
by jason-tan-swe
import { createTool, formatToolDescription } from '@/utils/tools.js'; import { z } from 'zod'; import { tcpProxyService } from '@/services/tcpProxy.service.js'; export const tcpProxyTools = [ createTool( "tcp_proxy_list", formatToolDescription({ type: 'API', description: "List all TCP proxies for a service in a specific environment", bestFor: [ "Viewing TCP proxy configurations", "Managing external access", "Auditing service endpoints" ], relations: { prerequisites: ["service_list"], nextSteps: ["tcp_proxy_create"], related: ["domain_list", "service_info"] } }), { environmentId: z.string().describe("ID of the environment containing the service"), serviceId: z.string().describe("ID of the service to list TCP proxies for") }, async ({ environmentId, serviceId }) => { return tcpProxyService.listTcpProxies(environmentId, serviceId); } ), createTool( "tcp_proxy_create", formatToolDescription({ type: 'API', description: "Create a new TCP proxy for a service", bestFor: [ "Setting up database access", "Configuring external connections", "Exposing TCP services" ], notFor: [ "HTTP/HTTPS endpoints (use domain_create)", "Internal service communication" ], relations: { prerequisites: ["service_list"], nextSteps: ["tcp_proxy_list"], alternatives: ["domain_create"], related: ["service_info", "service_update"] } }), { environmentId: z.string().describe("ID of the environment (usually obtained from service_info)"), serviceId: z.string().describe("ID of the service"), applicationPort: z.number().describe("Port of application/service to proxy, usually based off of the service's Dockerfile or designated running port.") }, async ({ environmentId, serviceId, applicationPort }) => { return tcpProxyService.createTcpProxy({ environmentId, serviceId, applicationPort }); } ), createTool( "tcp_proxy_delete", formatToolDescription({ type: 'API', description: "Delete a TCP proxy", bestFor: [ "Removing unused proxies", "Security management", "Endpoint cleanup" ], notFor: [ "Temporary proxy disabling", "Port updates" ], relations: { prerequisites: ["tcp_proxy_list"], related: ["service_update"] } }), { proxyId: z.string().describe("ID of the TCP proxy to delete") }, async ({ proxyId }) => { return tcpProxyService.deleteTcpProxy(proxyId); } ) ];