
# MCP K8S This is a distribution of MCP server connecting to Kubernetes written in Golang and published to npm. Currently available: - 🗂️ resource: K8S contexts as read from kubeconfig configurations - 🤖 tool: list-k8s-contexts - 🤖 tool: list-k8s-namespaces in a given context - 🤖 tool: list-k8s-nodes in a given context - 🤖 tool: list-k8s-resources in a given context and namespace for specified resource kind - includes custom mappings for resources like pods, services, deployments - 🤖 tool: get-k8s-resource in a given context and namespace for specified name and resource kind - 🤖 tool: list-k8s-events in a given context and namespace - 🤖 tool: get-k8s-pod-logs in a given context and namespace for specified pod - 💬 prompt: list-k8s-namespaces in a given context - 💬 prompt: list-k8s-pods in current context and with given namespace ## Example usage with Claude Desktop To use this MCP server with Claude Desktop you would firstly need to install it. You have two options at the moment - use pre-built binaries or build it from source. Refer to [sources]( to know how to build from sources. ### Installing from npm ```bash npm install -g @strowk/mcp-k8s ``` Then check version by running `mcp-k8s --version` and if this printed installed version, you can proceed to add configuration to `claude_desktop_config.json` file: ```json { "mcpServers": { "mcp_k8s": { "command": "mcp-k8s", "args": [] } } } ``` ### Using from Claude Desktop Now you should be able to run Claude Desktop and: - see K8S contexts available to attach to conversation as a resource - ask Claude to list contexts - ask Claude to list pods in a given context and namespace - ask Claude to list events in a given context and namespace - ask Claude to read logs of a given pod in a given context and namespace ### Demo usage with Claude Desktop Following chat with Claude Desktop demonstrates how it looks when selected particular context as a resource and then asked to check pod logs for errors in kube-system namespace: ![Claude Desktop](docs/images/claude-desktop-logs.png)