Python REPL MCP Server

# Python REPL MCP Server This MCP server provides a Python REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) as a tool. It allows execution of Python code through the MCP protocol with a persistent session. ## Setup No setup needed! The project uses `uv` for dependency management. ## Running the Server Simply run: ```bash uv run src/python_repl/ ``` ## Usage with Claude Desktop Add this configuration to your Claude Desktop config file: ```json { "mcpServers": { "python-repl": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/absolute/path/to/python-repl-server", "run", "mcp_python" ] } } } ``` The server provides three tools: 1. `execute_python`: Execute Python code with persistent variables - `code`: The Python code to execute - `reset`: Optional boolean to reset the session 2. `list_variables`: Show all variables in the current session 3. `install_package`: Install a package from pypi ## Examples Set a variable: ```python a = 42 ``` Use the variable: ```python print(f"The value is {a}") ``` List all variables: ```python # Use the list_variables tool ``` Reset the session: ```python # Use execute_python with reset=true ``` ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. Here are some ways you can contribute: - Report bugs - Suggest new features - Improve documentation - Add test cases - Submit code improvements Before submitting a PR, please ensure: 1. Your code follows the existing style 2. You've updated documentation as needed 3. Maybe write some tests? For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.