
by tumf
MIT License
  • Apple
  • Linux


Insert content before or after a specific line in a text file. Uses hash-based validation for concurrency control. You need to provide the file_hash comes from get_text_file_contents.

Input Schema

afterNoLine number after which to insert content (mutually exclusive with 'before')
beforeNoLine number before which to insert content (mutually exclusive with 'after')
contentsYesContent to insert
encodingNoText encoding (default: 'utf-8')utf-8
file_hashYesHash of the file contents for concurrency control. it should be matched with the file_hash when get_text_file_contents is called.
file_pathYesPath to the text file. File path must be absolute.

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "after": { "description": "Line number after which to insert content (mutually exclusive with 'before')", "type": "integer" }, "before": { "description": "Line number before which to insert content (mutually exclusive with 'after')", "type": "integer" }, "contents": { "description": "Content to insert", "type": "string" }, "encoding": { "default": "utf-8", "description": "Text encoding (default: 'utf-8')", "type": "string" }, "file_hash": { "description": "Hash of the file contents for concurrency control. it should be matched with the file_hash when get_text_file_contents is called.", "type": "string" }, "file_path": { "description": "Path to the text file. File path must be absolute.", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "file_path", "file_hash", "contents" ], "type": "object" }