Draw Things MCP

#!/bin/bash # Cursor MCP and Draw Things Bridge Service Startup Script # Ensure the program aborts on error set -e echo "========================================================" echo " Cursor MCP and Draw Things Bridge Service Tool " echo " Image Generation Service Compliant with Model Context Protocol " echo "========================================================" echo # Check dependencies command -v node >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Error: Node.js is required but not installed"; exit 1; } command -v npm >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Error: npm is required but not installed"; exit 1; } # Ensure script has execution permissions chmod +x cursor-mcp-bridge.js # Check if help information is needed if [ "$1" == "--help" ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then echo "Usage: ./start-cursor-bridge.sh [options]" echo echo "Options:" echo " --help, -h Display this help information" echo " --debug Enable additional debug output" echo " --no-cleanup Keep old log files" echo " --port PORT Specify custom port for Draw Things API (default: 7888)" echo echo "This script is used to start the Cursor MCP and Draw Things bridge service." echo "It will start a service that allows Cursor to generate images using plain text prompts." echo echo "Dependencies:" echo " - Node.js and npm" echo " - Draw Things application (must be running with API enabled)" echo exit 0 fi # Parse parameters DEBUG_MODE=false CLEANUP=true API_PORT=7888 for arg in "$@"; do case $arg in --debug) DEBUG_MODE=true shift ;; --no-cleanup) CLEANUP=false shift ;; --port=*) API_PORT="${arg#*=}" shift ;; esac done # Install dependencies echo "Checking and installing necessary dependencies..." npm install --quiet # Clean up old logs if [ "$CLEANUP" = true ]; then echo "Cleaning up old log files..." if [ -f cursor-mcp-bridge.log ]; then mv cursor-mcp-bridge.log cursor-mcp-bridge.log.old fi if [ -f draw-things-mcp.log ]; then mv draw-things-mcp.log draw-things-mcp.log.old fi fi # Ensure images directory exists mkdir -p images # Ensure logs directory exists mkdir -p logs echo echo "Step 1: Checking if Draw Things API is available..." # Create a simple test script to check API connection cat > test-api.js << EOL import http from 'http'; const options = { host: '', port: ${API_PORT}, path: '/sdapi/v1/options', method: 'GET', timeout: 5000, headers: { 'User-Agent': 'DrawThingsMCP/1.0', 'Accept': 'application/json' } }; const req = http.request(options, (res) => { console.log('Draw Things API connection successful! Status code:', res.statusCode); process.exit(0); }); req.on('error', (e) => { if (e.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { console.error('Error: Unable to connect to Draw Things API. Make sure Draw Things application is running and API is enabled.'); } else if (e.code === 'ETIMEDOUT') { console.error('Error: Connection to Draw Things API timed out. Make sure Draw Things application is running normally.'); } else { console.error('Error:', e.message); } process.exit(1); }); req.on('timeout', () => { console.error('Error: Connection to Draw Things API timed out. Make sure Draw Things application is running normally.'); req.destroy(); process.exit(1); }); req.end(); EOL # Run API test if node test-api.js; then echo "Draw Things API is available, continuing to start bridge service..." else echo echo "Warning: Draw Things API appears to be unavailable on port ${API_PORT}." echo "Please ensure:" echo "1. Draw Things application is running" echo "2. API is enabled in Draw Things settings" echo "3. API is listening on${API_PORT}" echo read -p "Continue starting the bridge service anyway? (y/n) " -n 1 -r echo if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo "Canceling bridge service startup." exit 1 fi fi # Clean up temporary files rm -f test-api.js echo echo "Step 2: Starting Services..." echo # Set up environment variables export DRAW_THINGS_FORCE_STAY_ALIVE=true export MCP_BRIDGE_DEDUP=true export DEBUG_MODE=$DEBUG_MODE export DRAW_THINGS_API_PORT=$API_PORT export DRAW_THINGS_API_URL="${API_PORT}" # Set up debug mode if [ "$DEBUG_MODE" = true ]; then echo "Debug mode enabled, all log output will be displayed" echo "Starting MCP bridge service in debug mode..." # Start both services in debug mode node cursor-mcp-bridge.js 2>&1 | tee -a cursor-mcp-debug.log | node src/index.js else # Start bridge service echo "Starting bridge service in normal mode..." echo "All logs will be saved to cursor-mcp-bridge.log and draw-things-mcp.log" # Start MCP bridge service and pipe output to MCP service node cursor-mcp-bridge.js | node src/index.js fi echo echo "Service has ended." echo "Log files:" echo " - cursor-mcp-bridge.log" echo " - draw-things-mcp.log" echo " - logs/error.log (if errors occurred)" echo "If generation was successful, images will be saved in the images directory." # Display service status if [ -f "images/image_$(date +%Y%m%d)*.png" ] || [ -f "images/generated-image_*.png" ]; then echo "Images were successfully generated today!" ls -la images/ | grep "$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" else echo "No images generated today were found. Please check the logs for more information." fi