
by Ejb503
import type { SystempromptBlockResponse } from "../types/systemprompt.js"; class MockSystemPromptService { private static instance: MockSystemPromptService; private initialized = false; private apiKey: string | null = null; private constructor() {} public static getInstance(): MockSystemPromptService { if (!MockSystemPromptService.instance) { MockSystemPromptService.instance = new MockSystemPromptService(); } return MockSystemPromptService.instance; } public initialize(apiKey: string): void { this.apiKey = apiKey; this.initialized = true; } private checkInitialized(): void { if (!this.initialized || !this.apiKey) { throw new Error( "SystemPromptService must be initialized with an API key first" ); } } public async listBlocks(): Promise<SystempromptBlockResponse[]> { this.checkInitialized(); return [ { id: "default", content: JSON.stringify({ name: "Systemprompt Agent", description: "An expert agent for managing and organizing content in workspaces", instruction: "You are a specialized agent", voice: "Kore", config: { model: "models/gemini-2.0-flash-exp", generationConfig: { responseModalities: "audio", speechConfig: { voiceConfig: { prebuiltVoiceConfig: { voiceName: "Kore", }, }, }, }, }, }), metadata: { title: "Systemprompt Agent", description: "An expert agent for managing and organizing content in workspaces", created: new Date().toISOString(), updated: new Date().toISOString(), version: 1, status: "active", author: "system", log_message: "Initial version", tag: ["agent"], }, prefix: "", }, ]; } public async getBlock(id: string): Promise<SystempromptBlockResponse> { this.checkInitialized(); if (id === "default") { return { id: "default", content: JSON.stringify({ name: "Systemprompt Agent", description: "An expert agent for managing and organizing content in workspaces", instruction: "You are a specialized agent", voice: "Kore", config: { model: "models/gemini-2.0-flash-exp", generationConfig: { responseModalities: "audio", speechConfig: { voiceConfig: { prebuiltVoiceConfig: { voiceName: "Kore", }, }, }, }, }, }), metadata: { title: "Systemprompt Agent", description: "An expert agent for managing and organizing content in workspaces", created: new Date().toISOString(), updated: new Date().toISOString(), version: 1, status: "active", author: "system", log_message: "Initial version", tag: ["agent"], }, prefix: "", }; } throw new Error("Resource not found"); } } export default MockSystemPromptService;