MCP Image Recognition Server

by mario-andreschak
  • tests
import base64 import os from pathlib import Path from typing import AsyncGenerator import pytest import pytest_asyncio from mcp import ClientSession, StdioServerParameters, Tool, stdio_client # Test image (a simple 1x1 pixel PNG) TEST_IMAGE_DATA = base64.b64encode( bytes.fromhex( "89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d494844520000000100000001080600000001f15c" "4a00000009704859730000000ec400000ec401952b0e1b0000001c4944415478" "9c636460606062626060606060600000000000ffff030000060001f5f7e3c000" "00000049454e44ae426082" ) ).decode() @pytest_asyncio.fixture async def client() -> AsyncGenerator[ClientSession, None]: """Create a test client connected to the server.""" server_params = StdioServerParameters( command="python", args=["-m", "src.image_recognition_server.server"], env={ "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY": os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY", "test_key"), "OPENAI_API_KEY": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY", "test_key"), "VISION_PROVIDER": "anthropic", "LOG_LEVEL": "DEBUG", }, ) async with stdio_client(server_params) as (read, write): async with ClientSession(read, write) as session: await session.initialize() yield session @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_list_tools(client: ClientSession): """Test that the server exposes the expected tools.""" tools: list[Tool] = await client.list_tools() tool_names = { for tool in tools} assert "describe_image" in tool_names assert "describe_image_from_file" in tool_names @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_describe_image(client: ClientSession) -> None: """Test the describe_image tool with a test image.""" result = await client.call_tool( "describe_image", arguments={"image": {"data": TEST_IMAGE_DATA, "mime_type": "image/png"}}, ) assert isinstance(result, str) assert len(result) > 0 @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_describe_image_from_file(client: ClientSession, tmp_path: Path) -> None: """Test the describe_image_from_file tool with a test image file.""" # Create a test image file image_path = tmp_path / "test.png" image_data = base64.b64decode(TEST_IMAGE_DATA) image_path.write_bytes(image_data) result = await client.call_tool( "describe_image_from_file", arguments={"filepath": str(image_path)} ) assert isinstance(result, str) assert len(result) > 0 @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_invalid_image_data(client: ClientSession) -> None: """Test that the server handles invalid image data appropriately.""" with pytest.raises(Exception): await client.call_tool( "describe_image", arguments={"image": {"data": "invalid_base64", "mime_type": "image/png"}}, ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_invalid_file_path(client: ClientSession) -> None: """Test that the server handles invalid file paths appropriately.""" with pytest.raises(Exception): await client.call_tool( "describe_image_from_file", arguments={"filepath": "/nonexistent/path.png"} )