
by Ejb503
export const ERROR_MESSAGES = { INVALID_REQUEST: { MISSING_MESSAGES: "Invalid request: missing messages", MISSING_PARAMS: "Request must have params", EMPTY_MESSAGES: "Request must have at least one message", }, VALIDATION: { INVALID_ROLE: 'Message role must be either "user" or "assistant"', MISSING_CONTENT: "Message must have a content object", INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE: 'Content type must be either "text" or "image"', INVALID_TEXT_CONTENT: "Text content must have a string text field", INVALID_IMAGE_DATA: "Image content must have a base64 data field", INVALID_IMAGE_MIME: "Image content must have a mimeType field", INVALID_MAX_TOKENS: "maxTokens must be a positive number", INVALID_TEMPERATURE: "temperature must be a number between 0 and 1", INVALID_INCLUDE_CONTEXT: 'includeContext must be "none", "thisServer", or "allServers"', INVALID_MODEL_PRIORITY: "Model preference priorities must be numbers between 0 and 1", }, SAMPLING: { EXPECTED_TEXT: "Expected text response from LLM", UNKNOWN_CALLBACK: "Unknown callback type: ", REQUEST_FAILED: "Sampling request failed: ", }, } as const; export const VALID_ROLES = ["user", "assistant"] as const; export const VALID_CONTENT_TYPES = ["text", "image", "resource"] as const; export const VALID_INCLUDE_CONTEXT = ["none", "thisServer", "allServers"] as const; export const XML_TAGS = { REQUEST_PARAMS_CLOSE: "</requestParams>", EXISTING_CONTENT_TEMPLATE: (content: string) => `</requestParams> <existingContent> ${content} </existingContent>`, } as const;