by Ejb503
- src
- types
import { JSONSchema7 } from "json-schema";
type: "object",
properties: {
interviewId: {
type: "string",
description: "Unique identifier for the interview session",
interviewPlan: {
type: "object",
properties: {
format: {
type: "string",
description: "Interview format (e.g., 'technical coding', 'system design discussion')",
duration: {
type: "number",
description: "Expected duration in minutes",
sections: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
title: {
type: "string",
description: "Section title (e.g., 'Algorithm Problem', 'System Design Question')",
duration: {
type: "number",
description: "Expected duration for this section in minutes",
questions: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
question: {
type: "string",
description: "The interview question",
type: {
type: "string",
description: "Question type (e.g., 'coding', 'design', 'behavioral')",
difficulty: {
type: "string",
enum: ["easy", "medium", "hard"],
expectedDuration: {
type: "number",
description: "Expected time for this question in minutes",
evaluationCriteria: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "string",
description: "List of criteria to evaluate the answer",
hints: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "string",
description: "Optional hints to provide if candidate struggles",
required: ["question", "type", "difficulty", "evaluationCriteria"],
required: ["title", "questions"],
required: ["format", "duration", "sections"],
required: ["interviewId", "interviewPlan"],
type: "object",
properties: {
interviewId: {
type: "string",
description: "Interview session identifier",
response: {
type: "object",
properties: {
type: {
type: "string",
enum: ["question", "feedback", "hint", "clarification", "conclusion"],
description: "Type of interviewer response",
content: {
type: "string",
description: "The interviewer's response or next question",
currentQuestion: {
type: "number",
description: "Current question number in the interview",
hints: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "string",
description: "Available hints for the current question",
evaluationNotes: {
type: "string",
description: "Private notes for evaluation (not shown to candidate)",
required: ["type", "content"],
required: ["interviewId", "response"],
type: "object",
properties: {
interviewId: {
type: "string",
description: "Interview session identifier",
feedback: {
type: "object",
properties: {
overallRating: {
type: "number",
minimum: 1,
maximum: 5,
description: "Overall performance rating",
summary: {
type: "string",
description: "Brief summary of the interview performance",
strengths: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "string",
description: "Key strengths demonstrated during the interview",
areasForImprovement: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "string",
description: "Areas that need improvement",
technicalAssessment: {
type: "object",
properties: {
problemSolving: {
type: "number",
description: "Rating for problem-solving skills",
technicalKnowledge: {
type: "number",
description: "Rating for technical knowledge",
codeQuality: {
type: "number",
description: "Rating for code quality (if applicable)",
systemDesign: {
type: "number",
description: "Rating for system design skills (if applicable)",
softSkillsAssessment: {
type: "object",
properties: {
communication: {
type: "number",
description: "Rating for communication skills",
clarification: {
type: "number",
description: "Rating for asking clarifying questions",
problemBreakdown: {
type: "number",
description: "Rating for breaking down complex problems",
recommendations: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "string",
description: "Specific recommendations for improvement",
required: ["overallRating", "summary", "strengths", "areasForImprovement", "recommendations"],
required: ["interviewId", "feedback"],
type: "object",
properties: {
interviewId: { type: "string" },
metadata: {
type: "object",
properties: {
candidateLevel: { type: "string" },
totalQuestions: { type: "number" },
targetRole: { type: "string" },
candidateName: { type: "string" },
createdAt: { type: "string" },
required: ["candidateLevel", "totalQuestions", "targetRole", "candidateName", "createdAt"],
systemPromptMetadata: {
type: "object",
properties: {
prefix: {
type: "string",
pattern: "^[a-zA-Z_]+$",
description: "Block prefix (only letters and underscores)",
title: {
type: "string",
maxLength: 100,
description: "Title for the interview plan",
description: {
type: "string",
maxLength: 200,
description: "Description of the interview plan",
tag: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "string",
pattern: "^[a-zA-Z_]+$",
minItems: 1,
required: ["prefix", "title", "description", "tag"],
interviewPlan: {
type: "object",
properties: {
sections: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
name: { type: "string" },
description: { type: "string" },
duration: { type: "number" },
questions: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
id: { type: "string" },
question: { type: "string" },
difficulty: {
type: "string",
enum: ["easy", "medium", "hard"],
evaluationCriteria: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
expectedAnswers: {
type: "object",
properties: {
good: { type: "string" },
great: { type: "string" },
excellent: { type: "string" },
required: ["good", "great", "excellent"],
hints: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
relatedSkills: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
required: [
required: ["name", "description", "duration", "questions"],
recommendations: {
type: "object",
properties: {
areasToFocus: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
potentialGaps: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
interviewerNotes: { type: "string" },
required: ["areasToFocus", "potentialGaps", "interviewerNotes"],
required: ["sections", "recommendations"],
required: ["interviewId", "metadata", "systemPromptMetadata", "interviewPlan"],
export interface CVSummary {
personalInfo: {
name?: string;
email?: string;
location?: string;
phoneNumber?: string;
linkedIn?: string;
portfolio?: string;
professionalSummary: string;
skills: {
technical: string[];
soft: string[];
tools: string[];
languages?: string[];
workExperience: Array<{
company: string;
position: string;
duration: {
start: string;
end: string;
highlights: string[];
technologies: string[];
education: Array<{
institution: string;
degree: string;
field: string;
graduationDate: string;
gpa?: string;
relevantCourses?: string[];
projects?: Array<{
name: string;
description: string;
technologies: string[];
url?: string;
certifications?: Array<{
name: string;
issuer: string;
date: string;
url?: string;
metadata: {
yearsOfExperience: number;
seniorityLevel: string;
primaryDomain: string;
keyTechnologies: string[];
lastUpdated?: string;
export interface SystemPromptMetadata {
prefix: string;
title: string;
description: string;
tag: string[];
export interface InterviewPlanResponse {
interviewId: string;
metadata: {
candidateLevel: string;
totalQuestions: number;
targetRole: string;
candidateName: string;
createdAt: string;
systemPromptMetadata: SystemPromptMetadata;
interviewPlan: {
sections: Array<{
name: string;
description: string;
duration: number; // in minutes
questions: Array<{
id: string;
question: string;
difficulty: "easy" | "medium" | "hard";
evaluationCriteria: string[];
expectedAnswers: {
good: string;
great: string;
excellent: string;
hints: string[];
relatedSkills: string[];
recommendations: {
areasToFocus: string[];
potentialGaps: string[];
interviewerNotes: string;
export interface CVSummaryResponse {
personalInfo: CVSummary["personalInfo"];
professionalSummary: CVSummary["professionalSummary"];
skills: CVSummary["skills"];
workExperience: CVSummary["workExperience"];
education: CVSummary["education"];
projects?: CVSummary["projects"];
certifications?: CVSummary["certifications"];
metadata: CVSummary["metadata"];
systemPromptMetadata: SystemPromptMetadata;
export const CV_SUMMARY_RESPONSE_SCHEMA: JSONSchema7 = {
type: "object",
properties: {
personalInfo: {
type: "object",
properties: {
name: { type: "string" },
email: { type: "string" },
location: { type: "string" },
phoneNumber: { type: "string" },
linkedIn: { type: "string" },
portfolio: { type: "string" },
professionalSummary: {
type: "string",
description: "Brief professional summary/objective",
skills: {
type: "object",
properties: {
technical: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
soft: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
tools: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
languages: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
required: ["technical", "soft", "tools"],
workExperience: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
company: { type: "string" },
position: { type: "string" },
duration: {
type: "object",
properties: {
start: { type: "string" },
end: { type: "string" },
required: ["start", "end"],
highlights: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
technologies: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
required: ["company", "position", "duration", "highlights", "technologies"],
education: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
institution: { type: "string" },
degree: { type: "string" },
field: { type: "string" },
graduationDate: { type: "string" },
gpa: { type: "string" },
relevantCourses: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
required: ["institution", "degree", "field", "graduationDate"],
projects: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
name: { type: "string" },
description: { type: "string" },
technologies: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
url: { type: "string" },
required: ["name", "description", "technologies"],
metadata: {
type: "object",
properties: {
yearsOfExperience: { type: "number" },
seniorityLevel: { type: "string" },
primaryDomain: { type: "string" },
keyTechnologies: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
lastUpdated: { type: "string" },
required: ["yearsOfExperience", "seniorityLevel", "primaryDomain", "keyTechnologies"],
systemPromptMetadata: {
type: "object",
properties: {
prefix: {
type: "string",
pattern: "^[a-zA-Z_]+$",
description: "Block prefix (only letters and underscores)",
title: {
type: "string",
maxLength: 100,
description: "Title for the CV summary",
description: {
type: "string",
maxLength: 200,
description: "Description of the CV summary",
tag: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "string",
pattern: "^[a-zA-Z_]+$",
minItems: 1,
required: ["prefix", "title", "description", "tag"],
required: [