Cursor DB MCP Server

#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Test script for the Cursor DB MCP server. This script starts the MCP server and performs tests using the MCP Python SDK. """ import subprocess import time import sys import os import json import asyncio from pathlib import Path # Import MCP client libraries with correct paths from mcp import ClientSession, StdioServerParameters from mcp.client.stdio import stdio_client async def test_mcp_server(): """Test the MCP server using the Python SDK""" print("Starting Cursor DB MCP server test...") try: print("\nTesting MCP server with the Python SDK...") # Use stdio_client to start the server and connect to it server_params = StdioServerParameters( command=sys.executable, args=[""], env=None ) async with stdio_client(server_params) as (read, write): print("✅ Successfully started MCP server process") async with ClientSession(read, write) as session: # Initialize the connection await session.initialize() print("✅ Successfully initialized connection to MCP server") # Test 1: List available resources print("\n1. Testing resource listing...") resources = await session.list_resources() if resources and any(hasattr(r, 'uri') and "cursor://projects" in r.uri for r in resources): print("✅ Successfully listed resources") print(f"Resources: {[getattr(r, 'uri', str(r)) for r in resources]}") else: print("❌ Failed to find expected resources") print(f"Resources found: {resources}") # Test 2: List available tools print("\n2. Testing tool listing...") tools = await session.list_tools() if tools and any(hasattr(t, 'name') and "query_table" in for t in tools): print("✅ Successfully listed tools") print(f"Tools: {[getattr(t, 'name', str(t)) for t in tools]}") else: print("❌ Failed to find expected tools") print(f"Tools found: {tools}") # Test 3: List available prompts print("\n3. Testing prompt listing...") prompts = await session.list_prompts() if prompts and any(hasattr(p, 'name') and "explore_cursor_projects" in for p in prompts): print("✅ Successfully listed prompts") print(f"Prompts: {[getattr(p, 'name', str(p)) for p in prompts]}") else: print("❌ Failed to find expected prompts") print(f"Prompts found: {prompts}") # Test 4: Call a tool print("\n4. Testing tool execution...") try: # Get list of projects first projects_result = await session.call_tool("cursorprojects") if projects_result and isinstance(projects_result, list): print("✅ Successfully called cursorprojects tool") print(f"Projects: {projects_result}") # If we have projects, try querying one if projects_result: project_name = projects_result[0] # Use the first project query_result = await session.call_tool( "query_table", arguments={ "project_name": project_name, "table_name": "ItemTable", "query_type": "get_all", "limit": 5 } ) if query_result: print("✅ Successfully queried project database") print(f"Query result: {query_result[:2]}...") # Show first 2 items else: print("❌ Failed to query project database") else: print("❌ Failed to call cursorprojects tool") print(f"Result: {projects_result}") except Exception as e: print(f"❌ Error calling tool: {e}") # Test 5: Read a resource print("\n5. Testing resource reading...") try: # Try to read the projects resource content, mime_type = await session.read_resource("cursor://projects") if content: print("✅ Successfully read cursor://projects resource") print(f"Content type: {mime_type}") print(f"Content preview: {content[:100]}...") # Show first 100 chars else: print("❌ Failed to read cursor://projects resource") except Exception as e: print(f"❌ Error reading resource: {e}") print("\nAll tests completed!") except Exception as e: print(f"Error during testing: {e}") print("Test completed.") def main(): """Main entry point""" if __name__ == "__main__": main()