
by Ejb503
import { jest } from "@jest/globals"; import { handleListResources, handleResourceCall, } from "../resource-handlers.js"; import { SystemPromptService } from "../../services/systemprompt-service.js"; import MockSystemPromptService from "../../__mocks__/systemprompt-service.js"; jest.mock("../../services/systemprompt-service.js", () => { return { SystemPromptService: { initialize: (apiKey: string) => { const instance = MockSystemPromptService.getInstance(); instance.initialize(apiKey); }, getInstance: () => MockSystemPromptService.getInstance(), cleanup: () => { // No cleanup needed for mock }, }, }; }); describe("Resource Handlers", () => { beforeAll(() => { SystemPromptService.initialize("test-api-key"); }); afterAll(() => { SystemPromptService.cleanup(); }); describe("handleListResources", () => { it("should list the default agent resource", async () => { const result = await handleListResources({ method: "resources/list", }); expect(result.resources).toEqual([ { uri: "resource:///block/default", name: "Systemprompt Agent", description: "An expert agent for managing and organizing content in workspaces", mimeType: "text/plain", }, ]); expect(result._meta).toEqual({}); }); it("should handle service errors with messages", async () => { const mockError = new Error("Service unavailable"); const mockListBlocks = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(mockError)); const mockGetInstance = jest.fn( () => ({ listBlocks: mockListBlocks, } as unknown as SystemPromptService) ); jest .spyOn(SystemPromptService, "getInstance") .mockImplementation(mockGetInstance); await expect( handleListResources({ method: "resources/list" }) ).rejects.toThrow( "Failed to fetch blocks from Service unavailable" ); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it("should handle service errors without messages", async () => { const mockError = new Error(); const mockListBlocks = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(mockError)); const mockGetInstance = jest.fn( () => ({ listBlocks: mockListBlocks, } as unknown as SystemPromptService) ); jest .spyOn(SystemPromptService, "getInstance") .mockImplementation(mockGetInstance); await expect( handleListResources({ method: "resources/list" }) ).rejects.toThrow( "Failed to fetch blocks from Unknown error" ); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); }); describe("handleResourceCall", () => { it("should get the default agent resource", async () => { const result = await handleResourceCall({ method: "resources/read", params: { uri: "resource:///block/default", }, }); const parsedContent = JSON.parse(result.contents[0].text as string) as { name: string; description: string; instruction: string; voice: string; config: { model: string; generationConfig: { responseModalities: string; speechConfig: { voiceConfig: { prebuiltVoiceConfig: { voiceName: string; }; }; }; }; }; }; expect(result.contents[0].uri).toBe("resource:///block/default"); expect(result.contents[0].mimeType).toBe("text/plain"); expect(parsedContent).toEqual({ name: "Systemprompt Agent", description: "An expert agent for managing and organizing content in workspaces", instruction: "You are a specialized agent", voice: "Kore", config: { model: "models/gemini-2.0-flash-exp", generationConfig: { responseModalities: "audio", speechConfig: { voiceConfig: { prebuiltVoiceConfig: { voiceName: "Kore", }, }, }, }, }, }); expect(result._meta).toEqual({}); }); it("should handle invalid URI format", async () => { await expect( handleResourceCall({ method: "resources/read", params: { uri: "invalid-uri", }, }) ).rejects.toThrow( "Invalid resource URI format - expected resource:///block/{id}" ); }); it("should handle non-default resource request", async () => { await expect( handleResourceCall({ method: "resources/read", params: { uri: "resource:///block/nonexistent", }, }) ).rejects.toThrow( "Failed to fetch block from Resource not found" ); }); it("should handle service errors with messages", async () => { const mockError = new Error("Service unavailable"); const mockGetBlock = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(mockError)); const mockGetInstance = jest.fn( () => ({ getBlock: mockGetBlock, } as unknown as SystemPromptService) ); jest .spyOn(SystemPromptService, "getInstance") .mockImplementation(mockGetInstance); await expect( handleResourceCall({ method: "resources/read", params: { uri: "resource:///block/test" }, }) ).rejects.toThrow( "Failed to fetch block from Service unavailable" ); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it("should handle service errors without messages", async () => { const mockError = new Error(); const mockGetBlock = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(mockError)); const mockGetInstance = jest.fn( () => ({ getBlock: mockGetBlock, } as unknown as SystemPromptService) ); jest .spyOn(SystemPromptService, "getInstance") .mockImplementation(mockGetInstance); await expect( handleResourceCall({ method: "resources/read", params: { uri: "resource:///block/test" }, }) ).rejects.toThrow( "Failed to fetch block from Unknown error" ); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); }); });