by BurtTheCoder
# language is used to determine the default paths to watch for changes
# and the default command to run the server.
# Possible values are "typescript", "python", "kotlin" and "golang"
language = "golang"
# Resending resource subscriptions can be enabled to make synf
# parse all incoming requests and cache any resource subscriptions
# and later resend them after server restart, defaults to false
# resend_resource_subscriptions = false
# command and args are used to specify the command to build the server after changes.
# These are the default values for golang:
# command = ""
# args = [""]
# command and args are used to specify the command to run the server
# during development after it has been rebuilt
# These are the default values for golang:
# command = "go"
# args = ["run", "main.go"]
# Watch configurations are used to specify the files and directories to watch for changes
# when hot reloading the server during development
# default_paths are the paths that are watched by default
# and are defined by the language that is being used.
# You can override the default paths by specifying them here.
# These are the paths that are watched by default for golang:
# default_paths = ["go.mod"]
# extra_paths are the paths that are watched in addition to the default paths.
# You can use it to add more paths to watch for changes besides the default paths.
extra_paths = ["internal"]