
by Ejb503
import { jest } from "@jest/globals"; import { google } from "googleapis"; import { OAuth2Client } from "google-auth-library"; import { GoogleAuthService } from "../google-auth-service"; import * as fs from "fs"; jest.mock("googleapis"); jest.mock("google-auth-library"); jest.mock("fs"); describe("GoogleAuthService", () => { let mockOAuth2Client: jest.Mocked<OAuth2Client>; beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); mockOAuth2Client = { setCredentials: jest.fn(), } as unknown as jest.Mocked<OAuth2Client>; const MockOAuth2Client = jest.fn(() => mockOAuth2Client); (google.auth.OAuth2 as unknown as jest.Mock) = MockOAuth2Client; (fs.existsSync as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(false); (fs.readFileSync as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue( JSON.stringify({ installed: { client_id: "test-client-id", client_secret: "test-client-secret", redirect_uris: ["http://localhost"], }, }) ); }); describe("getInstance", () => { it("should create a singleton instance", () => { const instance1 = GoogleAuthService.getInstance(); const instance2 = GoogleAuthService.getInstance(); expect(instance1).toBe(instance2); }); }); describe("initialize", () => { it("should initialize OAuth2Client with credentials", async () => { const mockCredentials = { installed: { client_id: "test-client-id", client_secret: "test-client-secret", redirect_uris: ["http://localhost"], }, }; (fs.readFileSync as jest.Mock).mockReturnValueOnce( JSON.stringify(mockCredentials) ); const service = GoogleAuthService.getInstance(); await service.initialize(); expect(google.auth.OAuth2).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test-client-id", "test-client-secret", "http://localhost" ); }); it("should load existing token if available", async () => { const mockCredentials = { installed: { client_id: "test-client-id", client_secret: "test-client-secret", redirect_uris: ["http://localhost"], }, }; const mockToken = { access_token: "test-token" }; (fs.readFileSync as jest.Mock) .mockReturnValueOnce(JSON.stringify(mockCredentials)) .mockReturnValueOnce(JSON.stringify(mockToken)); (fs.existsSync as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(true); const service = GoogleAuthService.getInstance(); await service.initialize(); expect(mockOAuth2Client.setCredentials).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockToken); }); it("should handle missing credentials file", async () => { (fs.readFileSync as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error("File not found"); }); const service = GoogleAuthService.getInstance(); await expect(service.initialize()).rejects.toThrow("File not found"); }); }); describe("authenticate", () => { it("should skip authentication if token exists", async () => { const mockCredentials = { installed: { client_id: "test-client-id", client_secret: "test-client-secret", redirect_uris: ["http://localhost"], }, }; (fs.readFileSync as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue( JSON.stringify(mockCredentials) ); (fs.existsSync as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(true); const service = GoogleAuthService.getInstance(); await service.initialize(); await service.authenticate(); expect(fs.existsSync).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should throw error if OAuth2Client is not initialized", async () => { const service = GoogleAuthService.getInstance(); await expect(service.authenticate()).rejects.toThrow( "Google authentication required" ); }); it("should throw error with instructions if no token exists", async () => { const mockCredentials = { installed: { client_id: "test-client-id", client_secret: "test-client-secret", redirect_uris: ["http://localhost"], }, }; (fs.readFileSync as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue( JSON.stringify(mockCredentials) ); (fs.existsSync as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(false); const service = GoogleAuthService.getInstance(); await service.initialize(); await expect(service.authenticate()).rejects.toThrow( "Google authentication required" ); }); }); describe("getAuth", () => { it("should throw error if OAuth2Client is not initialized", () => { const service = GoogleAuthService.getInstance(); service["oAuth2Client"] = null; expect(() => service.getAuth()).toThrow("OAuth2Client not initialized"); }); it("should return OAuth2Client if initialized", async () => { const service = GoogleAuthService.getInstance(); const mockOAuth2Client = new OAuth2Client(); service["oAuth2Client"] = mockOAuth2Client; expect(service.getAuth()).toBe(mockOAuth2Client); }); }); describe("saveToken", () => { it("should save token to file", async () => { const mockToken = { access_token: "test-token" }; const service = GoogleAuthService.getInstance(); await service.saveToken(mockToken); expect(fs.writeFileSync).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), JSON.stringify(mockToken) ); }); }); });