
by txbm
import { SummarizationOptions } from '../types/models.js'; /** * Formats for different model providers */ export type PromptFormat = 'anthropic' | 'openai' | 'gemini'; /** * Base interface for all prompt types */ interface BasePrompt { format: PromptFormat; } /** * Anthropic-style single string prompt */ interface AnthropicPrompt extends BasePrompt { format: 'anthropic'; prompt: string; } /** * OpenAI-style chat messages */ interface OpenAIPrompt extends BasePrompt { format: 'openai'; messages: Array<{ role: 'system' | 'user' | 'assistant'; content: string; }>; } /** * Gemini-style chat messages */ interface GeminiPrompt extends BasePrompt { format: 'gemini'; messages: Array<{ role: 'user' | 'model'; parts: Array<{ text: string; }>; }>; } export type ModelPrompt = AnthropicPrompt | OpenAIPrompt | GeminiPrompt; /** * Constructs hint-specific instructions based on the hint type */ function getHintInstructions(hint?: string): string { if (!hint) return ''; const hintInstructions: Record<string, string> = { security_analysis: 'Focus on security-critical aspects including authentication, authorization, crypto operations, data validation, and error handling patterns.', api_surface: 'Focus on public API interfaces, documenting parameters/return types, noting deprecation warnings and potential breaking changes.', error_handling: 'Focus on error handling patterns, exception flows, and recovery mechanisms.', dependencies: 'Focus on import/export relationships, external dependencies, and potential circular dependencies.', type_definitions: 'Focus on type structures, relationships, and hierarchies.' }; if (!hintInstructions[hint]) { // custom hint instructions return `Agent provided a hint for analysis: ${hint}. Please focus on this area in your summary.`; } return hintInstructions[hint] || ''; } /** * Constructs format-specific instructions based on the output format */ function getFormatInstructions(output_format?: string): string { if (!output_format || output_format === 'text') return ''; const formatInstructions: Record<string, string> = { json: 'Provide the summary in JSON format with a "summary" field and a "metadata" object containing focus_areas, key_components, and relationships.', markdown: 'Format the summary in Markdown with clear sections, a table of contents, and preserved code blocks where relevant.', outline: 'Present the summary as a hierarchical outline with relationship indicators and importance markers.' }; return formatInstructions[output_format] || ''; } /** * Constructs the base summarization instructions */ export function getBaseSummarizationInstructions(type: string): string { return `Summarize the following ${type} in a clear, concise way that would be useful for an AI agent. Focus on the most important information and maintain technical accuracy. Always keep your summary shorter than 4096 tokens.`; } export function getFinalInstructions(): string[] { return ["Please do not include any commentary, questions or text other than the relevant summary itself."]; } /** * Combines all instructions into a complete prompt */ function constructFullInstructions(type: string, options?: SummarizationOptions): string { const baseInstructions = getBaseSummarizationInstructions(type); const hintInstructions = getHintInstructions(options?.hint); const formatInstructions = getFormatInstructions(options?.output_format); const finalInstructions = getFinalInstructions(); return [ baseInstructions, hintInstructions, formatInstructions, ...finalInstructions ].filter(Boolean).join('\n\n'); } /** * Creates an Anthropic-style prompt */ function createAnthropicPrompt(content: string, type: string, options?: SummarizationOptions): AnthropicPrompt { const instructions = constructFullInstructions(type, options); return { format: 'anthropic', prompt: `${instructions}\n\n${content}\n\nSummary:`, }; } /** * Creates an OpenAI-style prompt */ function createOpenAIPrompt(content: string, type: string, options?: SummarizationOptions): OpenAIPrompt { const instructions = constructFullInstructions(type, options); return { format: 'openai', messages: [ { role: 'system', content: `You are a helpful assistant that summarizes ${type} content.${ options?.hint ? ` You specialize in ${options.hint} analysis.` : '' }`, }, { role: 'user', content: `${instructions}\n\n${content}`, }, ], }; } /** * Creates a Gemini-style prompt */ function createGeminiPrompt(content: string, type: string, options?: SummarizationOptions): GeminiPrompt { const instructions = constructFullInstructions(type, options); return { format: 'gemini', messages: [ { role: 'user', parts: [{ text: `${instructions}\n\n${content}`, }], }, ], }; } /** * Main function to construct prompts for any model type */ export function constructPrompt( format: PromptFormat, content: string, type: string, options?: SummarizationOptions ): ModelPrompt { switch (format) { case 'anthropic': return createAnthropicPrompt(content, type, options); case 'openai': return createOpenAIPrompt(content, type, options); case 'gemini': return createGeminiPrompt(content, type, options); default: throw new Error(`Unsupported prompt format: ${format}`); } }