from '../utils/rate-limiter.js'; import { formatErrorResponse } from '../utils/error-handler.js'; import { formatResponse, ResponseOptions } from '../utils/response-formatter.js'; /** * Interface for file analysis arguments */ export interface AnalyzeFileArgs { /** Path to the file to analyze */ file_path: string; /** Optional specific question about the file */ query?: string; /** Optional model ID override */ modelId?: string; } /** * Interface for multiple file analysis arguments */ export interface AnalyzeFilesArgs { /** Paths to the files to analyze */ file_paths: string[]; /** Optional specific question about the files */ query?: string; /** Optional model ID override */ modelId?: string; } /** * Handles file analysis requests * @param request The MCP request * @returns The MCP response */ export async function handleAnalyzeFile(request: any) { try { // Validate required parameters if (!request.params.arguments || typeof request.params.arguments.file_path !== 'string') { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'File path parameter is required and must be a string' ); } // Extract and parse arguments const args: AnalyzeFileArgs = { file_path: request.params.arguments.file_path, query: request.params.arguments.query || 'Analyze this file and describe its contents.', modelId: request.params.arguments.modelId }; // Select appropriate model or use provided model const modelId = args.modelId || getModelForTask(TaskType.FILE_ANALYSIS); // Get model configuration const model = MODELS[modelId]; if (!model) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Unknown model: ${modelId}` ); } // Check if model supports multimodal input if (!model.capabilities.multimodal) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `The model ${model.displayName} does not support multimodal inputs` ); } // Read and process the file try { const fileData = await fs.readFile(args.file_path); const base64Data = fileData.toString('base64'); const mimeType = getMimeType(args.file_path); // Prepare the request body const requestBody = { contents: [{ role: 'user', parts: [ { inline_data: { mime_type: mimeType, data: base64Data } }, { text: args.query } ] }] }; // Execute the API call with retry logic const endpoint = `${API.ENDPOINT}/${modelId}:generateContent?key=${API.API_KEY}`; const response = await rateLimitManager.executeWithRetry(modelId, async () => { const response = await, requestBody); return; }); // Format the response const responseOptions: ResponseOptions = { includeThinking: false, includeSearch: false, customFormat: { operation: TOOL_NAMES.ANALYZE_FILE, fileName: path.basename(args.file_path) } }; return formatResponse(response, modelId, responseOptions); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Error reading file: ${error.message}` ); } throw error; } } catch (error) { console.error('Error in analyze file handler:', error); if (error instanceof McpError) { throw error; } return formatErrorResponse(error); } } /** * Handles multiple file analysis requests * @param request The MCP request * @returns The MCP response */ export async function handleAnalyzeFiles(request: any) { try { // Validate required parameters if (!request.params.arguments || !Array.isArray(request.params.arguments.file_paths)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'file_paths parameter is required and must be an array of strings' ); } // Extract and parse arguments const args: AnalyzeFilesArgs = { file_paths: request.params.arguments.file_paths, query: request.params.arguments.query || 'Analyze these files and describe their contents.', modelId: request.params.arguments.modelId }; // Select appropriate model or use provided model const modelId = args.modelId || getModelForTask(TaskType.FILE_ANALYSIS); // Get model configuration const model = MODELS[modelId]; if (!model) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Unknown model: ${modelId}` ); } // Check if model supports multimodal input if (!model.capabilities.multimodal) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `The model ${model.displayName} does not support multimodal inputs` ); } try { // Process all files const fileParts = await Promise.all( (filePath) => { const fileData = await fs.readFile(filePath); const base64Data = fileData.toString('base64'); const mimeType = getMimeType(filePath); return { inline_data: { mime_type: mimeType, data: base64Data } }; }) ); // Prepare the request body const requestBody = { contents: [{ role: 'user', parts: [ ...fileParts, { text: args.query } ] }] }; // Execute the API call with retry logic const endpoint = `${API.ENDPOINT}/${modelId}:generateContent?key=${API.API_KEY}`; const response = await rateLimitManager.executeWithRetry(modelId, async () => { const response = await, requestBody); return; }); // Format the response const responseOptions: ResponseOptions = { includeThinking: false, includeSearch: false, customFormat: { operation: 'analyze_files', fileCount: args.file_paths.length, fileNames: => path.basename(filePath)) } }; return formatResponse(response, modelId, responseOptions); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Error processing files: ${error.message}` ); } throw error; } } catch (error) { console.error('Error in analyze files handler:', error); if (error instanceof McpError) { throw error; } return formatErrorResponse(error); } } /** * Gets the MIME type for a file based on its extension * @param filePath Path to the file * @returns MIME type string */ function getMimeType(filePath: string): string { const extension = path.extname(filePath).toLowerCase(); switch (extension) { case '.jpg': case '.jpeg': return 'image/jpeg'; case '.png': return 'image/png'; case '.gif': return 'image/gif'; case '.webp': return 'image/webp'; case '.pdf': return 'application/pdf'; case '.md': return 'text/markdown'; case '.txt': return 'text/plain'; default: return 'application/octet-stream'; } } /** * Determines file type from file path * Used for model selection */ function getFileType(filePath: string): string { const extension = path.extname(filePath).toLowerCase(); if (['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.webp'].includes(extension)) { return 'image'; } else if (extension === '.pdf') { return 'pdf'; } else { return 'text'; } } /** * Selects the appropriate model for file type */ function selectModelForFileType(fileType: string): string { // For now, we just use the general file analysis model return getModelForTask(TaskType.FILE_ANALYSIS); }