Wikimedia MCP Server

  • src
import { Server } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js'; import { CallToolRequestSchema, ListToolsRequestSchema } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import path from 'path'; import { tools } from './tools/index.js'; type ToolHandler = (args: Record<string, unknown>) => Promise<{ content: Array<{ type: string; text: string; }>; isError?: boolean; }>; /** * Main MCP server class for Neurolora functionality */ const ENV = { isLocal: process.env.MCP_ENV === 'local', storagePath: process.env.STORAGE_PATH || 'data', maxTokens: parseInt(process.env.MAX_TOKENS || '190000'), timeoutMs: parseInt(process.env.TIMEOUT_MS || '300000'), }; /** * Server configuration and state management */ class ServerConfig { public readonly isLocal: boolean; public readonly name: string; public readonly baseDir: string; constructor() { this.isLocal = ENV.isLocal; = this.isLocal ? 'local-mcp-neurolora' : '@aindreyway/mcp-neurolora'; this.baseDir = process.argv[1] ? path.dirname(process.argv[1]) : process.cwd(); } } /** * Error handler for MCP server */ class ErrorHandler { constructor(private readonly config: ServerConfig) {} public formatError(error: Error): string { return this.config.isLocal ? `${error.message}\n${error.stack}` : 'An error occurred while processing the request'; } public logError(error: unknown, context?: string): void { const prefix = this.config.isLocal ? '[LOCAL VERSION][MCP Error]' : '[MCP Error]'; console.error(prefix, context ? `[${context}]` : '', error); } } /** * Connection manager for MCP server */ class ConnectionManager { private currentTransport: any; constructor( private readonly server: Server, private readonly errorHandler: ErrorHandler ) {} public async connect(transport: any): Promise<void> { this.currentTransport = transport; await this.reconnect(); } private async reconnect(retryCount = 0, maxRetries = 3): Promise<void> { try { await this.server.connect(this.currentTransport); console.error('✅ Neurolora MCP server connected successfully'); } catch (error) { this.errorHandler.logError(error, 'reconnect'); if (retryCount < maxRetries) { console.error(`Retrying connection (${retryCount + 1}/${maxRetries})...`); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); await this.reconnect(retryCount + 1, maxRetries); } else { throw error; } } } public async disconnect(): Promise<void> { await this.server.close(); console.error('Server closed successfully'); } } export class NeuroloraServer { private readonly server: Server; private readonly config: ServerConfig; private readonly errorHandler: ErrorHandler; private readonly connectionManager: ConnectionManager; constructor() { this.config = new ServerConfig(); this.errorHandler = new ErrorHandler(this.config); // Initialize server this.server = new Server({ name:, version: '1.4.0', capabilities: { tools: {}, }, timeout: ENV.timeoutMs, }); this.connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(this.server, this.errorHandler); // Show debug info in local mode if (this.config.isLocal) { console.error('[LOCAL VERSION] Running in development mode'); console.error(`[LOCAL VERSION] Storage path: ${ENV.storagePath}`); console.error(`[LOCAL VERSION] Max tokens: ${ENV.maxTokens}`); console.error(`[LOCAL VERSION] Timeout: ${ENV.timeoutMs}ms`); } this.initializeHandlers(); } private initializeHandlers(): void { // Register tools this.server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => ({ tools })); // Handle tool calls this.server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async request => { const tool = tools.find(t => ===; if (!tool) { return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: `Unknown tool: ${}` }], isError: true, }; } try { const handler = tool?.handler as ToolHandler; return handler(request.params.arguments || {}); } catch (error) { this.errorHandler.logError(error, 'tool execution'); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: this.errorHandler.formatError(error as Error) }], isError: true, }; } }); // Error handling this.server.onerror = async error => { this.errorHandler.logError(error); if (error instanceof Error && error.message.includes('connection')) { await this.handleConnectionError(); } }; } private async handleConnectionError(): Promise<void> { console.error('Connection error detected, attempting to reconnect...'); try { await this.server.close(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); await this.connectionManager.connect(this.connectionManager['currentTransport']); } catch (error) { this.errorHandler.logError(error, 'reconnection'); } } private async handleShutdown(signal: string): Promise<void> { console.error(`\nReceived ${signal}, shutting down...`); try { await this.connectionManager.disconnect(); // Allow async operations to complete before exiting setTimeout(() => process.exit(0), 1000); } catch (error) { this.errorHandler.logError(error, 'shutdown'); process.exit(1); } } async run(transport: any): Promise<void> { console.error('Neurolora MCP server running from:', this.config.baseDir); try { await this.connectionManager.connect(transport); // Setup signal handlers const signals = ['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM', 'SIGHUP']; signals.forEach(signal => { process.on(signal, () => this.handleShutdown(signal)); }); } catch (error) { this.errorHandler.logError(error, 'startup'); process.exit(1); } } }