Docker MCP Server
by zaycruz
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from termcolor import colored
import subprocess
import sys
import os
import socket
import argparse
def is_port_in_use(port):
"""Check if a port is already in use."""
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
return s.connect_ex(('localhost', port)) == 0
def parse_arguments():
"""Parse command-line arguments."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Docker MCP Server Runner')
parser.add_argument('--direct', action='store_true',
help='Run the server directly without the MCP Inspector')
parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=3000,
help='Port to run the server on (default: 3000)')
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Parse command-line arguments
args = parse_arguments()
# Run the server directly without MCP Inspector
print(colored("[DockerMCP] Starting Docker MCP server in direct mode...", "cyan"))
print(colored(f"[DockerMCP] Server will run on port {args.port}", "cyan"))
# Set the MCP_PORT environment variable
os.environ["MCP_PORT"] = str(args.port)
# Use fastmcp run instead of direct Python execution["fastmcp", "run", "src/"], check=True)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print(colored("[DockerMCP] Server shutdown requested. Exiting...", "yellow"))
except Exception as e:
print(colored(f"[DockerMCP] Error running server: {str(e)}", "red"))
# Run with the MCP Inspector
print(colored("[DockerMCP] Starting Docker MCP server with MCP Inspector...", "cyan"))
# Check if common MCP Inspector ports are in use
server_port = 3000
client_port = 5173
if is_port_in_use(server_port):
print(colored(f"[DockerMCP] Warning: Port {server_port} (MCP server) is already in use.", "yellow"))
print(colored("[DockerMCP] You may need to stop other running MCP servers or services using this port.", "yellow"))
if is_port_in_use(client_port):
print(colored(f"[DockerMCP] Warning: Port {client_port} (MCP Inspector client) is already in use.", "yellow"))
print(colored("[DockerMCP] You may need to stop other running MCP Inspector instances.", "yellow"))
# Run the fastmcp dev command
print(colored("[DockerMCP] Attempting to start MCP server with Docker tools...", "cyan"))["fastmcp", "dev", "src/"], check=True)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print(colored("[DockerMCP] Server shutdown requested. Exiting...", "yellow"))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if "EADDRINUSE" in str(e):
print(colored("[DockerMCP] ERROR: Port already in use. Please try the following:", "red"))
print(colored(" 1. Check for other running processes on ports 3000 and 5173", "yellow"))
print(colored(" 2. Stop those processes and try again", "yellow"))
print(colored(" 3. Or use the direct server approach:", "yellow"))
print(colored(" python3 --direct", "yellow"))
print(colored("\nTo find and kill processes using these ports:", "cyan"))
print(colored(" lsof -i :3000 # Find process on port 3000", "yellow"))
print(colored(" lsof -i :5173 # Find process on port 5173", "yellow"))
print(colored(" kill -9 <PID> # Kill the process by ID", "yellow"))
print(colored(f"[DockerMCP] Error running server: {str(e)}", "red"))
except Exception as e:
print(colored(f"[DockerMCP] Error running server: {str(e)}", "red"))