MCP Server Memory File
by g0t4
- src
let verbose = false;
// check CLI args:
if (process.argv.includes("--verbose")) {
verbose = true;
if (verbose) {
always_log("INFO: verbose logging enabled");
} else {
always_log("INFO: verbose logging disabled, enable it with --verbose");
export function always_log(message: string, data?: any) {
if (data !== undefined) {
// I want false to hit this branch
console.error(message + ": " + JSON.stringify(data));
} else {
// TODO extract server module so I can import it above and use it to send logs once I can figure out how to do notification based logging (if that is supposed to be a thing)
// OR flip things around and have a module init that takes a server arg toinit this module and then use that static logger instance in always_log/verbose_log
// OR see how others approach this
export function verbose_log(message: string, data?: any) {
// - mentions various ways to debug/troubleshoot (including dev tools)
// remember STDIO transport means can't log over STDOUT (client expects JSON messages per the spec)
// mentions STDERR is captured by the host app (i.e. Claude Desktop app)
// server.sendLoggingMessage is captured by MCP client (not Claude Desktop app)
// SO, IIUC use STDERR for logging into Claude Desktop app logs in:
// '~/Library/Logs/Claude/mcp.log'
if (verbose) {
always_log(message, data);
// inspector, catches these logs and shows them on left hand side of screen (sidebar)
// TODO add verbose parameter (CLI arg?)
// IF I wanted to log via MCP client logs (not sure what those are/do):
// I do not see inspector catching these logs :(, there is a server notifications section and it remains empty
// level: "info",
// data: message,
// which results in something like:
// method: "notifications/message",
// params: {
// level: "warning",
// logger: "mcp-server-commands",
// data: "ListToolsRequest2",
// },
// FYI client should also requets a log level from the server, so that needs to be here at some point too