Cargo Doc MCP Server

  • src
import { execa } from 'execa'; import { DocCache } from './cache.js'; import { DocError, DocErrorCode, SearchOptions, SearchResult, SymbolInfo, SymbolType } from './types.js'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import { RustdocUrl } from './url-utils.js'; /** * Manages Rust documentation operations */ export class DocManager { private cache: DocCache; constructor() { this.cache = new DocCache(); } /** * Initialize the document manager */ public async initialize(): Promise<void> { await this.cache.initialize(); } /** * Get documentation path for a crate */ public async getDocPath(projectPath: string, crateName: string): Promise<{ docPath: string; isBuilt: boolean } | null> { const cached = await this.cache.get(projectPath, crateName); if (!cached) { return null; } return { docPath: cached.docPath, isBuilt: cached.isBuilt }; } /** * Verify if a project path is valid */ private async verifyProjectPath(projectPath: string): Promise<void> { try { const cargoToml = path.join(projectPath, 'Cargo.toml'); await fs.access(cargoToml); } catch (error) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.INVALID_PATH, `Invalid project path: ${projectPath}. Cargo.toml not found.` ); } } /** * Get the target directory for a project */ private async getTargetDir(projectPath: string): Promise<string> { try { const { stdout } = await execa('cargo', ['metadata', '--format-version=1', '--no-deps'], { cwd: projectPath }); const metadata = JSON.parse(stdout); return metadata.target_directory; } catch (error) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.CARGO_ERROR, 'Failed to get target directory', error ); } } /** * Check if documentation is built for a crate */ public async checkDoc(projectPath: string, crateName: string): Promise<boolean> { await this.verifyProjectPath(projectPath); const cached = await this.cache.get(projectPath, crateName); if (cached && cached.isBuilt) { return true; } try { const targetDir = await this.getTargetDir(projectPath); const docPath = path.join(targetDir, 'doc', crateName, 'index.html'); try { await fs.access(docPath); await this.cache.set({ crateName, projectPath, docPath, lastBuildTime:, isBuilt: true }); return true; } catch { // Document not found, trigger automatic build await this.buildDoc(projectPath, crateName); return true; } } catch (error) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.CARGO_ERROR, 'Failed to check documentation status', error ); } } /** * Build documentation for a crate */ public async buildDoc(projectPath: string, crateName: string, noDeps: boolean = false): Promise<string> { await this.verifyProjectPath(projectPath); try { const args = ['doc', '--no-deps']; if (noDeps) { args.push('--no-deps'); } args.push('-p', crateName); const result = await execa('cargo', args, { cwd: projectPath }); if (result.exitCode === 0) { const targetDir = await this.getTargetDir(projectPath); const docPath = path.join(targetDir, 'doc', crateName, 'index.html'); await this.cache.set({ crateName, projectPath, docPath, lastBuildTime:, isBuilt: true }); return docPath; } else { throw new Error(result.stderr); } } catch (error) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.BUILD_FAILED, 'Failed to build documentation', error ); } } /** * Search within a crate's documentation */ public async searchDoc( projectPath: string, crateName: string, query: string, options: SearchOptions = {} ): Promise<SearchResult[]> { const isBuilt = await this.checkDoc(projectPath, crateName); if (!isBuilt) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.SEARCH_FAILED, 'Failed to access documentation' ); } const cached = await this.cache.get(projectPath, crateName); if (!cached) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.CACHE_ERROR, 'Cache error: Documentation entry not found' ); } try { const { docPath } = cached; const docDir = path.dirname(docPath); const results: SearchResult[] = []; // 定义搜索处理函数 const searchHandler = async (fileName: string, filePath: string, modulePath: string) => { if (options.limit && results.length >= options.limit) { return; } const content = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8'); if (content.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase())) { const symbol = this.parseSymbolFromFile(fileName, modulePath, crateName, filePath); results.push({ title: symbol ? symbol.path : path.basename(fileName, '.html'), url: RustdocUrl.create(filePath) }); } }; // 使用通用的traverseDirectory进行搜索 await this.traverseDirectory(docDir, crateName, '', searchHandler); return results.sort((a, b) => a.title.localeCompare(b.title)); } catch (error) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.SEARCH_FAILED, 'Failed to search documentation', error ); } } /** * List all symbols in a crate's documentation */ /** * Parse symbol information from a documentation file name */ private parseSymbolFromFile(fileName: string, modulePath: string, crateName: string, filePath: string): SymbolInfo | null { const match = fileName.match(/^(struct|enum|trait|fn|const|type|macro|mod)\.(.+)\.html$/); if (!match) { return null; } const [, type, name] = match; const symbolName = name.replace(/-/g, '::'); const fullPath = modulePath ? `${crateName}::${modulePath}::${symbolName}` : `${crateName}::${symbolName}`; return { name: symbolName, type: type as SymbolType, path: fullPath, url: RustdocUrl.create(filePath) }; } /** * Recursively traverse directory to find all symbols */ /** * 递归遍历文档目录 * @param docDir 文档目录路径 * @param crateName crate名称 * @param modulePath 当前模块路径 * @param fileHandler 文件处理函数,用于处理发现的HTML文件 */ private async traverseDirectory( docDir: string, crateName: string, modulePath: string = '', fileHandler: (fileName: string, filePath: string, modulePath: string) => Promise<void> ): Promise<void> { const entries = await fs.readdir(docDir, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const entry of entries) { if (entry.isDirectory()) { // 跳过特殊目录 if ( === 'src' || === 'implementors') { continue; } // 递归遍历子目录 const nextModulePath = modulePath ? `${modulePath}::${}` :; await this.traverseDirectory( path.join(docDir,, crateName, nextModulePath, fileHandler ); } else if ('.html') && !== 'index.html') { await fileHandler(, path.join(docDir,, modulePath); } } } /** * List all symbols in a crate's documentation */ public async listSymbols(projectPath: string, crateName: string): Promise<SymbolInfo[]> { const isBuilt = await this.checkDoc(projectPath, crateName); if (!isBuilt) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.SEARCH_FAILED, 'Failed to access documentation' ); } const cached = await this.cache.get(projectPath, crateName); if (!cached) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.CACHE_ERROR, 'Cache error: Documentation entry not found' ); } try { const { docPath } = cached; const docDir = path.dirname(docPath); const symbols: SymbolInfo[] = []; // 定义符号收集处理函数 const symbolHandler = async (fileName: string, filePath: string, modulePath: string) => { const symbol = this.parseSymbolFromFile(fileName, modulePath, crateName, filePath); if (symbol) { symbols.push(symbol); } }; // 使用通用的traverseDirectory收集符号 await this.traverseDirectory(docDir, crateName, '', symbolHandler); return symbols.sort((a, b) => a.path.localeCompare(b.path)); } catch (error) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.SEARCH_FAILED, 'Failed to list symbols', error ); } } /** * Get crate's main documentation content * This method automatically ensures documentation is built and returns the index page content * @param projectPath Path to the Rust project * @param crateName Name of the crate to get documentation for * @returns Markdown formatted documentation content */ public async getCrateDoc(projectPath: string, crateName: string): Promise<string> { const isBuilt = await this.checkDoc(projectPath, crateName); if (!isBuilt) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.BUILD_FAILED, 'Failed to build documentation' ); } const cached = await this.cache.get(projectPath, crateName); if (!cached) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.CACHE_ERROR, 'Cache error: Documentation entry not found' ); } try { const { docPath } = cached; return await RustdocUrl.readContent(docPath); } catch (error) { throw new DocError( DocErrorCode.SEARCH_FAILED, 'Failed to read crate documentation', error ); } } }