
by Ejb503
import type { CreateMessageRequest, CreateMessageResult } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; import { validateRequest } from "../utils/validation.js"; import { server } from "../server.js"; import { handleConfigureInterviewCallback, handleSummarizeCVCallback } from "./callbacks.js"; import { sendOperationNotification } from "./notifications.js"; export async function sendSamplingRequest( request: CreateMessageRequest, ): Promise<CreateMessageResult> { try { validateRequest(request); await sendOperationNotification("sampling1", JSON.stringify(request)); const result = await server.createMessage(request.params); await sendOperationNotification("sampling2", JSON.stringify(result)); const callback = request.params._meta?.callback; if (callback && typeof callback === "string") { await handleCallback(callback, result); } return result; } catch (error) { console.error("Sampling request failed:", error instanceof Error ? error.message : error); if (error instanceof Error) { throw error; } throw new Error(`Failed to process sampling request: ${error || "Unknown error"}`); } } /** * Handles a callback based on its type * @param callback The callback type * @param result The LLM result * @returns The tool response */ async function handleCallback(callback: string, result: CreateMessageResult): Promise<string> { try { await sendOperationNotification(callback, `Callback started: ${callback}`); switch (callback) { case "configure_interview": return await handleConfigureInterviewCallback(result); case "summarize_cv": return await handleSummarizeCVCallback(result); default: throw new Error(`Unknown callback type: ${callback}`); } } catch (error) { await sendOperationNotification( callback, `Callback failed: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : "Unknown error"}`, ); throw error; } }