Pump.fun MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides tools for creating, buying, and selling tokens on the Pump.fun platform on the Solana blockchain, with account management capabilities and balance checking


A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for interacting with the Pump.fun platform on Solana. This server enables AI assistants to create, buy, and sell tokens on the Pump.fun platform.



To use this server with Claude or other MCP-compatible AI assistants, add the following configuration to your MCP client:

If you're on MacOS and want to run this in Claude Desktop, in your ~/Library/Application \Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json file, write the following:

{ "mcpServers": { "pumpfun": { "command": "node", "args": ["/Users/noahsolomon/Desktop/pumpfun-mcp/build/index.js"], // note this should be YOUR absolute path to index.js, not mine. "env": { "HELIUS_RPC_URL": "https://your-helius-rpc-url.com" } } } }

Replace https://your-helius-rpc-url.com with your Helius RPC URL.


  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone https://github.com/noahgsolomon/pumpfun-mcp.git cd pumpfun-mcp
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Create a .env file with your Solana RPC URL:
    You can get a free RPC URL from Helius.To use an existing Solana wallet, add your private key to the .env file:
    Then run the conversion script to create a keypair file:
    node convert-key.js
    This will create a default.json file in the .keys folder with your keypair.
  4. Build the project:
    npm run build
  5. Run the MCP server:
    node build/index.js



  • get-token-info
    • Get information about a Pump.fun token
    • Input parameters:
      • tokenAddress (string, required): The token's mint address
  • create-token
    • Create a new Pump.fun token
    • Input parameters:
      • name (string, required): Token name
      • symbol (string, required): Token symbol
      • description (string, required): Token description
      • imageUrl (string, optional): Path to local image file
      • initialBuyAmount (number, required): Initial buy amount in SOL (min 0.0001)
      • accountName (string, optional): Name of the account to use (defaults to "default")
  • buy-token
    • Buy a Pump.fun token
    • Input parameters:
      • tokenAddress (string, required): The token's mint address
      • buyAmount (number, required): Amount to buy in SOL (min 0.0001)
      • accountName (string, optional): Name of the account to use (defaults to "default")
      • slippageBasisPoints (number, optional): Slippage tolerance in basis points (defaults to 100)
  • sell-token
    • Sell a Pump.fun token
    • Input parameters:
      • tokenAddress (string, required): The token's mint address
      • sellAmount (number, required): Amount of tokens to sell (use 0 to sell all)
      • accountName (string, optional): Name of the account to use (defaults to "default")
      • slippageBasisPoints (number, optional): Slippage tolerance in basis points (defaults to 100)
  • list-accounts
    • List all accounts in the keys folder
    • No input parameters required
  • get-account-balance
    • Get the SOL and token balances for an account
    • Input parameters:
      • accountName (string, optional): Name of the account to check (defaults to "default")
      • tokenAddress (string, optional): Token address to check balance for

Account Management

The MCP automatically creates and manages Solana keypairs in the .keys folder. Each keypair is stored as a JSON file with the account name as the filename.

When creating a token, the mint keypair is also saved in the .keys folder with the prefix mint-.

To use the MCP with your own account, you need to:

  1. Add your private key to the .env file and run node convert-key.js
  2. Have sufficient SOL in that wallet

Standalone Scripts

The project includes several standalone scripts that can be run directly:

  • Get Token Info: node build/get-token-info.js <token_address>
  • Create Token: node build/create-token.js <name> <symbol> <description> <initial_buy_amount> [account_name] [image_url]
  • Buy Token: node build/buy-token.js <token_address> <buy_amount_sol> [account_name] [slippage_basis_points]
  • Sell Token: node build/sell-token.js <token_address> <sell_amount> [account_name] [slippage_basis_points]
  • List Accounts: node build/list-accounts.js
  • Get Account Balance: node build/get-token-balance.js <account_name> [token_address]

Important Notes

  • Security: The keypairs are stored unencrypted in the .keys folder. Make sure to secure this folder appropriately.
  • Fees: All transactions on Solana require SOL for transaction fees. Make sure your accounts have enough SOL.
  • Slippage: The default slippage tolerance is 1% (100 basis points). You can adjust this for each transaction.
  • Images: When creating tokens with images, you must provide a local file path to the image. Remote URLs are not supported.


Project Structure

  • src/index.ts: Main MCP server entry point
  • src/get-token-info.ts: Token information retrieval
  • src/create-token.ts: Token creation functionality
  • src/buy-token.ts: Token buying functionality
  • src/sell-token.ts: Token selling functionality
  • src/list-accounts.ts: Account listing functionality
  • src/get-token-balance.ts: Account balance checking
  • src/utils.ts: Shared utility functions
  • convert-key.js: Utility to convert a base58 private key to a keypair JSON file


npm run build
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol server enabling AI assistants to create, buy, and sell tokens on the Pump.fun platform on Solana.

  1. Usage
    1. Installation
      1. Components
        1. Tools
          1. Account Management
          2. Standalone Scripts
            1. Important Notes
              1. Development
                1. Project Structure
                  1. Building