
by jason-tan-swe
import { BaseApiClient } from './base-client.js'; import { DeploymentRepository } from './repository/deployment.repo.js'; import { DomainRepository } from './repository/domain.repo.js'; import { ProjectRepository } from './repository/project.repo.js'; import { ServiceRepository } from './repository/service.repo.js'; import { TcpProxyRepository } from './repository/tcpProxy.repo.js'; import { VariableRepository } from './repository/variable.repo.js'; import { VolumeRepository } from './repository/volume.repo.js'; export class RailwayApiClient extends BaseApiClient { public readonly deployments: DeploymentRepository; public readonly domains: DomainRepository; public readonly projects: ProjectRepository; public readonly services: ServiceRepository; public readonly tcpProxies: TcpProxyRepository; public readonly variables: VariableRepository; public readonly volumes: VolumeRepository; private initialized: boolean = false; public constructor() { super(); this.deployments = new DeploymentRepository(this); this.domains = new DomainRepository(this); this.projects = new ProjectRepository(this); this.services = new ServiceRepository(this); this.tcpProxies = new TcpProxyRepository(this); this.variables = new VariableRepository(this); this.volumes = new VolumeRepository(this); } public async initialize(): Promise<void> { if (this.initialized) { return; } // Initialize with environment token if available const envToken = process.env.RAILWAY_API_TOKEN; if (envToken) { console.error('Initializing with environment token:', envToken); try { this.token = envToken; await this.validateToken(); console.error('Successfully initialized with environment token'); } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to initialize with environment token:', error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'); this.token = null; } } else { console.error('No environment token found'); } this.initialized = true; } async request<T>(query: string, variables?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<T> { return super.request(query, variables); } async setToken(token: string | null): Promise<void> { this.token = token; if (token) { await this.validateToken(); } } getToken(): string | null { return super.getToken(); } private async validateToken(): Promise<void> { const query = ` query { projects { edges { node { id } } } } `; try { await super.request(query); } catch (error) { throw new Error('Invalid API token. Please check your token and try again.'); } } } // Initialize and export the singleton instance export const railwayClient = new RailwayApiClient();