
by jason-tan-swe
{"info": {"name": "backboard.railway.app", "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json"}, "item": [{"name": "Queries", "item": [{"name": "adminVolumeInstancesForVolume", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query adminVolumeInstancesForVolume($volumeId: String!) {\n adminVolumeInstancesForVolume(volumeId: $volumeId) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n currentSizeMB\n # environment\n environmentId\n externalId\n id\n mountPath\n region\n # service\n serviceId\n sizeMB\n state\n type\n # volume\n volumeId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"volumeId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get all volume instances for a given volume"}, "response": []}, {"name": "apiTokens", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query apiTokens($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $last: Int) {\n apiTokens(after: $after, before: $before, first: $first, last: $last) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Gets all API tokens for the authenticated user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "buildLogs", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query buildLogs($deploymentId: String!, $endDate: DateTime, $filter: String, $limit: Int, $startDate: DateTime) {\n buildLogs(\n deploymentId: $deploymentId\n endDate: $endDate\n filter: $filter\n limit: $limit\n startDate: $startDate\n ) {\n __typename\n # attributes # The attributes that were parsed from a structured log\n message # The contents of the log message\n severity # The severity of the log message (eg. err)\n # tags # The tags that were associated with the log\n timestamp # The timestamp of the log message in format RFC3339 (nano)\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"deploymentId\": null,\n\t\"endDate\": null,\n\t\"filter\": null,\n\t\"limit\": null,\n\t\"startDate\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Fetch logs for a build"}, "response": []}, {"name": "changelogBlockImage", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query changelogBlockImage($id: String!) {\n changelogBlockImage(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Gets the image URL for a Notion image block"}, "response": []}, {"name": "creditTransferMetrics", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query creditTransferMetrics {\n creditTransferMetrics {\n __typename\n creditTransferAvg\n creditTransferCount\n creditTransferSum\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the total count and sum of transfers to date."}, "response": []}, {"name": "customDomain", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query customDomain($id: String!, $projectId: String!) {\n customDomain(id: $id, projectId: $projectId) {\n __typename\n # cnameCheck\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n domain\n environmentId\n id\n projectId\n serviceId\n # status\n targetPort\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Fetch details for a custom domain"}, "response": []}, {"name": "customDomainAvailable", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query customDomainAvailable($domain: String!) {\n customDomainAvailable(domain: $domain) {\n __typename\n available\n message\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"domain\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Checks if a custom domain is available."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deployment", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query deployment($id: String!) {\n deployment(id: $id) {\n __typename\n canRedeploy\n canRollback\n createdAt\n # creator\n deploymentStopped # Check if a deployment's instances have all stopped\n # environment\n environmentId\n id\n meta\n projectId\n # service\n serviceId\n snapshotId\n # sockets\n staticUrl\n status\n suggestAddServiceDomain\n updatedAt\n url\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Find a single deployment"}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentEvents", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query deploymentEvents($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $id: String!, $last: Int) {\n deploymentEvents(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n first: $first\n id: $id\n last: $last\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"last\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the deployment events for a deployment"}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentInstanceExecutions", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query deploymentInstanceExecutions($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $input: DeploymentInstanceExecutionListInput!, $last: Int) {\n deploymentInstanceExecutions(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n first: $first\n input: $input\n last: $last\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"input\": null,\n\t\"last\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the deployment instance executions for a deployment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentLogs", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query deploymentLogs($deploymentId: String!, $endDate: DateTime, $filter: String, $limit: Int, $startDate: DateTime) {\n deploymentLogs(\n deploymentId: $deploymentId\n endDate: $endDate\n filter: $filter\n limit: $limit\n startDate: $startDate\n ) {\n __typename\n # attributes # The attributes that were parsed from a structured log\n message # The contents of the log message\n severity # The severity of the log message (eg. err)\n # tags # The tags that were associated with the log\n timestamp # The timestamp of the log message in format RFC3339 (nano)\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"deploymentId\": null,\n\t\"endDate\": null,\n\t\"filter\": null,\n\t\"limit\": null,\n\t\"startDate\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Fetch logs for a deployment"}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentSnapshot", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query deploymentSnapshot($deploymentId: String!) {\n deploymentSnapshot(deploymentId: $deploymentId) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n id\n updatedAt\n variables\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"deploymentId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Find a single DeploymentSnapshot"}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentTriggers", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query deploymentTriggers($after: String, $before: String, $environmentId: String!, $first: Int, $last: Int, $projectId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n deploymentTriggers(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n environmentId: $environmentId\n first: $first\n last: $last\n projectId: $projectId\n serviceId: $serviceId\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "All deployment triggers."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deployments", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query deployments($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $input: DeploymentListInput!, $last: Int) {\n deployments(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n first: $first\n input: $input\n last: $last\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"input\": null,\n\t\"last\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get all deployments"}, "response": []}, {"name": "domainStatus", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query domainStatus($id: String!, $projectId: String!) {\n domainStatus(id: $id, projectId: $projectId) {\n __typename\n cdnProvider\n certificateStatus\n # certificates\n # dnsRecords\n # domain\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Domain with status"}, "response": []}, {"name": "domains", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query domains($environmentId: String!, $projectId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n domains(\n environmentId: $environmentId\n projectId: $projectId\n serviceId: $serviceId\n ) {\n __typename\n # customDomains\n # serviceDomains\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "All domains for a service instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "egressGateways", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query egressGateways($environmentId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n egressGateways(environmentId: $environmentId, serviceId: $serviceId) {\n __typename\n ipv4\n region\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "All egress gateways assigned to a service instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "environment", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query environment($id: String!) {\n environment(id: $id) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deploymentTriggers\n # deployments\n id\n isEphemeral\n # meta\n name\n projectId\n # serviceInstances\n # sourceEnvironment\n unmergedChangesCount\n updatedAt\n # variables\n # volumeInstances\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Find a single environment"}, "response": []}, {"name": "environmentLogs", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query environmentLogs($afterDate: String, $afterLimit: Int, $anchorDate: String, $beforeDate: String, $beforeLimit: Int, $environmentId: String!, $filter: String) {\n environmentLogs(\n afterDate: $afterDate\n afterLimit: $afterLimit\n anchorDate: $anchorDate\n beforeDate: $beforeDate\n beforeLimit: $beforeLimit\n environmentId: $environmentId\n filter: $filter\n ) {\n __typename\n # attributes # The attributes that were parsed from a structured log\n message # The contents of the log message\n severity # The severity of the log message (eg. err)\n # tags # The tags that were associated with the log\n timestamp # The timestamp of the log message in format RFC3339 (nano)\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"afterDate\": null,\n\t\"afterLimit\": null,\n\t\"anchorDate\": null,\n\t\"beforeDate\": null,\n\t\"beforeLimit\": null,\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"filter\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Fetch logs for a project environment. Build logs are excluded unless a snapshot ID is explicitly provided in the filter"}, "response": []}, {"name": "environmentPatches", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query environmentPatches($after: String, $before: String, $environmentId: String!, $first: Int, $last: Int) {\n environmentPatches(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n environmentId: $environmentId\n first: $first\n last: $last\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the patches for an environment"}, "response": []}, {"name": "environments", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query environments($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $isEphemeral: Boolean, $last: Int, $projectId: String!) {\n environments(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n first: $first\n isEphemeral: $isEphemeral\n last: $last\n projectId: $projectId\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"isEphemeral\": null,\n\t\"last\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Gets all environments for a project."}, "response": []}, {"name": "estimatedUsage", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query estimatedUsage($includeDeleted: Boolean, $measurements: [MetricMeasurement!]!, $projectId: String, $teamId: String, $userId: String) {\n estimatedUsage(\n includeDeleted: $includeDeleted\n measurements: $measurements\n projectId: $projectId\n teamId: $teamId\n userId: $userId\n ) {\n __typename\n estimatedValue # The estimated value.\n measurement # The measurement that was estimated.\n projectId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"includeDeleted\": null,\n\t\"measurements\": [null],\n\t\"projectId\": null,\n\t\"teamId\": null,\n\t\"userId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the estimated total cost of the project at the end of the current billing cycle. If no `startDate` is provided, the usage for the current billing period of the project owner is returned."}, "response": []}, {"name": "events", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query events($after: String, $before: String, $environmentId: String, $filter: EventFilterInput, $first: Int, $last: Int, $projectId: String!) {\n events(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n environmentId: $environmentId\n filter: $filter\n first: $first\n last: $last\n projectId: $projectId\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"filter\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Gets the events for a project."}, "response": []}, {"name": "gitHubRepoAccessAvailable", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query gitHubRepoAccessAvailable($fullRepoName: String!) {\n gitHubRepoAccessAvailable(fullRepoName: $fullRepoName) {\n __typename\n hasAccess\n isPublic\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"fullRepoName\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Checks if user has access to GitHub repository"}, "response": []}, {"name": "githubIsRepoNameAvailable", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query githubIsRepoNameAvailable($fullRepoName: String!) {\n githubIsRepoNameAvailable(fullRepoName: $fullRepoName)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"fullRepoName\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Check if a repo name is available"}, "response": []}, {"name": "githubRepo", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query githubRepo($fullRepoName: String!) {\n githubRepo(fullRepoName: $fullRepoName) {\n __typename\n defaultBranch\n fullName\n id\n isPrivate\n name\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"fullRepoName\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Checks if user has access to GitHub repository"}, "response": []}, {"name": "githubRepoBranches", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query githubRepoBranches($owner: String!, $repo: String!) {\n githubRepoBranches(owner: $owner, repo: $repo) {\n __typename\n name\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"owner\": null,\n\t\"repo\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get branches for a GitHub repo that the authenticated user has access to"}, "response": []}, {"name": "githubRepos", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query githubRepos {\n githubRepos {\n __typename\n defaultBranch\n fullName\n id\n installationId\n isPrivate\n name\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a list of repos for a user that Railway has access to"}, "response": []}, {"name": "githubWritableScopes", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query githubWritableScopes {\n githubWritableScopes\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a list of scopes the user has installed the installation to"}, "response": []}, {"name": "herokuApps", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query herokuApps {\n herokuApps {\n __typename\n id\n name\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the Herokus apps for the current user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "httpLogs", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query httpLogs($afterDate: String, $afterLimit: Int, $anchorDate: String, $beforeDate: String, $beforeLimit: Int, $deploymentId: String!, $endDate: String, $filter: String, $limit: Int, $startDate: String) {\n httpLogs(\n afterDate: $afterDate\n afterLimit: $afterLimit\n anchorDate: $anchorDate\n beforeDate: $beforeDate\n beforeLimit: $beforeLimit\n deploymentId: $deploymentId\n endDate: $endDate\n filter: $filter\n limit: $limit\n startDate: $startDate\n ) {\n __typename\n clientUa # The client user agent\n deploymentId # The deployment ID that was requested\n deploymentInstanceId # The deployment instance ID that was requested\n downstreamProto # The downstream HTTP protocol version\n edgeRegion # The edge region the client connected to\n host # The requested host\n httpStatus # The http status of the log\n method # The request HTTP method\n path # The requested path\n requestId # The unique request ID\n responseDetails # Details about the upstream response\n rxBytes # Received bytes\n srcIp # The source IP of the request\n timestamp # The timestamp the log was created\n totalDuration # The total duration the request took\n txBytes # Outgoing bytes\n upstreamAddress # The upstream address\n upstreamProto # The upstream HTTP protocol version\n upstreamRqDuration # How long the upstream request took to respond\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"afterDate\": null,\n\t\"afterLimit\": null,\n\t\"anchorDate\": null,\n\t\"beforeDate\": null,\n\t\"beforeLimit\": null,\n\t\"deploymentId\": null,\n\t\"endDate\": null,\n\t\"filter\": null,\n\t\"limit\": null,\n\t\"startDate\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Fetch HTTP logs for a deployment"}, "response": []}, {"name": "integrationAuth", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query integrationAuth($provider: String!, $providerId: String!) {\n integrationAuth(provider: $provider, providerId: $providerId) {\n __typename\n id\n # integrations\n provider\n providerId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"provider\": null,\n\t\"providerId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get an integration auth by provider providerId"}, "response": []}, {"name": "integrationAuths", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query integrationAuths($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $last: Int) {\n integrationAuths(after: $after, before: $before, first: $first, last: $last) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get all integration auths for a user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "integrations", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query integrations($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $last: Int, $projectId: String!) {\n integrations(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n first: $first\n last: $last\n projectId: $projectId\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get all integrations for a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "inviteCode", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query inviteCode($code: String!) {\n inviteCode(code: $code) {\n __typename\n code\n createdAt\n id\n # project\n projectId\n role\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"code\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get an invite code by the code"}, "response": []}, {"name": "me", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query me {\n me {\n __typename\n agreedFairUse\n avatar\n banReason\n # cost\n createdAt\n # customer\n email\n featureFlags\n flags\n has2FA\n id\n isAdmin\n isConductor\n isDevPlan\n isEligibleForFreeHobbyPlan\n isOnHobbyPlan\n isVerified\n lastLogin\n name\n # profile\n # projects\n # providerAuths\n # referredUsers\n registrationStatus\n riskLevel\n # teams\n termsAgreedOn\n username\n # workspace\n # workspaces # Workspaces user is member of\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Gets the authenticated user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "metrics", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query metrics($averagingWindowSeconds: Int, $endDate: DateTime, $environmentId: String, $groupBy: [MetricTag]!, $includeDeleted: Boolean, $measurements: [MetricMeasurement!]!, $pluginId: String, $projectId: String, $sampleRateSeconds: Int, $serviceId: String, $startDate: DateTime!, $teamId: String, $userId: String, $volumeId: String) {\n metrics(\n averagingWindowSeconds: $averagingWindowSeconds\n endDate: $endDate\n environmentId: $environmentId\n groupBy: $groupBy\n includeDeleted: $includeDeleted\n measurements: $measurements\n pluginId: $pluginId\n projectId: $projectId\n sampleRateSeconds: $sampleRateSeconds\n serviceId: $serviceId\n startDate: $startDate\n teamId: $teamId\n userId: $userId\n volumeId: $volumeId\n ) {\n __typename\n measurement # The measurement of the metric.\n # tags # The tags that were used to group the metric. Only the tags that were used to by will be present.\n # values # The samples of the metric.\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"averagingWindowSeconds\": null,\n\t\"endDate\": null,\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"groupBy\": [null],\n\t\"includeDeleted\": null,\n\t\"measurements\": [null],\n\t\"pluginId\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null,\n\t\"sampleRateSeconds\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null,\n\t\"startDate\": null,\n\t\"teamId\": null,\n\t\"userId\": null,\n\t\"volumeId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get metrics for a project, environment, and service"}, "response": []}, {"name": "node", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query node($id: ID!) {\n node(id: $id) {\n __typename\n id\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": \"0\"\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": ""}, "response": []}, {"name": "nodes", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query nodes($ids: [ID!]!) {\n nodes(ids: $ids) {\n __typename\n id\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"ids\": [\"0\"]\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": ""}, "response": []}, {"name": "observabilityDashboards", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query observabilityDashboards($after: String, $before: String, $environmentId: String!, $first: Int, $last: Int) {\n observabilityDashboards(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n environmentId: $environmentId\n first: $first\n last: $last\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get all observability dashboards for an environment"}, "response": []}, {"name": "platformStatus", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query platformStatus {\n platformStatus {\n __typename\n # incident\n isStable\n # maintenance\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the current status of the platform"}, "response": []}, {"name": "plugin", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query plugin($id: String!) {\n plugin(id: $id) {\n __typename\n # containers\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n deprecatedAt\n friendlyName\n id\n logsEnabled\n migrationDatabaseServiceId\n name\n # project\n status\n # variables\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a plugin by ID."}, "response": []}, {"name": "pluginLogs", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query pluginLogs($endDate: DateTime, $environmentId: String!, $filter: String, $limit: Int, $pluginId: String!, $startDate: DateTime) {\n pluginLogs(\n endDate: $endDate\n environmentId: $environmentId\n filter: $filter\n limit: $limit\n pluginId: $pluginId\n startDate: $startDate\n ) {\n __typename\n # attributes # The attributes that were parsed from a structured log\n message # The contents of the log message\n severity # The severity of the log message (eg. err)\n # tags # The tags that were associated with the log\n timestamp # The timestamp of the log message in format RFC3339 (nano)\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"endDate\": null,\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"filter\": null,\n\t\"limit\": null,\n\t\"pluginId\": null,\n\t\"startDate\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Fetch logs for a plugin"}, "response": []}, {"name": "preferences", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query preferences($token: String) {\n preferences(token: $token) {\n __typename\n buildFailedEmail\n changelogEmail\n communityEmail\n deployCrashedEmail\n ephemeralEnvironmentEmail\n id\n marketingEmail\n # preferenceOverrides\n subprocessorUpdatesEmail\n usageEmail\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"token\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the email preferences for a user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "privateNetworkEndpoint", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query privateNetworkEndpoint($environmentId: String!, $privateNetworkId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n privateNetworkEndpoint(\n environmentId: $environmentId\n privateNetworkId: $privateNetworkId\n serviceId: $serviceId\n ) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n dnsName\n privateIps\n publicId\n serviceInstanceId\n tags\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"privateNetworkId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a private network endpoint for a service instance."}, "response": []}, {"name": "privateNetworkEndpointNameAvailable", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query privateNetworkEndpointNameAvailable($environmentId: String!, $prefix: String!, $privateNetworkId: String!) {\n privateNetworkEndpointNameAvailable(\n environmentId: $environmentId\n prefix: $prefix\n privateNetworkId: $privateNetworkId\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"prefix\": null,\n\t\"privateNetworkId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Check if an endpoint name is available."}, "response": []}, {"name": "privateNetworks", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query privateNetworks($environmentId: String!) {\n privateNetworks(environmentId: $environmentId) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n dnsName\n environmentId\n name\n networkId\n projectId\n publicId\n tags\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "List private networks for an environment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "project", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query project($id: String!) {\n project(id: $id) {\n __typename\n # baseEnvironment\n baseEnvironmentId\n botPrEnvironments\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deploymentTriggers\n # deployments\n description\n # environments\n expiredAt\n # groups\n id\n isPublic\n isTempProject\n # members\n name\n # plugins\n prDeploys\n prEnvCopyVolData\n # projectPermissions\n # services\n subscriptionPlanLimit\n subscriptionType\n # team\n teamId\n updatedAt\n # volumes\n # webhooks\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a project by ID"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectInvitation", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query projectInvitation($code: String!) {\n projectInvitation(code: $code) {\n __typename\n ... on InviteCode {\n __typename\n code\n createdAt\n id\n # project\n projectId\n role\n }\n ... on ProjectInvitation {\n __typename\n email\n expiresAt\n id\n # inviter\n isExpired\n # project\n }\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"code\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a project invitation by code"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectInvitations", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query projectInvitations($id: String!) {\n projectInvitations(id: $id) {\n __typename\n email\n expiresAt\n id\n # inviter\n isExpired\n # project\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get invitations for a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectInviteCode", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query projectInviteCode($projectId: String!, $role: ProjectRole!) {\n projectInviteCode(projectId: $projectId, role: $role) {\n __typename\n code\n createdAt\n id\n # project\n projectId\n role\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"projectId\": null,\n\t\"role\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get an invite code for a project for a specifc role"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectMembers", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query projectMembers($projectId: String!) {\n projectMembers(projectId: $projectId) {\n __typename\n avatar\n email\n id\n name\n role\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"projectId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Gets users who belong to a project along with their role"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectResourceAccess", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query projectResourceAccess($projectId: String!) {\n projectResourceAccess(projectId: $projectId) {\n __typename\n # customDomain\n # databaseDeployment\n # deployment\n # environment\n # plugin\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"projectId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get resource access rules for project-specific actions"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectToken", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query projectToken {\n projectToken {\n __typename\n createdAt\n displayToken\n # environment\n environmentId\n id\n name\n # project\n projectId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a single project token by the value in the header"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectTokens", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query projectTokens($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $last: Int, $projectId: String!) {\n projectTokens(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n first: $first\n last: $last\n projectId: $projectId\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get all project tokens for a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projects", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query projects($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $includeDeleted: Boolean, $last: Int, $teamId: String, $userId: String) {\n projects(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n first: $first\n includeDeleted: $includeDeleted\n last: $last\n teamId: $teamId\n userId: $userId\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"includeDeleted\": null,\n\t\"last\": null,\n\t\"teamId\": null,\n\t\"userId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Gets all projects for a user or a team."}, "response": []}, {"name": "publicStats", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query publicStats {\n publicStats {\n __typename\n totalDeploymentsLastMonth\n totalLogsLastMonth\n totalProjects\n totalRequestsLastMonth\n totalServices\n totalUsers\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get public Railway stats."}, "response": []}, {"name": "referralInfo", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query referralInfo {\n referralInfo {\n __typename\n code\n id\n # referralStats\n status\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Gets the ReferralInfo for the authenticated user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "regions", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query regions($projectId: String) {\n regions(projectId: $projectId) {\n __typename\n adminOnly\n country # Region country\n # deploymentConstraints\n location\n name\n railwayMetal # Region is on Railway Metal\n region\n teamId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"projectId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "List available regions"}, "response": []}, {"name": "resourceAccess", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query resourceAccess($explicitResourceOwner: ExplicitOwnerInput) {\n resourceAccess(explicitResourceOwner: $explicitResourceOwner) {\n __typename\n # project\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"explicitResourceOwner\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get resource access for the current user or team"}, "response": []}, {"name": "service", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query service($id: String!) {\n service(id: $id) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deployments\n featureFlags\n icon\n id\n name\n # project\n projectId\n # repoTriggers\n # serviceInstances\n templateServiceId\n templateThreadSlug\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a service by ID"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceDomainAvailable", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query serviceDomainAvailable($domain: String!) {\n serviceDomainAvailable(domain: $domain) {\n __typename\n available\n message\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"domain\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Checks if a service domain is available"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceInstance", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query serviceInstance($environmentId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n serviceInstance(environmentId: $environmentId, serviceId: $serviceId) {\n __typename\n buildCommand\n builder\n createdAt\n cronSchedule\n deletedAt\n # domains\n environmentId\n healthcheckPath\n healthcheckTimeout\n id\n isUpdatable\n # latestDeployment\n nextCronRunAt\n nixpacksPlan\n numReplicas\n preDeployCommand\n railwayConfigFile\n region\n restartPolicyMaxRetries\n restartPolicyType\n rootDirectory\n serviceId\n serviceName\n sleepApplication\n # source\n startCommand\n updatedAt\n upstreamUrl\n watchPatterns\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a service instance belonging to a service and environment"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceInstanceIsUpdatable", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query serviceInstanceIsUpdatable($environmentId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n serviceInstanceIsUpdatable(environmentId: $environmentId, serviceId: $serviceId)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Check if the upstream repo for a service has an update available"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceInstanceLimitOverride", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query serviceInstanceLimitOverride($environmentId: String!, $projectId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n serviceInstanceLimitOverride(\n environmentId: $environmentId\n projectId: $projectId\n serviceId: $serviceId\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the resource limits for a service instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceInstanceLimits", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query serviceInstanceLimits($environmentId: String!, $projectId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n serviceInstanceLimits(\n environmentId: $environmentId\n projectId: $projectId\n serviceId: $serviceId\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the resource limits for a service instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "sessions", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query sessions($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $last: Int) {\n sessions(after: $after, before: $before, first: $first, last: $last) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Gets all sessions for authenticated user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "tcpProxies", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query tcpProxies($environmentId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n tcpProxies(environmentId: $environmentId, serviceId: $serviceId) {\n __typename\n applicationPort\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n domain\n environmentId\n id\n proxyPort\n serviceId\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "All TCP proxies for a service instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "team", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query team($id: String!) {\n team(id: $id) {\n __typename\n # adoptionHistory\n adoptionLevel\n avatar\n banReason\n createdAt\n # customer\n discordRole\n id\n # members\n name\n preferredRegion\n # projects\n promptUpgrade\n slackChannelId\n supportTierOverride\n # teamPermissions\n updatedAt\n # workspace\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Find a team by ID"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamByCode", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query teamByCode($code: String!) {\n teamByCode(code: $code) {\n __typename\n # adoptionHistory\n adoptionLevel\n avatar\n banReason\n createdAt\n # customer\n discordRole\n id\n # members\n name\n preferredRegion\n # projects\n promptUpgrade\n slackChannelId\n supportTierOverride\n # teamPermissions\n updatedAt\n # workspace\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"code\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Find a team by invite code"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamTemplates", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query teamTemplates($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $last: Int, $teamId: String!) {\n teamTemplates(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n first: $first\n last: $last\n teamId: $teamId\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null,\n\t\"teamId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get all templates for a team."}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamTrustedDomains", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query teamTrustedDomains($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $last: Int, $teamId: String!) {\n teamTrustedDomains(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n first: $first\n last: $last\n teamId: $teamId\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null,\n\t\"teamId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get all team trusted domains"}, "response": []}, {"name": "template", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query template($code: String, $owner: String, $repo: String) {\n template(code: $code, owner: $owner, repo: $repo) {\n __typename\n activeProjects\n canvasConfig\n category\n code\n communityThreadSlug\n config\n createdAt\n # creator\n demoProjectId\n description\n # guides\n health\n id\n image\n isApproved\n isV2Template\n languages\n metadata\n name\n projects\n readme\n serializedConfig\n # services\n # similarTemplates\n status\n tags\n teamId\n totalPayout\n userId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"code\": null,\n\t\"owner\": null,\n\t\"repo\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a template by code or GitHub owner and repo."}, "response": []}, {"name": "templateKickbacksLeaderboard", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query templateKickbacksLeaderboard {\n templateKickbacksLeaderboard {\n __typename\n total_amount\n userId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the top 25 users with the most template kickback earnings."}, "response": []}, {"name": "templateSourceForProject", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query templateSourceForProject($projectId: String!) {\n templateSourceForProject(projectId: $projectId) {\n __typename\n activeProjects\n canvasConfig\n category\n code\n communityThreadSlug\n config\n createdAt\n # creator\n demoProjectId\n description\n # guides\n health\n id\n image\n isApproved\n isV2Template\n languages\n metadata\n name\n projects\n readme\n serializedConfig\n # services\n # similarTemplates\n status\n tags\n teamId\n totalPayout\n userId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"projectId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the source template for a project."}, "response": []}, {"name": "templatekickbacksTotal", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query templatekickbacksTotal {\n templatekickbacksTotal\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the all-time sum of template kickbacks."}, "response": []}, {"name": "templates", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query templates($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $last: Int, $recommended: Boolean) {\n templates(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n first: $first\n last: $last\n recommended: $recommended\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null,\n\t\"recommended\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get all published templates."}, "response": []}, {"name": "twoFactorInfo", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query twoFactorInfo {\n twoFactorInfo {\n __typename\n hasRecoveryCodes\n isVerified\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Gets the TwoFactorInfo for the authenticated user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "usage", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query usage($endDate: DateTime, $groupBy: [MetricTag]!, $includeDeleted: Boolean, $measurements: [MetricMeasurement!]!, $projectId: String, $startDate: DateTime, $teamId: String, $userId: String) {\n usage(\n endDate: $endDate\n groupBy: $groupBy\n includeDeleted: $includeDeleted\n measurements: $measurements\n projectId: $projectId\n startDate: $startDate\n teamId: $teamId\n userId: $userId\n ) {\n __typename\n measurement # The measurement that was aggregated.\n # tags # The tags that were used to group the metric. Only the tags that were used in the `groupBy` will be present.\n value # The aggregated value.\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"endDate\": null,\n\t\"groupBy\": [null],\n\t\"includeDeleted\": null,\n\t\"measurements\": [null],\n\t\"projectId\": null,\n\t\"startDate\": null,\n\t\"teamId\": null,\n\t\"userId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the usage for a single project or all projects for a user/team. If no `projectId` or `teamId` is provided, the usage for the current user is returned. If no `startDate` is provided, the usage for the current billing period of the project owner is returned."}, "response": []}, {"name": "userIdForDiscordId", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query userIdForDiscordId($discordId: String!) {\n userIdForDiscordId(discordId: $discordId)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"discordId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the user id corresponding to a Discord id"}, "response": []}, {"name": "userIdForSlackId", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query userIdForSlackId($slackId: String!) {\n userIdForSlackId(slackId: $slackId)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"slackId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the user id corresponding to a Slack id"}, "response": []}, {"name": "userKickbackEarnings", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query userKickbackEarnings($userId: String!) {\n userKickbackEarnings(userId: $userId) {\n __typename\n total_amount\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"userId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the total kickback earnings for a user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "userProfile", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query userProfile($username: String!) {\n userProfile(username: $username) {\n __typename\n avatar\n createdAt\n customerId\n id\n isTrialing\n name\n # profile\n # publicProjects # Gets all public projects for a user.\n # publishedTemplates\n state\n totalDeploys\n username\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"username\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the public profile for a user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "userTemplates", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query userTemplates($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $last: Int) {\n userTemplates(after: $after, before: $before, first: $first, last: $last) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get all templates for the current user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "variables", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query variables($environmentId: String!, $pluginId: String, $projectId: String!, $serviceId: String, $unrendered: Boolean) {\n variables(\n environmentId: $environmentId\n pluginId: $pluginId\n projectId: $projectId\n serviceId: $serviceId\n unrendered: $unrendered\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"pluginId\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null,\n\t\"unrendered\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "All variables by pluginId or serviceId. If neither are provided, all shared variables are returned."}, "response": []}, {"name": "variablesForServiceDeployment", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query variablesForServiceDeployment($environmentId: String!, $projectId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n variablesForServiceDeployment(\n environmentId: $environmentId\n projectId: $projectId\n serviceId: $serviceId\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "All rendered variables that are required for a service deployment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "vercelInfo", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query vercelInfo {\n vercelInfo {\n __typename\n # accounts\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get information about the user's Vercel accounts"}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeInstance", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query volumeInstance($id: String!) {\n volumeInstance(id: $id) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n currentSizeMB\n # environment\n environmentId\n externalId\n id\n mountPath\n region\n # service\n serviceId\n sizeMB\n state\n type\n # volume\n volumeId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a single volume instance by id"}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeInstanceBackupList", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query volumeInstanceBackupList($volumeInstanceId: String!) {\n volumeInstanceBackupList(volumeInstanceId: $volumeInstanceId) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n creatorId\n expiresAt\n externalId\n id\n name\n referencedMB\n usedMB\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"volumeInstanceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "List backups of a volume instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeInstanceBackupScheduleList", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query volumeInstanceBackupScheduleList($volumeInstanceId: String!) {\n volumeInstanceBackupScheduleList(volumeInstanceId: $volumeInstanceId) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n cron\n id\n kind\n name\n retentionSeconds\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"volumeInstanceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "List backups schedules of a volume instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "webhooks", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query webhooks($after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $last: Int, $projectId: String!) {\n webhooks(\n after: $after\n before: $before\n first: $first\n last: $last\n projectId: $projectId\n ) {\n __typename\n # edges\n # pageInfo\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"after\": null,\n\t\"before\": null,\n\t\"first\": null,\n\t\"last\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get all webhooks for a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "workflowStatus", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query workflowStatus($workflowId: String!) {\n workflowStatus(workflowId: $workflowId) {\n __typename\n error\n status\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"workflowId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Gets the status of a workflow"}, "response": []}, {"name": "workspace", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "query workspace($workspaceId: String!) {\n workspace(workspaceId: $workspaceId) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n # customer\n id\n subscriptionModel\n # team\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"workspaceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get the workspace"}, "response": []}]}, {"name": "Mutations", "item": [{"name": "apiTokenCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation apiTokenCreate($input: ApiTokenCreateInput!) {\n apiTokenCreate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Creates a new API token."}, "response": []}, {"name": "apiTokenDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation apiTokenDelete($id: String!) {\n apiTokenDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes an API token."}, "response": []}, {"name": "baseEnvironmentOverride", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation baseEnvironmentOverride($id: String!, $input: BaseEnvironmentOverrideInput!) {\n baseEnvironmentOverride(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Sets the base environment override for a deployment trigger."}, "response": []}, {"name": "customDomainCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation customDomainCreate($input: CustomDomainCreateInput!) {\n customDomainCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n # cnameCheck\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n domain\n environmentId\n id\n projectId\n serviceId\n # status\n targetPort\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Creates a new custom domain."}, "response": []}, {"name": "customDomainDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation customDomainDelete($id: String!) {\n customDomainDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes a custom domain."}, "response": []}, {"name": "customDomainUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation customDomainUpdate($environmentId: String!, $id: String!, $targetPort: Int) {\n customDomainUpdate(\n environmentId: $environmentId\n id: $id\n targetPort: $targetPort\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"targetPort\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Updates a custom domain."}, "response": []}, {"name": "customerMigrateToHobbyPlan", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation customerMigrateToHobbyPlan($id: String!) {\n customerMigrateToHobbyPlan(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Migrate a customer to the hobby plan"}, "response": []}, {"name": "customerTogglePayoutsToCredits", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation customerTogglePayoutsToCredits($customerId: String!, $input: customerTogglePayoutsToCreditsInput!) {\n customerTogglePayoutsToCredits(customerId: $customerId, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"customerId\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Toggle whether a customer is automatically withdrawing to credits"}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentApprove", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation deploymentApprove($id: String!) {\n deploymentApprove(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Approves a deployment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentCancel", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation deploymentCancel($id: String!) {\n deploymentCancel(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Cancels a deployment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentInstanceExecutionCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation deploymentInstanceExecutionCreate($input: DeploymentInstanceExecutionCreateInput!) {\n deploymentInstanceExecutionCreate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Invoke a deployment instance execution."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentRedeploy", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation deploymentRedeploy($id: String!, $usePreviousImageTag: Boolean) {\n deploymentRedeploy(id: $id, usePreviousImageTag: $usePreviousImageTag) {\n __typename\n canRedeploy\n canRollback\n createdAt\n # creator\n deploymentStopped # Check if a deployment's instances have all stopped\n # environment\n environmentId\n id\n meta\n projectId\n # service\n serviceId\n snapshotId\n # sockets\n staticUrl\n status\n suggestAddServiceDomain\n updatedAt\n url\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"usePreviousImageTag\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Redeploys a deployment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentRemove", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation deploymentRemove($id: String!) {\n deploymentRemove(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Removes a deployment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentRestart", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation deploymentRestart($id: String!) {\n deploymentRestart(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Restarts a deployment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentRollback", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation deploymentRollback($id: String!) {\n deploymentRollback(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Rolls back to a deployment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentStop", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation deploymentStop($id: String!) {\n deploymentStop(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Stops a deployment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentTriggerCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation deploymentTriggerCreate($input: DeploymentTriggerCreateInput!) {\n deploymentTriggerCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n baseEnvironmentOverrideId\n branch\n checkSuites\n environmentId\n id\n projectId\n provider\n repository\n serviceId\n validCheckSuites\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Creates a deployment trigger."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentTriggerDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation deploymentTriggerDelete($id: String!) {\n deploymentTriggerDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes a deployment trigger."}, "response": []}, {"name": "deploymentTriggerUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation deploymentTriggerUpdate($id: String!, $input: DeploymentTriggerUpdateInput!) {\n deploymentTriggerUpdate(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n baseEnvironmentOverrideId\n branch\n checkSuites\n environmentId\n id\n projectId\n provider\n repository\n serviceId\n validCheckSuites\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Updates a deployment trigger."}, "response": []}, {"name": "dockerComposeImport", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation dockerComposeImport($environmentId: String!, $projectId: String!, $yaml: String!) {\n dockerComposeImport(\n environmentId: $environmentId\n projectId: $projectId\n yaml: $yaml\n ) {\n __typename\n errors\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"projectId\": null,\n\t\"yaml\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create services and volumes from docker compose"}, "response": []}, {"name": "egressGatewayAssociationCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation egressGatewayAssociationCreate($input: EgressGatewayCreateInput!) {\n egressGatewayAssociationCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n ipv4\n region\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create a new egress gateway association for a service instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "egressGatewayAssociationsClear", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation egressGatewayAssociationsClear($input: EgressGatewayServiceTargetInput!) {\n egressGatewayAssociationsClear(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Clear all egress gateway associations for a service instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "emailChangeConfirm", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation emailChangeConfirm($nonce: String!) {\n emailChangeConfirm(nonce: $nonce)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"nonce\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Change the User's account email if there is a valid change email request."}, "response": []}, {"name": "emailChangeInitiate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation emailChangeInitiate($newEmail: String!) {\n emailChangeInitiate(newEmail: $newEmail)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"newEmail\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Initiate an email change request for a user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "environmentCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation environmentCreate($input: EnvironmentCreateInput!) {\n environmentCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deploymentTriggers\n # deployments\n id\n isEphemeral\n # meta\n name\n projectId\n # serviceInstances\n # sourceEnvironment\n unmergedChangesCount\n updatedAt\n # variables\n # volumeInstances\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Creates a new environment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "environmentDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation environmentDelete($id: String!) {\n environmentDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes an environment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "environmentRename", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation environmentRename($id: String!, $input: EnvironmentRenameInput!) {\n environmentRename(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deploymentTriggers\n # deployments\n id\n isEphemeral\n # meta\n name\n projectId\n # serviceInstances\n # sourceEnvironment\n unmergedChangesCount\n updatedAt\n # variables\n # volumeInstances\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Renames an environment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "environmentTriggersDeploy", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation environmentTriggersDeploy($input: EnvironmentTriggersDeployInput!) {\n environmentTriggersDeploy(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deploys all connected triggers for an environment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "eventBatchTrack", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation eventBatchTrack($input: EventBatchTrackInput!) {\n eventBatchTrack(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Track a batch of events for authenticated user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "eventTrack", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation eventTrack($input: EventTrackInput!) {\n eventTrack(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Track event for authenticated user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "fairUseAgree", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation fairUseAgree($agree: Boolean!) {\n fairUseAgree(agree: $agree)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"agree\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Agree to the fair use policy for the currently authenticated user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "featureFlagAdd", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation featureFlagAdd($input: FeatureFlagToggleInput!) {\n featureFlagAdd(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Add a feature flag for a user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "featureFlagRemove", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation featureFlagRemove($input: FeatureFlagToggleInput!) {\n featureFlagRemove(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Remove a feature flag for a user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "githubRepoDeploy", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation githubRepoDeploy($input: GitHubRepoDeployInput!) {\n githubRepoDeploy(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deploys a GitHub repo"}, "response": []}, {"name": "githubRepoUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation githubRepoUpdate($input: GitHubRepoUpdateInput!) {\n githubRepoUpdate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Updates a GitHub repo through the linked template"}, "response": []}, {"name": "helpStationCreateThread", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation helpStationCreateThread($input: HelpStationFormInput!) {\n helpStationCreateThread(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Creates a new help station thread"}, "response": []}, {"name": "herokuImportVariables", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation herokuImportVariables($input: HerokuImportVariablesInput!) {\n herokuImportVariables(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Import variables from a Heroku app into a Railway service. Returns the number of variables imports"}, "response": []}, {"name": "hobbyToTeamDenyMigration", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation hobbyToTeamDenyMigration($teamId: String!) {\n hobbyToTeamDenyMigration(teamId: $teamId)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"teamId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Reject migration from Hobby to Team"}, "response": []}, {"name": "hobbyToTeamMigrate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation hobbyToTeamMigrate($teamId: String!) {\n hobbyToTeamMigrate(teamId: $teamId)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"teamId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Migrate projects from Hobby to Team and cancel Hobby subscription"}, "response": []}, {"name": "integrationCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation integrationCreate($input: IntegrationCreateInput!) {\n integrationCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n config\n id\n name\n projectId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create an integration for a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "integrationDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation integrationDelete($id: String!) {\n integrationDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Delete an integration for a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "integrationUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation integrationUpdate($id: String!, $input: IntegrationUpdateInput!) {\n integrationUpdate(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n config\n id\n name\n projectId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update an integration for a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "inviteCodeUse", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation inviteCodeUse($code: String!) {\n inviteCodeUse(code: $code) {\n __typename\n # baseEnvironment\n baseEnvironmentId\n botPrEnvironments\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deploymentTriggers\n # deployments\n description\n # environments\n expiredAt\n # groups\n id\n isPublic\n isTempProject\n # members\n name\n # plugins\n prDeploys\n prEnvCopyVolData\n # projectPermissions\n # services\n subscriptionPlanLimit\n subscriptionType\n # team\n teamId\n updatedAt\n # volumes\n # webhooks\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"code\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Join a project using an invite code"}, "response": []}, {"name": "jobApplicationCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation jobApplicationCreate($input: JobApplicationCreateInput!, $resume: Upload!) {\n jobApplicationCreate(input: $input, resume: $resume)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null,\n\t\"resume\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Creates a new job application."}, "response": []}, {"name": "loginSessionAuth", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation loginSessionAuth($input: LoginSessionAuthInput!) {\n loginSessionAuth(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Auth a login session for a user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "loginSessionCancel", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation loginSessionCancel($code: String!) {\n loginSessionCancel(code: $code)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"code\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Cancel a login session"}, "response": []}, {"name": "loginSessionConsume", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation loginSessionConsume($code: String!) {\n loginSessionConsume(code: $code)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"code\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get a token for a login session if it exists"}, "response": []}, {"name": "loginSessionCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation loginSessionCreate {\n loginSessionCreate\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Start a CLI login session"}, "response": []}, {"name": "loginSessionVerify", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation loginSessionVerify($code: String!) {\n loginSessionVerify(code: $code)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"code\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Verify if a login session is valid"}, "response": []}, {"name": "logout", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation logout {\n logout\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes session for current user if it exists"}, "response": []}, {"name": "missingCommandAlert", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation missingCommandAlert($input: MissingCommandAlertInput!) {\n missingCommandAlert(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Alert the team of a missing command palette command"}, "response": []}, {"name": "observabilityDashboardCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation observabilityDashboardCreate($input: ObservabilityDashboardCreateInput!) {\n observabilityDashboardCreate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create an observability dashboard"}, "response": []}, {"name": "observabilityDashboardReset", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation observabilityDashboardReset($id: String!) {\n observabilityDashboardReset(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Reset an observability dashboard to default dashboard items"}, "response": []}, {"name": "observabilityDashboardUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation observabilityDashboardUpdate($id: String!, $input: [ObservabilityDashboardUpdateInput!]!) {\n observabilityDashboardUpdate(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": [null]\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update an observability dashboard"}, "response": []}, {"name": "pluginCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation pluginCreate($input: PluginCreateInput!) {\n pluginCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n # containers\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n deprecatedAt\n friendlyName\n id\n logsEnabled\n migrationDatabaseServiceId\n name\n # project\n status\n # variables\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Creates a new plugin."}, "response": []}, {"name": "pluginDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation pluginDelete($environmentId: String, $id: String!) {\n pluginDelete(environmentId: $environmentId, id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes a plugin."}, "response": []}, {"name": "pluginReset", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation pluginReset($id: String!, $input: ResetPluginInput!) {\n pluginReset(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Reset envs and container for a plugin in an environment"}, "response": []}, {"name": "pluginResetCredentials", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation pluginResetCredentials($id: String!, $input: ResetPluginCredentialsInput!) {\n pluginResetCredentials(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Resets the credentials for a plugin in an environment"}, "response": []}, {"name": "pluginRestart", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation pluginRestart($id: String!, $input: PluginRestartInput!) {\n pluginRestart(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n # containers\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n deprecatedAt\n friendlyName\n id\n logsEnabled\n migrationDatabaseServiceId\n name\n # project\n status\n # variables\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Restarts a plugin."}, "response": []}, {"name": "pluginStart", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation pluginStart($id: String!, $input: PluginRestartInput!) {\n pluginStart(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Force start a plugin"}, "response": []}, {"name": "pluginUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation pluginUpdate($id: String!, $input: PluginUpdateInput!) {\n pluginUpdate(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n # containers\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n deprecatedAt\n friendlyName\n id\n logsEnabled\n migrationDatabaseServiceId\n name\n # project\n status\n # variables\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Updates an existing plugin."}, "response": []}, {"name": "preferenceOverridesCreateUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation preferenceOverridesCreateUpdate($input: PreferenceOverridesCreateUpdateData!) {\n preferenceOverridesCreateUpdate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create/Updates preferences overrides for a specific resource belonging to a user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "preferenceOverridesDestroyForResource", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation preferenceOverridesDestroyForResource($input: PreferenceOverridesDestroyData!) {\n preferenceOverridesDestroyForResource(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Destroy preferences overrides for a specific resource belonging to a user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "preferencesUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation preferencesUpdate($input: PreferencesUpdateData!) {\n preferencesUpdate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n buildFailedEmail\n changelogEmail\n communityEmail\n deployCrashedEmail\n ephemeralEnvironmentEmail\n id\n marketingEmail\n # preferenceOverrides\n subprocessorUpdatesEmail\n usageEmail\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update the email preferences for a user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "privateNetworkCreateOrGet", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation privateNetworkCreateOrGet($input: PrivateNetworkCreateOrGetInput!) {\n privateNetworkCreateOrGet(input: $input) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n dnsName\n environmentId\n name\n networkId\n projectId\n publicId\n tags\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create or get a private network."}, "response": []}, {"name": "privateNetworkEndpointCreateOrGet", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation privateNetworkEndpointCreateOrGet($input: PrivateNetworkEndpointCreateOrGetInput!) {\n privateNetworkEndpointCreateOrGet(input: $input) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n dnsName\n privateIps\n publicId\n serviceInstanceId\n tags\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create or get a private network endpoint."}, "response": []}, {"name": "privateNetworkEndpointDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation privateNetworkEndpointDelete($id: String!) {\n privateNetworkEndpointDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Delete a private network endpoint."}, "response": []}, {"name": "privateNetworkEndpointRename", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation privateNetworkEndpointRename($dnsName: String!, $id: String!, $privateNetworkId: String!) {\n privateNetworkEndpointRename(\n dnsName: $dnsName\n id: $id\n privateNetworkId: $privateNetworkId\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"dnsName\": null,\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"privateNetworkId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Rename a private network endpoint."}, "response": []}, {"name": "privateNetworksForEnvironmentDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation privateNetworksForEnvironmentDelete($environmentId: String!) {\n privateNetworksForEnvironmentDelete(environmentId: $environmentId)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Delete all private networks for an environment."}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectClaim", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectClaim($id: String!) {\n projectClaim(id: $id) {\n __typename\n # baseEnvironment\n baseEnvironmentId\n botPrEnvironments\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deploymentTriggers\n # deployments\n description\n # environments\n expiredAt\n # groups\n id\n isPublic\n isTempProject\n # members\n name\n # plugins\n prDeploys\n prEnvCopyVolData\n # projectPermissions\n # services\n subscriptionPlanLimit\n subscriptionType\n # team\n teamId\n updatedAt\n # volumes\n # webhooks\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Claims a project."}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectCreate($input: ProjectCreateInput!) {\n projectCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n # baseEnvironment\n baseEnvironmentId\n botPrEnvironments\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deploymentTriggers\n # deployments\n description\n # environments\n expiredAt\n # groups\n id\n isPublic\n isTempProject\n # members\n name\n # plugins\n prDeploys\n prEnvCopyVolData\n # projectPermissions\n # services\n subscriptionPlanLimit\n subscriptionType\n # team\n teamId\n updatedAt\n # volumes\n # webhooks\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Creates a new project."}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectDelete($id: String!) {\n projectDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes a project."}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectInvitationAccept", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectInvitationAccept($code: String!) {\n projectInvitationAccept(code: $code) {\n __typename\n id\n projectId\n role\n userId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"code\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Accept a project invitation using the invite code"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectInvitationCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectInvitationCreate($id: String!, $input: ProjectInvitee!) {\n projectInvitationCreate(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n email\n expiresAt\n id\n # inviter\n isExpired\n # project\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create an invitation for a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectInvitationDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectInvitationDelete($id: String!) {\n projectInvitationDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Delete an invitation for a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectInvitationResend", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectInvitationResend($id: String!) {\n projectInvitationResend(id: $id) {\n __typename\n email\n expiresAt\n id\n # inviter\n isExpired\n # project\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Resend an invitation for a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectInviteUser", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectInviteUser($id: String!, $input: ProjectInviteUserInput!) {\n projectInviteUser(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Invite a user by email to a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectLeave", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectLeave($id: String!) {\n projectLeave(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Leave project as currently authenticated user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectMemberRemove", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectMemberRemove($input: ProjectMemberRemoveInput!) {\n projectMemberRemove(input: $input) {\n __typename\n avatar\n email\n id\n name\n role\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Remove user from a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectMemberUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectMemberUpdate($input: ProjectMemberUpdateInput!) {\n projectMemberUpdate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n avatar\n email\n id\n name\n role\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Change the role for a user within a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectTokenCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectTokenCreate($input: ProjectTokenCreateInput!) {\n projectTokenCreate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create a token for a project that has access to a specific environment"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectTokenDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectTokenDelete($id: String!) {\n projectTokenDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Delete a project token"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectTransferConfirm", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectTransferConfirm($input: ProjectTransferConfirmInput!) {\n projectTransferConfirm(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Confirm the transfer of project ownership"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectTransferInitiate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectTransferInitiate($input: ProjectTransferInitiateInput!) {\n projectTransferInitiate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Initiate the transfer of project ownership"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectTransferToTeam", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectTransferToTeam($id: String!, $input: ProjectTransferToTeamInput!) {\n projectTransferToTeam(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Transfer a project to a team"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectTransferToUser", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectTransferToUser($id: String!) {\n projectTransferToUser(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Transfer a project to a user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "projectUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation projectUpdate($id: String!, $input: ProjectUpdateInput!) {\n projectUpdate(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n # baseEnvironment\n baseEnvironmentId\n botPrEnvironments\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deploymentTriggers\n # deployments\n description\n # environments\n expiredAt\n # groups\n id\n isPublic\n isTempProject\n # members\n name\n # plugins\n prDeploys\n prEnvCopyVolData\n # projectPermissions\n # services\n subscriptionPlanLimit\n subscriptionType\n # team\n teamId\n updatedAt\n # volumes\n # webhooks\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Updates a project."}, "response": []}, {"name": "providerAuthRemove", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation providerAuthRemove($id: String!) {\n providerAuthRemove(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes a ProviderAuth."}, "response": []}, {"name": "recoveryCodeGenerate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation recoveryCodeGenerate {\n recoveryCodeGenerate {\n __typename\n recoveryCodes\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Generates a new set of recovery codes for the authenticated user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "recoveryCodeValidate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation recoveryCodeValidate($input: RecoveryCodeValidateInput!) {\n recoveryCodeValidate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Validates a recovery code."}, "response": []}, {"name": "referralInfoUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation referralInfoUpdate($input: ReferralInfoUpdateInput!) {\n referralInfoUpdate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n code\n id\n # referralStats\n status\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Updates the ReferralInfo for the authenticated user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "sendCommunityThreadNotificationEmail", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation sendCommunityThreadNotificationEmail($input: SendCommunityThreadNotificationEmailInput!) {\n sendCommunityThreadNotificationEmail(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Send a community thread notification email"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceConnect", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceConnect($id: String!, $input: ServiceConnectInput!) {\n serviceConnect(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deployments\n featureFlags\n icon\n id\n name\n # project\n projectId\n # repoTriggers\n # serviceInstances\n templateServiceId\n templateThreadSlug\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Connect a service to a source"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceCreate($input: ServiceCreateInput!) {\n serviceCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deployments\n featureFlags\n icon\n id\n name\n # project\n projectId\n # repoTriggers\n # serviceInstances\n templateServiceId\n templateThreadSlug\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Creates a new service."}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceDelete($environmentId: String, $id: String!) {\n serviceDelete(environmentId: $environmentId, id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes a service."}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceDisconnect", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceDisconnect($id: String!) {\n serviceDisconnect(id: $id) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deployments\n featureFlags\n icon\n id\n name\n # project\n projectId\n # repoTriggers\n # serviceInstances\n templateServiceId\n templateThreadSlug\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Disconnect a service from a repo"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceDomainCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceDomainCreate($input: ServiceDomainCreateInput!) {\n serviceDomainCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n domain\n environmentId\n id\n projectId\n serviceId\n suffix\n targetPort\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Creates a new service domain."}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceDomainDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceDomainDelete($id: String!) {\n serviceDomainDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes a service domain."}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceDomainUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceDomainUpdate($input: ServiceDomainUpdateInput!) {\n serviceDomainUpdate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Updates a service domain."}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceFeatureFlagAdd", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceFeatureFlagAdd($input: ServiceFeatureFlagToggleInput!) {\n serviceFeatureFlagAdd(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Add a feature flag for a service"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceFeatureFlagRemove", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceFeatureFlagRemove($input: ServiceFeatureFlagToggleInput!) {\n serviceFeatureFlagRemove(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Remove a feature flag for a service"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceInstanceDeploy", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceInstanceDeploy($commitSha: String, $environmentId: String!, $latestCommit: Boolean, $serviceId: String!) {\n serviceInstanceDeploy(\n commitSha: $commitSha\n environmentId: $environmentId\n latestCommit: $latestCommit\n serviceId: $serviceId\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"commitSha\": null,\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"latestCommit\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deploy a service instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceInstanceDeployV2", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceInstanceDeployV2($commitSha: String, $environmentId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n serviceInstanceDeployV2(\n commitSha: $commitSha\n environmentId: $environmentId\n serviceId: $serviceId\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"commitSha\": null,\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deploy a service instance. Returns a deployment ID"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceInstanceLimitsUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceInstanceLimitsUpdate($input: ServiceInstanceLimitsUpdateInput!) {\n serviceInstanceLimitsUpdate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update the resource limits for a service instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceInstanceRedeploy", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceInstanceRedeploy($environmentId: String!, $serviceId: String!) {\n serviceInstanceRedeploy(environmentId: $environmentId, serviceId: $serviceId)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Redeploy a service instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceInstanceUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceInstanceUpdate($environmentId: String, $input: ServiceInstanceUpdateInput!, $serviceId: String!) {\n serviceInstanceUpdate(\n environmentId: $environmentId\n input: $input\n serviceId: $serviceId\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"input\": null,\n\t\"serviceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update a service instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceRemoveUpstreamUrl", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceRemoveUpstreamUrl($id: String!) {\n serviceRemoveUpstreamUrl(id: $id) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deployments\n featureFlags\n icon\n id\n name\n # project\n projectId\n # repoTriggers\n # serviceInstances\n templateServiceId\n templateThreadSlug\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Remove the upstream URL from all service instances for this service"}, "response": []}, {"name": "serviceUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation serviceUpdate($id: String!, $input: ServiceUpdateInput!) {\n serviceUpdate(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n # deployments\n featureFlags\n icon\n id\n name\n # project\n projectId\n # repoTriggers\n # serviceInstances\n templateServiceId\n templateThreadSlug\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Updates a service."}, "response": []}, {"name": "sessionDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation sessionDelete($id: String!) {\n sessionDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes a session."}, "response": []}, {"name": "sharedVariableConfigure", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation sharedVariableConfigure($input: SharedVariableConfigureInput!) {\n sharedVariableConfigure(input: $input) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n # environment\n environmentId\n id\n isSealed\n name\n # plugin\n pluginId\n references\n # service\n serviceId\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Configure a shared variable."}, "response": []}, {"name": "tcpProxyCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation tcpProxyCreate($input: TCPProxyCreateInput!) {\n tcpProxyCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n applicationPort\n createdAt\n deletedAt\n domain\n environmentId\n id\n proxyPort\n serviceId\n updatedAt\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Creates a new TCP proxy for a service instance."}, "response": []}, {"name": "tcpProxyDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation tcpProxyDelete($id: String!) {\n tcpProxyDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes a TCP proxy by id"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamBulkProjectTransfer", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamBulkProjectTransfer($input: TeamBulkProjectTransferInput!) {\n teamBulkProjectTransfer(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Bulk transfer projects from user to team"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamCreate($input: TeamCreateInput!) {\n teamCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n # adoptionHistory\n adoptionLevel\n avatar\n banReason\n createdAt\n # customer\n discordRole\n id\n # members\n name\n preferredRegion\n # projects\n promptUpgrade\n slackChannelId\n supportTierOverride\n # teamPermissions\n updatedAt\n # workspace\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create a team"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamCreateAndSubscribe", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamCreateAndSubscribe($input: TeamCreateAndSubscribeInput!) {\n teamCreateAndSubscribe(input: $input) {\n __typename\n customerId\n paymentIntent\n teamId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create a team and subscribe to the Pro plan"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamDelete($id: String!) {\n teamDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Delete a team and all data associated with it"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamInviteCodeCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamInviteCodeCreate($id: String!, $input: TeamInviteCodeCreateInput!) {\n teamInviteCodeCreate(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Get an invite code for a team and role"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamInviteCodeUse", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamInviteCodeUse($code: String!) {\n teamInviteCodeUse(code: $code) {\n __typename\n # adoptionHistory\n adoptionLevel\n avatar\n banReason\n createdAt\n # customer\n discordRole\n id\n # members\n name\n preferredRegion\n # projects\n promptUpgrade\n slackChannelId\n supportTierOverride\n # teamPermissions\n updatedAt\n # workspace\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"code\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Use an invite code to join a team"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamLeave", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamLeave($id: String!) {\n teamLeave(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Leave a team"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamPermissionChange", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamPermissionChange($input: TeamPermissionChangeInput!) {\n teamPermissionChange(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Changes a user team permissions."}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamTrustedDomainCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamTrustedDomainCreate($input: TeamTrustedDomainCreateInput!) {\n teamTrustedDomainCreate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create a new team trusted domain for this team"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamTrustedDomainDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamTrustedDomainDelete($id: String!) {\n teamTrustedDomainDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Delete a team trusted domain"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamUpdate($id: String!, $input: TeamUpdateInput!) {\n teamUpdate(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n # adoptionHistory\n adoptionLevel\n avatar\n banReason\n createdAt\n # customer\n discordRole\n id\n # members\n name\n preferredRegion\n # projects\n promptUpgrade\n slackChannelId\n supportTierOverride\n # teamPermissions\n updatedAt\n # workspace\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update a team by id"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamUserInvite", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamUserInvite($id: String!, $input: TeamUserInviteInput!) {\n teamUserInvite(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Invite a user by email to a team"}, "response": []}, {"name": "teamUserRemove", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation teamUserRemove($id: String!, $input: TeamUserRemoveInput!) {\n teamUserRemove(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Remove a user from a team"}, "response": []}, {"name": "telemetrySend", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation telemetrySend($input: TelemetrySendInput!) {\n telemetrySend(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Logs panics from CLI to Datadog"}, "response": []}, {"name": "templateClone", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation templateClone($input: TemplateCloneInput!) {\n templateClone(input: $input) {\n __typename\n activeProjects\n canvasConfig\n category\n code\n communityThreadSlug\n config\n createdAt\n # creator\n demoProjectId\n description\n # guides\n health\n id\n image\n isApproved\n isV2Template\n languages\n metadata\n name\n projects\n readme\n serializedConfig\n # services\n # similarTemplates\n status\n tags\n teamId\n totalPayout\n userId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Duplicates an existing template"}, "response": []}, {"name": "templateDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation templateDelete($id: String!, $input: TemplateDeleteInput!) {\n templateDelete(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes a template."}, "response": []}, {"name": "templateDeploy", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation templateDeploy($input: TemplateDeployInput!) {\n templateDeploy(input: $input) {\n __typename\n projectId\n workflowId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deploys a template."}, "response": []}, {"name": "templateDeployV2", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation templateDeployV2($input: TemplateDeployV2Input!) {\n templateDeployV2(input: $input) {\n __typename\n projectId\n workflowId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deploys a template using the serialized template config"}, "response": []}, {"name": "templateGenerate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation templateGenerate($input: TemplateGenerateInput!) {\n templateGenerate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n activeProjects\n canvasConfig\n category\n code\n communityThreadSlug\n config\n createdAt\n # creator\n demoProjectId\n description\n # guides\n health\n id\n image\n isApproved\n isV2Template\n languages\n metadata\n name\n projects\n readme\n serializedConfig\n # services\n # similarTemplates\n status\n tags\n teamId\n totalPayout\n userId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Generate a template for a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "templateMaybeUnsetCommunityThreadSlug", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation templateMaybeUnsetCommunityThreadSlug($communityThreadSlug: String!) {\n templateMaybeUnsetCommunityThreadSlug(communityThreadSlug: $communityThreadSlug)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"communityThreadSlug\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Nullify the community thread slug for a template, if one is found with the provided slug"}, "response": []}, {"name": "templatePublish", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation templatePublish($id: String!, $input: TemplatePublishInput!) {\n templatePublish(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n activeProjects\n canvasConfig\n category\n code\n communityThreadSlug\n config\n createdAt\n # creator\n demoProjectId\n description\n # guides\n health\n id\n image\n isApproved\n isV2Template\n languages\n metadata\n name\n projects\n readme\n serializedConfig\n # services\n # similarTemplates\n status\n tags\n teamId\n totalPayout\n userId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Publishes a template."}, "response": []}, {"name": "templateServiceSourceEject", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation templateServiceSourceEject($input: TemplateServiceSourceEjectInput!) {\n templateServiceSourceEject(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Ejects a service from the template and creates a new repo in the provided org."}, "response": []}, {"name": "templateUnpublish", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation templateUnpublish($id: String!) {\n templateUnpublish(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Unpublishes a template."}, "response": []}, {"name": "twoFactorInfoCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation twoFactorInfoCreate($input: TwoFactorInfoCreateInput!) {\n twoFactorInfoCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n recoveryCodes\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Setup 2FA authorization for authenticated user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "twoFactorInfoDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation twoFactorInfoDelete {\n twoFactorInfoDelete\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes the TwoFactorInfo for the authenticated user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "twoFactorInfoSecret", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation twoFactorInfoSecret {\n twoFactorInfoSecret {\n __typename\n secret\n uri\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Generates the 2FA app secret for the authenticated user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "twoFactorInfoValidate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation twoFactorInfoValidate($input: TwoFactorInfoValidateInput!) {\n twoFactorInfoValidate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Validates the token for a 2FA action or for a login request."}, "response": []}, {"name": "upsertSlackChannelForTeam", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation upsertSlackChannelForTeam($teamId: String!) {\n upsertSlackChannelForTeam(teamId: $teamId)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"teamId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Generate a Slack channel for a team"}, "response": []}, {"name": "usageLimitRemove", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation usageLimitRemove($input: UsageLimitRemoveInput!) {\n usageLimitRemove(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Remove the usage limit for a customer"}, "response": []}, {"name": "usageLimitSet", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation usageLimitSet($input: UsageLimitSetInput!) {\n usageLimitSet(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Set the usage limit for a customer"}, "response": []}, {"name": "userBetaLeave", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation userBetaLeave {\n userBetaLeave\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Unsubscribe from the Beta program."}, "response": []}, {"name": "userDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation userDelete {\n userDelete\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Delete the currently authenticated user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "userDiscordDisconnect", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation userDiscordDisconnect {\n userDiscordDisconnect\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Disconnect your Railway account from Discord."}, "response": []}, {"name": "userFlagsRemove", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation userFlagsRemove($input: UserFlagsRemoveInput!) {\n userFlagsRemove(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Remove a flag on the user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "userFlagsSet", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation userFlagsSet($input: UserFlagsSetInput!) {\n userFlagsSet(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Set flags on the authenticated user."}, "response": []}, {"name": "userProfileUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation userProfileUpdate($input: UserProfileUpdateInput!) {\n userProfileUpdate(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Updates the profile for the authenticated user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "userSlackDisconnect", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation userSlackDisconnect {\n userSlackDisconnect\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Disconnect your Railway account from Slack."}, "response": []}, {"name": "userTermsUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation userTermsUpdate {\n userTermsUpdate {\n __typename\n agreedFairUse\n avatar\n banReason\n # cost\n createdAt\n # customer\n email\n featureFlags\n flags\n has2FA\n id\n isAdmin\n isConductor\n isDevPlan\n isEligibleForFreeHobbyPlan\n isOnHobbyPlan\n isVerified\n lastLogin\n name\n # profile\n # projects\n # providerAuths\n # referredUsers\n registrationStatus\n riskLevel\n # teams\n termsAgreedOn\n username\n # workspace\n # workspaces # Workspaces user is member of\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update date of TermsAgreedOn"}, "response": []}, {"name": "userUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation userUpdate($input: UserUpdateInput!) {\n userUpdate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n agreedFairUse\n avatar\n banReason\n # cost\n createdAt\n # customer\n email\n featureFlags\n flags\n has2FA\n id\n isAdmin\n isConductor\n isDevPlan\n isEligibleForFreeHobbyPlan\n isOnHobbyPlan\n isVerified\n lastLogin\n name\n # profile\n # projects\n # providerAuths\n # referredUsers\n registrationStatus\n riskLevel\n # teams\n termsAgreedOn\n username\n # workspace\n # workspaces # Workspaces user is member of\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update currently logged in user"}, "response": []}, {"name": "variableCollectionUpsert", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation variableCollectionUpsert($input: VariableCollectionUpsertInput!) {\n variableCollectionUpsert(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Upserts a collection of variables."}, "response": []}, {"name": "variableDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation variableDelete($input: VariableDeleteInput!) {\n variableDelete(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes a variable."}, "response": []}, {"name": "variableUpsert", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation variableUpsert($input: VariableUpsertInput!) {\n variableUpsert(input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Upserts a variable."}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation volumeCreate($input: VolumeCreateInput!) {\n volumeCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n id\n name\n # project\n projectId\n # volumeInstances\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create a persistent volume in a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation volumeDelete($volumeId: String!) {\n volumeDelete(volumeId: $volumeId)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"volumeId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Delete a persistent volume in a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeInstanceBackupCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation volumeInstanceBackupCreate($volumeInstanceId: String!) {\n volumeInstanceBackupCreate(volumeInstanceId: $volumeInstanceId) {\n __typename\n workflowId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"volumeInstanceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create backup of a volume instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeInstanceBackupDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation volumeInstanceBackupDelete($volumeInstanceBackupId: String!, $volumeInstanceId: String!) {\n volumeInstanceBackupDelete(\n volumeInstanceBackupId: $volumeInstanceBackupId\n volumeInstanceId: $volumeInstanceId\n ) {\n __typename\n workflowId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"volumeInstanceBackupId\": null,\n\t\"volumeInstanceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Deletes volume instance backup"}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeInstanceBackupLock", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation volumeInstanceBackupLock($volumeInstanceBackupId: String!, $volumeInstanceId: String!) {\n volumeInstanceBackupLock(\n volumeInstanceBackupId: $volumeInstanceBackupId\n volumeInstanceId: $volumeInstanceId\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"volumeInstanceBackupId\": null,\n\t\"volumeInstanceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Removes backup expiration date"}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeInstanceBackupRestore", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation volumeInstanceBackupRestore($volumeInstanceBackupId: String!, $volumeInstanceId: String!) {\n volumeInstanceBackupRestore(\n volumeInstanceBackupId: $volumeInstanceBackupId\n volumeInstanceId: $volumeInstanceId\n ) {\n __typename\n workflowId\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"volumeInstanceBackupId\": null,\n\t\"volumeInstanceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Restore a volume instance from a backup"}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeInstanceBackupScheduleUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation volumeInstanceBackupScheduleUpdate($kinds: [VolumeInstanceBackupScheduleKind!]!, $volumeInstanceId: String!) {\n volumeInstanceBackupScheduleUpdate(\n kinds: $kinds\n volumeInstanceId: $volumeInstanceId\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"kinds\": [null],\n\t\"volumeInstanceId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Manage schedule for backups of a volume instance"}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeInstanceUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation volumeInstanceUpdate($environmentId: String, $input: VolumeInstanceUpdateInput!, $volumeId: String!) {\n volumeInstanceUpdate(\n environmentId: $environmentId\n input: $input\n volumeId: $volumeId\n )\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"environmentId\": null,\n\t\"input\": null,\n\t\"volumeId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update a volume instance. If no environmentId is provided, all volume instances for the volume will be updated."}, "response": []}, {"name": "volumeUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation volumeUpdate($input: VolumeUpdateInput!, $volumeId: String!) {\n volumeUpdate(input: $input, volumeId: $volumeId) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n id\n name\n # project\n projectId\n # volumeInstances\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null,\n\t\"volumeId\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update a persistent volume in a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "webhookCreate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation webhookCreate($input: WebhookCreateInput!) {\n webhookCreate(input: $input) {\n __typename\n filters\n id\n lastStatus\n projectId\n url\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Create a webhook on a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "webhookDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation webhookDelete($id: String!) {\n webhookDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Delete a webhook from a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "webhookUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation webhookUpdate($id: String!, $input: WebhookUpdateInput!) {\n webhookUpdate(id: $id, input: $input) {\n __typename\n filters\n id\n lastStatus\n projectId\n url\n }\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update a webhook on a project"}, "response": []}, {"name": "workspaceDelete", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation workspaceDelete($id: String!) {\n workspaceDelete(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Delete a workspace and all data associated with it"}, "response": []}, {"name": "workspaceLeave", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation workspaceLeave($id: String!) {\n workspaceLeave(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Leave a workspace"}, "response": []}, {"name": "workspaceUpdate", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation workspaceUpdate($id: String!, $input: WorkspaceUpdateInput!) {\n workspaceUpdate(id: $id, input: $input)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null,\n\t\"input\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Update a workspace by id"}, "response": []}, {"name": "workspaceUpsertSlackChannel", "request": {"method": "POST", "header": [], "body": {"mode": "graphql", "graphql": {"query": "mutation workspaceUpsertSlackChannel($id: String!) {\n workspaceUpsertSlackChannel(id: $id)\n}", "variables": "{\n\t\"id\": null\n}"}}, "url": {"raw": "https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/v2", "protocol": "https", "host": ["backboard", "railway", "app"], "path": ["graphql", "v2"]}, "description": "Generate a Slack channel for a workspace"}, "response": []}]}]}