Draw Things MCP

#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Cursor MCP Bridge - Connect Cursor MCP and Draw Things API * Converts simple text prompts to proper JSON-RPC requests */ import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import readline from 'readline'; import http from 'http'; // Set up log file const logFile = 'cursor-mcp-bridge.log'; function log(message) { const timestamp = new Date().toISOString(); const logMessage = `${timestamp} - ${message}\n`; fs.appendFileSync(logFile, logMessage); console.error(logMessage); // Also output to stderr for debugging } // Enhanced error logging function logError(error, message = 'Error') { const timestamp = new Date().toISOString(); const errorDetails = error instanceof Error ? `${error.message}\n${error.stack}` : String(error); const logMessage = `${timestamp} - [ERROR] ${message}: ${errorDetails}\n`; fs.appendFileSync(logFile, logMessage); console.error(logMessage); } // Initialize log log('Cursor MCP Bridge started'); log('Waiting for input...'); // Get current directory path const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); // Ensure images directory exists const imagesDir = path.join(__dirname, 'images'); if (!fs.existsSync(imagesDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(imagesDir, { recursive: true }); log(`Created image storage directory: ${imagesDir}`); } // Verify API connection - direct connection check async function verifyApiConnection() { // Read API port from environment or use default const apiPort = process.env.DRAW_THINGS_API_PORT || 7888; const apiUrl = process.env.DRAW_THINGS_API_URL || `${apiPort}`; log(`Verifying API connection to ${apiUrl}`); return new Promise((resolve) => { // Try multiple endpoints const endpoints = ['/sdapi/v1/options', '/sdapi/v1/samplers', '/']; let endpointIndex = 0; let retryCount = 0; const maxRetries = 2; const tryEndpoint = () => { if (endpointIndex >= endpoints.length) { log('All endpoints failed, API connection verification failed'); resolve(false); return; } const endpoint = endpoints[endpointIndex]; const url = new URL(endpoint, apiUrl); log(`Trying endpoint: ${url.toString()}`); const options = { hostname: url.hostname, port: url.port, path: url.pathname, method: 'GET', timeout: 5000, headers: { 'User-Agent': 'DrawThingsMCP/1.0', 'Accept': 'application/json' } }; const req = http.request(options, (res) => { log(`API connection check response: ${res.statusCode}`); // Any 2xx response is good if (res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300) { log('API connection verified successfully'); resolve(true); return; } // Try next endpoint endpointIndex++; retryCount = 0; tryEndpoint(); }); req.on('error', (e) => { log(`API connection error (${endpoint}): ${e.message}`); // Retry same endpoint a few times if (retryCount < maxRetries) { retryCount++; log(`Retrying ${endpoint} (attempt ${retryCount}/${maxRetries})...`); setTimeout(tryEndpoint, 1000); return; } // Move to next endpoint endpointIndex++; retryCount = 0; tryEndpoint(); }); req.on('timeout', () => { log(`API connection timeout (${endpoint})`); req.destroy(); // Retry same endpoint a few times if (retryCount < maxRetries) { retryCount++; log(`Retrying ${endpoint} after timeout (attempt ${retryCount}/${maxRetries})...`); setTimeout(tryEndpoint, 1000); return; } // Move to next endpoint endpointIndex++; retryCount = 0; tryEndpoint(); }); req.end(); }; tryEndpoint(); }); } // Initial API verification let apiVerified = false; verifyApiConnection().then(result => { apiVerified = result; if (result) { log('API connection verified on startup'); } else { log('API connection verification failed on startup - will retry on requests'); } }); // Set up readline interface const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, terminal: false }); // Listen for line input rl.on('line', async (line) => { log(`Received input: ${line.substring(0, 100)}${line.length > 100 ? '...' : ''}`); // If API connection hasn't been verified yet, try again if (!apiVerified) { apiVerified = await verifyApiConnection(); if (!apiVerified) { log('API connection still not available'); // Return error response but continue processing the request // This allows the MCP service to handle the error properly } } // Check if input is already in JSON format try { const jsonInput = JSON.parse(line); log('Input is valid JSON, checking if it conforms to JSON-RPC 2.0 standard'); // Check if it conforms to JSON-RPC 2.0 standard if (jsonInput.jsonrpc === "2.0" && jsonInput.method && jsonInput.id) { log('Input already conforms to JSON-RPC 2.0 standard, forwarding directly'); process.stdout.write(line + '\n'); return; } else { log('JSON format is valid but does not conform to JSON-RPC 2.0 standard, converting'); processRequest(jsonInput); } return; } catch (e) { log(`Input is not valid JSON: ${e.message}`); } // Check if it's a plain text prompt from Cursor if (line && typeof line === 'string' && !line.startsWith('{')) { log('Detected plain text prompt, converting to JSON-RPC request'); // Create request conforming to JSON-RPC 2.0 standard const request = { jsonrpc: "2.0", id: Date.now().toString(), method: "mcp.invoke", params: { tool: "generateImage", parameters: { prompt: line.trim() } } }; processRequest(request); } else { log('Unrecognized input format, cannot process'); sendErrorResponse('Unrecognized input format', "parse_error", -32700); } }); // Process request function processRequest(request) { log(`Processing request: ${JSON.stringify(request).substring(0, 100)}...`); try { // Ensure request has the correct structure if (!request.jsonrpc) request.jsonrpc = "2.0"; if (!request.id) request.id = Date.now().toString(); // If no method, set to mcp.invoke if (!request.method) { request.method = "mcp.invoke"; } // Process params if (!request.params) { // Try to build params from different sources if (request.prompt || request.parameters) { request.params = { tool: "generateImage", parameters: request.prompt ? { prompt: request.prompt } : (request.parameters || {}) }; } else { // No usable parameters found log('No usable parameters found, using empty object'); request.params = { tool: "generateImage", parameters: {} }; } } else if (!request.params.tool) { // Ensure there's a tool parameter request.params.tool = "generateImage"; } // Ensure there are parameters if (!request.params.parameters) { request.params.parameters = {}; } // Add API verification status to the request for debugging if (!apiVerified) { log('Warning: Adding API status information to request'); request.params.parameters._apiVerified = apiVerified; } log(`Final request: ${JSON.stringify(request).substring(0, 150)}...`); process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(request) + '\n'); } catch (error) { logError(error, 'Error processing request'); sendErrorResponse(`Error processing request: ${error.message}`, "internal_error", -32603); } } // Send error response conforming to JSON-RPC 2.0 function sendErrorResponse(message, errorType = "invalid_request", code = -32600) { const errorResponse = { jsonrpc: "2.0", id: "error-" + Date.now(), error: { code: code, message: errorType, data: message } }; log(`Sending error response: ${JSON.stringify(errorResponse)}`); process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(errorResponse) + '\n'); } // Buffer for assembling complete JSON responses let responseBuffer = ''; // Handle responses from the MCP service process.stdin.on('data', (data) => { try { const dataStr = data.toString(); log(`Received data chunk from MCP service: ${dataStr.substring(0, 100)}${dataStr.length > 100 ? '...' : ''}`); // Append to buffer to handle chunked responses responseBuffer += dataStr; // Check if we have a complete JSON object by trying to find matching braces if (isCompleteJson(responseBuffer)) { log('Detected complete JSON response, processing'); processCompleteResponse(responseBuffer); responseBuffer = ''; // Clear buffer after processing } else { log('Incomplete JSON detected, buffering for more data'); } } catch (error) { logError(error, 'Error handling MCP service data'); // If there's an error, try to forward the original data as a fallback try { process.stdout.write(data); } catch (writeError) { logError(writeError, 'Error forwarding original data'); } } }); // Check if a string contains a complete JSON object function isCompleteJson(str) { try { JSON.parse(str); return true; } catch (e) { // Not complete or not valid JSON // Try basic brace matching as a fallback let openBraces = 0; let insideString = false; let escapeNext = false; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const char = str[i]; if (escapeNext) { escapeNext = false; continue; } if (char === '\\' && insideString) { escapeNext = true; continue; } if (char === '"') { insideString = !insideString; continue; } if (!insideString) { if (char === '{') openBraces++; if (char === '}') openBraces--; } } // Complete JSON object should have matching braces return openBraces === 0 && str.trim().startsWith('{') && str.trim().endsWith('}'); } } // Process a complete response function processCompleteResponse(responseStr) { try { log(`Processing complete response: ${responseStr.substring(0, 100)}${responseStr.length > 100 ? '...' : ''}`); // Check for API error messages and update connection status if (responseStr.includes("Draw Things API is not running or cannot be connected")) { log('Detected API connection error in response'); // Trigger a new API verification verifyApiConnection().then(result => { apiVerified = result; log(`API verification after error message: ${apiVerified ? 'successful' : 'failed'}`); }); } // Try to parse as JSON const response = JSON.parse(responseStr); log('Successfully parsed MCP service response as JSON'); // Check if it's an image generation result if (response.result && response.result.content) { // Find image content const imageContent = response.result.content.find(item => item.type === 'image'); if (imageContent && imageContent.data) { // Save the image const timestamp = Date.now(); const imagePath = path.join(imagesDir, `image_${timestamp}.png`); // Remove data:image/png;base64, prefix const base64Data = imageContent.data.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, ''); fs.writeFileSync(imagePath, Buffer.from(base64Data, 'base64')); log(`Image saved to: ${imagePath}`); // Add saved path info to the response response.result.imageSavedPath = imagePath; // Successful image generation indicates API is working apiVerified = true; } } // Forward the processed response process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(response) + '\n'); } catch (error) { logError(error, 'Error processing complete response'); // Try to convert non-JSON response to proper JSON-RPC if (responseStr.trim() && !responseStr.trim().startsWith('{')) { log('Converting non-JSON response to proper JSON-RPC response'); // Create a JSON-RPC response with the text as content const jsonResponse = { jsonrpc: "2.0", id: "response-" + Date.now(), result: { content: [{ type: 'text', text: responseStr.trim() }] } }; process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(jsonResponse) + '\n'); } else { // Forward original response as fallback log('Forwarding original response as fallback'); process.stdout.write(responseStr + '\n'); } } } // Handle end of input rl.on('close', () => { log('Input stream closed, program ending'); process.exit(0); }); // Handle errors process.on('uncaughtException', (error) => { logError(error, 'Uncaught exception'); sendErrorResponse(`Error processing request: ${error.message}`, "internal_error", -32603); }); log('Bridge service ready, waiting for Cursor input...'); // Periodically check API connection setInterval(async () => { const prevStatus = apiVerified; apiVerified = await verifyApiConnection(); if (prevStatus !== apiVerified) { log(`API connection status changed: ${prevStatus} -> ${apiVerified}`); } }, 60000); // Check every minute