Flow MCP Server

by lmcmz

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides access to the source code repository for local development, cloning, and contribution to the Flow MCP server.

  • Allows installation and running of the Flow MCP server through the npm package manager using npx or local installation methods.

Flow MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for interacting with the Flow blockchain. This server enables AI assistants to access Flow blockchain data and perform operations through a standardized interface.


  • Balance checking for Flow and fungible tokens
  • Domain resolution for .find and .fn domains
  • Script execution for reading blockchain data
  • Transaction submission and monitoring
  • Account information retrieval
  • Flow configuration based on environment variables


npx -y @outblock/flow-mcp-server --stdio

Or specify HTTP mode with a port:

npx -y @outblock/flow-mcp-server --port 3000

Local Installation (For Development)

git clone https://github.com/lmcmz/flow-mcp-server.git cd flow-mcp-server npm install npm run build npm start


Running with npx

# Run in stdio mode (for AI assistant integration) npx -y @outblock/flow-mcp-server --stdio # Run as HTTP server on port 3000 npx -y @outblock/flow-mcp-server --port 3000 # Specify Flow network npx -y @outblock/flow-mcp-server --port 3000 --network testnet

Running Local Development Server

# Run in stdio mode npm run build npm start # Run as HTTP server on port 3000 npm run build PORT=3000 npm start # For development with auto-reload npm run dev


The server can be configured using environment variables:

  • PORT - HTTP port to listen on (if not set, defaults to stdio mode)
  • FLOW_NETWORK - Flow network to connect to (mainnet, testnet, emulator)
  • FLOW_ACCESS_NODE - Custom Flow access node URL
  • LOG_LEVEL - Logging level (debug, info, warn, error)

Using with AI Assistants

When integrating with AI assistants like Claude, you can start the MCP server in stdio mode and connect it to your assistant's tool configuration.

Example Claude tool configuration:

{ "tools": [ { "name": "flow-mcp-server", "command": "npx -y @outblock/flow-mcp-server --stdio" } ] }

HTTP API Endpoints

When running in HTTP mode, the following endpoints are available:

  • /sse - Server-Sent Events endpoint for real-time updates
  • /messages - POST endpoint for sending tool requests
  • /health - Health check endpoint
  • / - Server information

Example HTTP API call:

curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/messages \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "tool_request": { "name": "get_balance", "parameters": { "address": "0x2d4c3caffbeab845", "network": "mainnet" } } }'

Available Tools

  • get_balance - Get Flow balance for an address
  • get_token_balance - Get fungible token balance
  • get_account - Get account information
  • resolve_domain - Resolve a .find or .fn domain to an address
  • execute_script - Execute a Cadence script
  • send_transaction - Send a transaction to the blockchain
  • get_transaction - Get transaction details by ID

Version History

  • v0.1.1 - Bug fix for formatArguments import issue in transaction service
  • v0.1.0 - Initial release with basic Flow blockchain integration



security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol server that enables AI assistants to access Flow blockchain data and perform operations such as checking balances, resolving domains, executing scripts, and submitting transactions.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Using npx (Recommended)
      2. Local Installation (For Development)
    2. Usage
      1. Running with npx
      2. Running Local Development Server
    3. Configuration
      1. Using with AI Assistants
        1. HTTP API Endpoints
          1. Available Tools
            1. Version History
              1. License