Beyond MCP Server

  • src
import { startStdioServer } from './mcp/server'; import { startExpressServer } from './server'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import dotenv from 'dotenv'; // Log the current working directory console.error('Current working directory:', process.cwd()); // Try to find the .env file in multiple locations const possibleEnvPaths = [ // Current working directory path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.env'), // Directory where the script is located path.resolve(__dirname, '../.env'), // Try one level up from dist directory (project root) path.resolve(__dirname, '../../.env'), // Try dist directory itself path.resolve(__dirname, '.env'), // Try parent directories (up to 3 levels) path.resolve(process.cwd(), '../.env'), path.resolve(process.cwd(), '../../.env'), path.resolve(process.cwd(), '../../../.env') ]; let envLoaded = false; for (const envPath of possibleEnvPaths) { console.error('Attempting to load .env from:', envPath); if (fs.existsSync(envPath)) { const result = dotenv.config({ path: envPath }); if (!result.error) { console.error('.env file loaded successfully from:', envPath); envLoaded = true; break; } else { console.error('Error loading .env file from', envPath, ':', result.error); } } else { console.error('.env file not found at:', envPath); } } if (!envLoaded) { console.error('Could not load .env file from any location. Using fallback values.'); console.error('Please create a .env file with your configuration. See .env.example for reference.'); } // Set default environment variables if not already set if (!process.env.ENABLE_FARCASTER) { console.error('ENABLE_FARCASTER not set, using fallback value: true'); process.env.ENABLE_FARCASTER = 'true'; } if (!process.env.NEYNAR_API_KEY) { console.error('NEYNAR_API_KEY not set. Please set this in your .env file.'); console.error('You can get a Neynar API key from'); console.error('The server will not function correctly without a valid API key.'); // Not setting a fallback value, will let the application handle this case } // Log environment variables related to Farcaster console.error('Environment variables after loading:'); console.error('- ENABLE_FARCASTER:', process.env.ENABLE_FARCASTER); console.error('- NEYNAR_API_KEY:', process.env.NEYNAR_API_KEY ? 'Set (not showing full key)' : 'Not set'); console.error('- NODE_ENV:', process.env.NODE_ENV); // Now import config after environment variables are set import config from './config'; async function main() { // Check if we're in stdio mode or HTTP mode const args = process.argv.slice(2); const isStdioMode = args.includes('--stdio') || !args.includes('--http'); // Check for API key in command line arguments const apiKeyArg = args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('--neynar-api-key=')); if (apiKeyArg && !process.env.NEYNAR_API_KEY) { const apiKey = apiKeyArg.split('=')[1]; if (apiKey) { console.error('Using Neynar API key from command line arguments'); process.env.NEYNAR_API_KEY = apiKey; } } try { if (isStdioMode) { // Start server in stdio mode console.error('Starting Beyond MCP Server in stdio mode'); await startStdioServer(); } else { // Start server in HTTP mode console.error('Starting Beyond MCP Server in HTTP mode'); await startExpressServer(); } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to start server:', error); process.exit(1); } } // Run the main function main().catch(error => { console.error('Unhandled error:', error); process.exit(1); });