Farcaster MCP Server
by manimohans
- src
import { McpServer } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js";
import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js";
import { z } from "zod";
import axios from "axios";
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
import * as process from 'process';
// Farcaster Hubble API base URL
const HUBBLE_API_BASE = "https://nemes.farcaster.xyz:2281/v1";
// Create MCP server with all capabilities
const server = new McpServer({
name: "farcaster-mcp",
version: "1.0.0",
capabilities: {
tools: {},
resources: {},
prompts: {}
// Types for Farcaster API responses based on actual API structure
interface CastAddBody {
text: string;
mentions?: number[];
mentionsPositions?: number[];
parentCastId?: {
fid: number;
hash: string;
embeds?: any[];
embedsDeprecated?: any[];
interface CastRemoveBody {
targetHash: string;
interface CastData {
type: string;
fid: number;
timestamp: number;
network: string;
castAddBody?: CastAddBody;
castRemoveBody?: CastRemoveBody;
interface Cast {
data: CastData;
hash: string;
hashScheme: string;
signature: string;
signatureScheme: string;
signer: string;
interface UserData {
type: number;
fid: number;
username?: string;
displayName?: string;
pfpUrl?: string;
bio?: string;
// Farcaster user data type constants
const USER_DATA_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME = USER_DATA_TYPE_DISPLAY; // Alias for backward compatibility
interface FarcasterCastsResponse {
messages: Cast[];
nextPageToken?: string;
interface FarcasterUserDataResponse {
messages: {
data: {
type: number;
fid: number;
userDataBody: {
type: number;
value: string;
// Helper function to make API requests to Farcaster Hubble
async function fetchFromHubble(endpoint: string, params: Record<string, any> = {}) {
try {
console.error(`Fetching from ${HUBBLE_API_BASE}${endpoint} with params:`, params);
const response = await axios.get(`${HUBBLE_API_BASE}${endpoint}`, {
console.error(`Response status: ${response.status}`);
return response.data;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching from Hubble API:", error);
if (axios.isAxiosError(error) && error.response) {
throw new Error(`Hubble API error: ${error.response.status} - ${error.response.data?.details || error.message}`);
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch from Hubble: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`);
// Helper function to get user data (username, display name)
async function getUserData(fid: number): Promise<UserData> {
try {
console.error(`Fetching user data for FID: ${fid}`);
const userData: UserData = { fid, type: 0 };
let foundDisplayName = false;
// Get user data - only looking for display name
try {
// Log that we're fetching display name
console.error(`Fetching display name for FID ${fid} from userDataByFid endpoint`);
// Make the API call with no type filter to get all user data
const userDataResponse = await fetchFromHubble(`/userDataByFid`, {
}) as FarcasterUserDataResponse;
console.error(`Got user data response with ${userDataResponse.messages?.length || 0} messages`);
if (userDataResponse.messages && userDataResponse.messages.length > 0) {
// Process user data messages
for (const message of userDataResponse.messages) {
if (message.data && message.data.userDataBody) {
const type = message.data.userDataBody.type;
const value = message.data.userDataBody.value;
console.error(`Processing user data message with type ${type} and value "${value}"`);
// Check if this is a display name
// The API seems to return "USER_DATA_TYPE_DISPLAY" as the type
if (String(type) === "USER_DATA_TYPE_DISPLAY" || String(type).includes("DISPLAY")) {
userData.displayName = value;
foundDisplayName = true;
console.error(`Found display name: ${value}`);
} else {
console.error(`No user data messages found for FID ${fid}`);
// Debug the userData object to see if displayName was set
console.error(`After processing messages, userData.displayName = ${userData.displayName || 'undefined'}, foundDisplayName = ${foundDisplayName}`);
// If we didn't find a display name, try a different approach
if (!foundDisplayName) {
console.error(`No display name found for FID ${fid}, trying alternative approach`);
// Try fetching with specific type
const specificResponse = await fetchFromHubble(`/userDataByFid`, {
user_data_type: 2 // Try with numeric value for DISPLAY
}) as FarcasterUserDataResponse;
if (specificResponse.messages && specificResponse.messages.length > 0) {
for (const message of specificResponse.messages) {
if (message.data && message.data.userDataBody) {
const type = message.data.userDataBody.type;
console.error(`Specific query: message type ${type}`);
// Check for display name
if (String(type) === "USER_DATA_TYPE_DISPLAY" || String(type).includes("DISPLAY") || type === 2) {
userData.displayName = message.data.userDataBody.value;
foundDisplayName = true;
console.error(`Found display name in specific query: ${userData.displayName}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error getting user data: ${error}`);
console.error(`Final user data for FID ${fid}: displayName=${userData.displayName || 'not found'}, foundDisplayName=${foundDisplayName}`);
return userData;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching user data:", error);
return { fid, type: 0 };
// Helper function to format casts
async function formatCasts(casts: Cast[], limit: number = 10) {
if (!casts || casts.length === 0) {
return "No casts found.";
console.error(`Formatting ${casts.length} casts`);
// Filter out cast removes and keep only cast adds
const castAdds = casts.filter(cast =>
cast.data && cast.data.type === "MESSAGE_TYPE_CAST_ADD" && cast.data.castAddBody
if (castAdds.length === 0) {
return "No cast additions found.";
// Limit the number of casts
const limitedCasts = castAdds.slice(0, limit);
// First, collect all unique FIDs to fetch user data in batch
const uniqueFids = new Set<number>();
limitedCasts.forEach(cast => {
if (cast.data && cast.data.fid) {
console.error(`Found ${uniqueFids.size} unique FIDs, fetching user data for all of them`);
// Fetch user data for all FIDs
const userDataMap = new Map<number, UserData>();
const userDataPromises = Array.from(uniqueFids).map(async fid => {
try {
const userData = await getUserData(fid);
userDataMap.set(fid, userData);
console.error(`Fetched user data for FID ${fid}: displayName=${userData.displayName}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching user data for FID ${fid}:`, error);
// Add a minimal entry to the map so we don't fail later
userDataMap.set(fid, { fid, type: 0 });
// Wait for all user data to be fetched
await Promise.all(userDataPromises);
console.error(`Completed fetching user data for all ${uniqueFids.size} FIDs`);
// Now format all casts with the pre-fetched user data
const formattedCastsPromises = limitedCasts.map(async (cast, index) => {
try {
// Check if cast and cast.data exist
if (!cast || !cast.data || !cast.data.castAddBody) {
console.error(`Invalid cast at index ${index}:`, cast);
return `${index + 1}. [Invalid cast format]`;
const fid = cast.data.fid;
const userData = userDataMap.get(fid) || { fid, type: 0 };
// Convert Farcaster epoch timestamp to date
const farcasterEpoch = new Date('2021-01-01T00:00:00Z').getTime() / 1000;
const date = new Date((cast.data.timestamp + farcasterEpoch) * 1000).toLocaleString();
// Use displayName if available, otherwise just show the index
const displayName = userData.displayName || `User ${fid}`;
// Check if this is a reply to another cast
let replyInfo = "";
if (cast.data.castAddBody.parentCastId) {
replyInfo = ` Reply to: ${cast.data.castAddBody.parentCastId.fid}/${cast.data.castAddBody.parentCastId.hash}\n`;
// Check if there are embeds
let embedsInfo = "";
if (cast.data.castAddBody.embeds && cast.data.castAddBody.embeds.length > 0) {
embedsInfo = " Embeds: " + cast.data.castAddBody.embeds.map((embed: any) => {
if (embed.url) return embed.url;
return "embedded content";
}).join(", ") + "\n";
return `
${index + 1}. ${displayName}
FID: ${fid}
Time: ${date}
Text: ${cast.data.castAddBody.text}
${replyInfo}${embedsInfo} Cast ID: ${cast.hash}
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error formatting cast at index ${index}:`, error);
return `${index + 1}. [Error formatting cast]`;
const formattedCasts = await Promise.all(formattedCastsPromises);
return formattedCasts.join("\n---\n");
// Helper function to find FID by username
async function getFidByUsername(username: string): Promise<number | null> {
try {
console.error(`Looking up FID for username: ${username}`);
// Try with the original endpoint first
try {
const response = await fetchFromHubble(`/userNameProofByName`, {
name: username
console.error(`Username proof response:`, JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
if (response && response.fid) {
console.error(`Found FID ${response.fid} for username ${username}`);
return response.fid;
if (response && response.proof && response.proof.fid) {
console.error(`Found FID ${response.proof.fid} for username ${username}`);
return response.proof.fid;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error with first endpoint attempt:`, error);
// Try with a different case variation
try {
console.error(`Trying with different case: /usernameproofbyname`);
const response2 = await fetchFromHubble(`/usernameproofbyname`, {
name: username
console.error(`Second attempt response:`, JSON.stringify(response2, null, 2));
if (response2 && response2.fid) {
console.error(`Found FID ${response2.fid} for username ${username}`);
return response2.fid;
if (response2 && response2.proof && response2.proof.fid) {
console.error(`Found FID ${response2.proof.fid} for username ${username}`);
return response2.proof.fid;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error with second endpoint attempt:`, error);
// Try with a different endpoint format
try {
console.error(`Trying with different endpoint format: /usernameProofs/${username}`);
const response3 = await fetchFromHubble(`/usernameProofs/${username}`);
console.error(`Third attempt response:`, JSON.stringify(response3, null, 2));
if (response3 && response3.fid) {
console.error(`Found FID ${response3.fid} for username ${username}`);
return response3.fid;
if (response3 && response3.proof && response3.proof.fid) {
console.error(`Found FID ${response3.proof.fid} for username ${username}`);
return response3.proof.fid;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error with third endpoint attempt:`, error);
// If we get here, we couldn't find the FID
console.error(`No FID found for username ${username} after trying multiple endpoints`);
return null;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error finding FID by username ${username}:`, error);
return null;
// Helper function to get channel URL from channel name or ID
async function getChannelUrl(channelNameOrId: string): Promise<string | null> {
try {
// If it's already a full URL or hash format, return it as is
if (channelNameOrId.startsWith('https://') ||
channelNameOrId.startsWith('chain://') ||
channelNameOrId.startsWith('0x')) {
return channelNameOrId;
// First try the direct Warpcast URL approach
const warpcastUrl = `https://warpcast.com/~/channel/${channelNameOrId}`;
// Try to fetch channel info from Warpcast API as a fallback
console.error(`Fetching channel info for "${channelNameOrId}" from Warpcast API`);
try {
const response = await axios.get('https://api.warpcast.com/v2/all-channels');
if (response.data && response.data.result && response.data.result.channels) {
// Look for channel by ID or name (case insensitive)
const channelNameLower = channelNameOrId.toLowerCase();
const channel = response.data.result.channels.find((c: any) =>
c.id.toLowerCase() === channelNameLower ||
c.name.toLowerCase() === channelNameLower
if (channel) {
console.error(`Found channel: ${channel.name} (${channel.id}) with URL: ${channel.url}`);
return channel.url; // Return the hash URL from the API
console.error(`Channel "${channelNameOrId}" not found in Warpcast API response, using direct Warpcast URL`);
return warpcastUrl; // Fall back to direct URL if not found in API
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching from Warpcast API: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`);
console.error(`Falling back to direct Warpcast URL: ${warpcastUrl}`);
return warpcastUrl; // Fall back to direct URL if API call fails
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error creating channel URL: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`);
return null;
// Main function to start the server
async function main() {
try {
// Register tool for getting casts by user FID
"Get casts from a specific Farcaster user by FID",
fid: z.number().describe("Farcaster user ID (FID)"),
limit: z.number().optional().describe("Maximum number of casts to return (default: 10)")
async ({ fid, limit = 10 }: { fid: number; limit?: number }) => {
try {
console.error(`Fetching casts for FID ${fid} with limit ${limit}`);
const response = await fetchFromHubble(`/castsByFid`, {
pageSize: limit,
reverse: 1 // Get newest first
}) as FarcasterCastsResponse;
console.error(`Got response with ${response.messages?.length || 0} messages`);
if (!response.messages || response.messages.length === 0) {
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `No casts found for FID ${fid}`
const castsText = await formatCasts(response.messages, limit);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `# Casts from FID ${fid}\n\n${castsText}`
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error in get-user-casts:", error);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `Error fetching casts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`
isError: true
// Register tool for getting casts from a channel (parent URL)
"Get casts from a specific Farcaster channel",
channel: z.string().describe("Channel name (e.g., 'aichannel') or URL"),
limit: z.number().optional().describe("Maximum number of casts to return (default: 10)")
async ({ channel, limit = 10 }: { channel: string; limit?: number }) => {
try {
// First, determine the channel URL
let channelUrl: string | null = null;
// If it's already a URL format, use it directly
if (channel.startsWith('https://') ||
channel.startsWith('chain://') ||
channel.startsWith('0x')) {
channelUrl = channel;
console.error(`Using provided URL: ${channelUrl}`);
} else {
// Otherwise, get the URL for the channel name
channelUrl = await getChannelUrl(channel);
if (!channelUrl) {
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `Failed to create URL for channel "${channel}".`
isError: true
console.error(`Using URL for channel "${channel}": ${channelUrl}`);
// Set up parameters for the API call
const params: Record<string, any> = {
pageSize: limit,
reverse: 1 // Get newest first
// Use url parameter for the API call as shown in the example
params.url = channelUrl;
console.error(`Fetching casts with params:`, params);
let response: FarcasterCastsResponse;
try {
response = await fetchFromHubble(`/castsByParent`, params) as FarcasterCastsResponse;
} catch (error) {
// If the first attempt fails and we're using a Warpcast URL, try the API lookup approach
if (channelUrl.includes('warpcast.com') && !channel.startsWith('https://')) {
console.error(`First attempt failed, trying to get hash URL from Warpcast API`);
// Try to fetch channel info from Warpcast API
try {
const apiResponse = await axios.get('https://api.warpcast.com/v2/all-channels');
if (apiResponse.data && apiResponse.data.result && apiResponse.data.result.channels) {
// Look for channel by ID or name (case insensitive)
const channelNameLower = channel.toLowerCase();
const channelInfo = apiResponse.data.result.channels.find((c: any) =>
c.id.toLowerCase() === channelNameLower ||
c.name.toLowerCase() === channelNameLower
if (channelInfo && channelInfo.url) {
console.error(`Found channel in API: ${channelInfo.name} (${channelInfo.id}) with URL: ${channelInfo.url}`);
// Try again with the hash URL
params.url = channelInfo.url;
console.error(`Retrying with hash URL: ${channelInfo.url}`);
response = await fetchFromHubble(`/castsByParent`, params) as FarcasterCastsResponse;
} else {
throw new Error(`Channel "${channel}" not found in Warpcast API`);
} else {
throw error; // Re-throw the original error if API response is invalid
} catch (apiError) {
console.error(`Error fetching from Warpcast API: ${apiError instanceof Error ? apiError.message : String(apiError)}`);
throw error; // Re-throw the original error if API call fails
} else {
throw error; // Re-throw the error if it's not a Warpcast URL or if it's already a full URL
if (!response.messages || response.messages.length === 0) {
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `No casts found for channel "${channel}"`
const castsText = await formatCasts(response.messages, limit);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `# Recent Casts in Channel "${channel}"\n\n${castsText}`
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error in get-channel-casts:", error);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `Error fetching channel casts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`
isError: true
// Register tool for getting casts by username
"Get casts from a specific Farcaster username",
username: z.string().describe("Farcaster username"),
limit: z.number().optional().describe("Maximum number of casts to return (default: 10)")
async ({ username, limit = 10 }: { username: string; limit?: number }) => {
try {
console.error(`Looking up casts for username: ${username}`);
// First, we need to get the FID for the username
const fid = await getFidByUsername(username);
if (!fid) {
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `User "${username}" not found.`
isError: true
console.error(`Found FID ${fid} for username ${username}, fetching user data`);
// Get user data to ensure we have the display name
const userData = await getUserData(fid);
// Use the display name if available, otherwise use the FID
const displayName = userData.displayName || `FID: ${fid}`;
console.error(`User data: displayName=${displayName}`);
// Now get the casts for this FID
const response = await fetchFromHubble(`/castsByFid`, {
pageSize: limit,
reverse: 1 // Get newest first
}) as FarcasterCastsResponse;
if (!response.messages || response.messages.length === 0) {
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `No casts found for ${displayName} (FID: ${fid})`
const castsText = await formatCasts(response.messages, limit);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `# Casts from ${displayName}\n\n${castsText}`
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error in get-username-casts:", error);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `Error fetching casts by username: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`
isError: true
// Connect to transport
const transport = new StdioServerTransport();
await server.connect(transport);
console.error("Farcaster MCP Server running on stdio");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Fatal error in main():", error);
main().catch((error) => {
console.error("Unhandled error:", error);