
by Ejb503
import { jest, describe, it, expect } from "@jest/globals"; import { createMockResponse, TestFixtures, flushPromises, isError, createPartialMock, } from "./test-utils"; describe("Test Utilities", () => { describe("createMockResponse", () => { it("should create a successful response with defaults", async () => { const data = { test: "data" }; const response = createMockResponse(data); expect(response.ok).toBe(true); expect(response.status).toBe(200); expect(response.statusText).toBe("OK"); expect(response.headers).toBeInstanceOf(Headers); // Test response methods expect(await response.json()).toEqual(data); expect(await response.text()).toBe(JSON.stringify(data)); expect(await response.blob()).toBeInstanceOf(Blob); }); it("should create a response with custom options", async () => { const data = "test-data"; const options = { ok: false, status: 400, statusText: "Bad Request", headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }, }; const response = createMockResponse(data, options); expect(response.ok).toBe(false); expect(response.status).toBe(400); expect(response.statusText).toBe("Bad Request"); expect(response.headers.get("Content-Type")).toBe("text/plain"); // Test string data handling expect(await response.text()).toBe(data); }); }); describe("TestFixtures", () => { it("should create a note with default values", () => { const note = TestFixtures.createNote(); expect(note).toHaveProperty("id", "test-note-1"); expect(note).toHaveProperty("title", "Test Note"); expect(note).toHaveProperty("content", "Test content"); expect(note.created).toMatch( /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z$/ ); }); it("should create a note with custom overrides", () => { const overrides = { id: "custom-id", title: "Custom Title", extraField: "extra", }; const note = TestFixtures.createNote(overrides); expect(note).toMatchObject(overrides); expect(note).toHaveProperty("content", "Test content"); expect(note.created).toBeDefined(); }); it("should create a list of notes with specified count", () => { const count = 3; const notes = TestFixtures.createNoteList(count); expect(notes).toHaveLength(count); notes.forEach((note, index) => { expect(note).toHaveProperty("id", `test-note-${index + 1}`); expect(note).toHaveProperty("title", "Test Note"); expect(note).toHaveProperty("content", "Test content"); expect(note.created).toBeDefined(); }); }); }); describe("flushPromises", () => { it("should wait for promises to resolve", async () => { let resolved = false; Promise.resolve().then(() => { resolved = true; }); expect(resolved).toBe(false); await flushPromises(); expect(resolved).toBe(true); }); it("should handle multiple promises", async () => { const results: number[] = []; Promise.resolve().then(() => results.push(1)); Promise.resolve().then(() => results.push(2)); Promise.resolve().then(() => results.push(3)); expect(results).toHaveLength(0); await flushPromises(); expect(results).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); }); }); describe("isError", () => { it("should identify Error objects", () => { expect(isError(new Error("test"))).toBe(true); expect(isError(new TypeError("test"))).toBe(true); }); it("should reject non-Error objects", () => { expect(isError({})).toBe(false); expect(isError("error")).toBe(false); expect(isError(null)).toBe(false); expect(isError(undefined)).toBe(false); expect(isError(42)).toBe(false); }); }); describe("createPartialMock", () => { interface TestService { method1(): string; method2(arg: number): Promise<number>; } it("should create a typed mock object", () => { const mockMethod = jest.fn<() => string>().mockReturnValue("test"); const mock = createPartialMock<TestService>({ method1: mockMethod, }); expect(mock.method1()).toBe("test"); expect(mock.method1).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should handle empty overrides", () => { const mock = createPartialMock<TestService>(); expect(mock).toEqual({}); }); it("should preserve mock functionality", async () => { const mockMethod = jest .fn<(arg: number) => Promise<number>>() .mockResolvedValue(42); const mock = createPartialMock<TestService>({ method2: mockMethod, }); const result = await mock.method2(1); expect(result).toBe(42); expect(mock.method2).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1); }); }); });