
by Ejb503
import { Implementation, ServerCapabilities } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; export const serverConfig: Implementation = { name: "systemprompt-mcp-interview", version: "1.0.14", metadata: { name: "System Prompt MCP Interview", description: "A specialized Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that conducts mock interviews, provides feedback, and helps users practice their interview skills with AI-powered interview scenarios.", icon: "solar:users-group-rounded-line-duotone", color: "primary", serverStartTime:, environment: process.env.NODE_ENV, customData: { serverFeatures: ["agent", "prompts", "systemprompt", "interviews"], }, }, }; export const serverCapabilities: { capabilities: ServerCapabilities } = { capabilities: { resources: { listChanged: true, }, tools: {}, prompts: { listChanged: true, }, sampling: {}, logging: {}, ping: {}, }, };