Wikimedia MCP Server
by privetin
# MCP Neurolora

An intelligent MCP server that provides tools for code analysis using OpenAI API, code collection, and documentation generation.
## 🚀 Installation Guide
Don't worry if you don't have anything installed yet! Just follow these steps or ask your assistant to help you with the installation.
### Step 1: Install Node.js
#### macOS
1. Install Homebrew if not installed:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
2. Install Node.js 18:
brew install node@18
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/node@18/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
#### Windows
1. Download Node.js 18 LTS from [](
2. Run the installer
3. Open a new terminal to apply changes
#### Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
### Step 2: Install uv and uvx
#### All Operating Systems
1. Install uv:
curl -LsSf | sh
2. Install uvx:
uv pip install uvx
### Step 3: Verify Installation
Run these commands to verify everything is installed:
node --version # Should show v18.x.x
npm --version # Should show 9.x.x or higher
uv --version # Should show uv installed
uvx --version # Should show uvx installed
### Step 4: Configure MCP Server
Your assistant will help you:
1. Find your Cline settings file:
- VSCode: `~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/saoudrizwan.claude-dev/settings/cline_mcp_settings.json`
- Claude Desktop: `~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`
- Windows VSCode: `%APPDATA%/Code/User/globalStorage/saoudrizwan.claude-dev/settings/cline_mcp_settings.json`
- Windows Claude: `%APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`
2. Add this configuration:
"mcpServers": {
"aindreyway-mcp-neurolora": {
"command": "npx",
"args": ["-y", "@aindreyway/mcp-neurolora@latest"],
"env": {
"NODE_OPTIONS": "--max-old-space-size=256",
"OPENAI_API_KEY": "your_api_key_here"
### Step 5: Install Base Servers
Simply ask your assistant:
"Please install the base MCP servers for my environment"
Your assistant will:
1. Find your settings file
2. Run the install_base_servers tool
3. Configure all necessary servers automatically
After the installation is complete:
1. Close VSCode completely (Cmd+Q on macOS, Alt+F4 on Windows)
2. Reopen VSCode
3. The new servers will be ready to use
> **Important:** A complete restart of VSCode is required after installing the base servers for them to be properly initialized.
> **Note:** This server uses `npx` for direct npm package execution, which is optimal for Node.js/TypeScript MCP servers, providing seamless integration with the npm ecosystem and TypeScript tooling.
## Base MCP Servers
The following base servers will be automatically installed and configured:
- fetch: Basic HTTP request functionality for accessing web resources
- puppeteer: Browser automation capabilities for web interaction and testing
- sequential-thinking: Advanced problem-solving tools for complex tasks
- github: GitHub integration features for repository management
- git: Git operations support for version control
- shell: Basic shell command execution with common commands:
- ls: List directory contents
- cat: Display file contents
- pwd: Print working directory
- grep: Search text patterns
- wc: Count words, lines, characters
- touch: Create empty files
- find: Search for files
## 🎯 What Your Assistant Can Do
Ask your assistant to:
- "Analyze my code and suggest improvements"
- "Install base MCP servers for my environment"
- "Collect code from my project directory"
- "Create documentation for my codebase"
- "Generate a markdown file with all my code"
## 🛠 Available Tools
### analyze_code
Analyzes code using OpenAI API and generates detailed feedback with improvement suggestions.
- `codePath` (required): Path to the code file or directory to analyze
Example usage:
"codePath": "/path/to/your/code.ts"
The tool will:
1. Analyze your code using OpenAI API
2. Generate detailed feedback with:
- Issues and recommendations
- Best practices violations
- Impact analysis
- Steps to fix
3. Create two output files in your project:
- LAST_RESPONSE_OPENAI.txt - Human-readable analysis
- LAST_RESPONSE_OPENAI_GITHUB_FORMAT.json - Structured data for GitHub issues
> Note: Requires OpenAI API key in environment configuration
### collect_code
Collects all code from a directory into a single markdown file with syntax highlighting and navigation.
- `directory` (required): Directory path to collect code from
- `outputPath` (optional): Path where to save the output markdown file
- `ignorePatterns` (optional): Array of patterns to ignore (similar to .gitignore)
Example usage:
"directory": "/path/to/project/src",
"outputPath": "/path/to/project/src/",
"ignorePatterns": ["*.log", "temp/", "__pycache__", "*.pyc", ".git"]
### install_base_servers
Installs base MCP servers to your configuration file.
- `configPath` (required): Path to the MCP settings configuration file
Example usage:
"configPath": "/path/to/cline_mcp_settings.json"
## 🔧 Features
The server provides:
- Code Analysis:
- OpenAI API integration
- Structured feedback
- Best practices recommendations
- GitHub issues generation
- Code Collection:
- Directory traversal
- Syntax highlighting
- Navigation generation
- Pattern-based filtering
- Base Server Management:
- Automatic installation
- Configuration handling
- Version management
## 📄 License
MIT License - feel free to use this in your projects!
## 👤 Author
- GitHub: [@aindreyway](
## ⭐️ Support
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!