Trino MCP Server

""" Main module for the Trino MCP server. """ from __future__ import annotations import argparse import json import sys import os import asyncio import time from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import AsyncIterator, Dict, Any, List, Optional import uvicorn from fastapi import FastAPI, Response, Body from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from pydantic import BaseModel from loguru import logger from mcp.server.fastmcp import Context, FastMCP from trino_mcp.config import ServerConfig, TrinoConfig from trino_mcp.resources import register_trino_resources from import register_trino_tools from trino_mcp.trino_client import TrinoClient # Global app context for health check access app_context_global = None @dataclass class AppContext: """Application context passed to all MCP handlers.""" trino_client: TrinoClient config: ServerConfig is_healthy: bool = True # Models for the LLM API class QueryRequest(BaseModel): """Model for query requests.""" query: str catalog: str = "memory" schema: Optional[str] = None explain: bool = False class QueryResponse(BaseModel): """Model for query responses.""" success: bool message: str results: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None @asynccontextmanager async def app_lifespan(mcp: FastMCP) -> AsyncIterator[AppContext]: """ Manage the application lifecycle. Args: mcp: The MCP server instance. Yields: AppContext: The application context with initialized services. """ global app_context_global"Initializing Trino MCP server") # Get server configuration from environment or command line config = parse_args() # Initialize Trino client trino_client = TrinoClient(config.trino) # Create and set global app context app_context = AppContext(trino_client=trino_client, config=config) app_context_global = app_context try: # Connect to Trino"Connecting to Trino at {}:{config.trino.port}") trino_client.connect() # Register resources and tools"Registering resources and tools") register_trino_resources(mcp, trino_client) register_trino_tools(mcp, trino_client) # Yield the application context"Trino MCP server initialized and ready") yield app_context except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to initialize: {e}") app_context.is_healthy = False yield app_context finally: # Cleanup on shutdown"Shutting down Trino MCP server") if trino_client.conn: trino_client.disconnect() app_context.is_healthy = False def parse_args() -> ServerConfig: """ Parse command line arguments and return server configuration. Returns: ServerConfig: The server configuration. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Trino MCP server") # Server configuration parser.add_argument("--name", default="Trino MCP", help="Server name") parser.add_argument("--version", default="0.1.0", help="Server version") parser.add_argument("--transport", default="stdio", choices=["stdio", "sse"], help="Transport type") parser.add_argument("--host", default="", help="Host for HTTP server (SSE transport only)") parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=3000, help="Port for HTTP server (SSE transport only)") parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Enable debug mode") # Trino connection parser.add_argument("--trino-host", default="localhost", help="Trino host") parser.add_argument("--trino-port", type=int, default=8080, help="Trino port") parser.add_argument("--trino-user", default="trino", help="Trino user") parser.add_argument("--trino-password", help="Trino password") parser.add_argument("--trino-catalog", help="Default Trino catalog") parser.add_argument("--trino-schema", help="Default Trino schema") parser.add_argument("--trino-http-scheme", default="http", help="Trino HTTP scheme") args = parser.parse_args() # Create Trino configuration trino_config = TrinoConfig( host=args.trino_host, port=args.trino_port, user=args.trino_user, password=args.trino_password, catalog=args.trino_catalog, schema=args.trino_schema, http_scheme=args.trino_http_scheme ) # Create server configuration server_config = ServerConfig(, version=args.version, transport_type=args.transport,, port=args.port, debug=args.debug, trino=trino_config ) return server_config def create_app() -> FastMCP: """ Create and configure the MCP server application. Returns: FastMCP: The configured MCP server. """ # Create the MCP server with lifespan management mcp = FastMCP( "Trino MCP", dependencies=["trino>=0.329.0"], lifespan=app_lifespan ) return mcp def create_health_app() -> FastAPI: """ Create a FastAPI app that provides a health check endpoint and LLM API. This function creates a FastAPI app with a health check endpoint and a query endpoint for LLMs to use. Returns: FastAPI: The FastAPI app with health check and LLM API endpoints. """ app = FastAPI( title="Trino MCP API", description="API for health checks and LLM query access to Trino MCP", version="0.1.0" ) @app.get("/health") async def health(): global app_context_global # For Docker health check, always return 200 during startup # This gives the app time to initialize return JSONResponse( status_code=200, content={"status": "ok", "message": "Health check endpoint is responding"} )"/api/query", response_model=QueryResponse) async def query(request: QueryRequest): """ Execute a SQL query against Trino and return results. This endpoint is designed to be used by LLMs to query Trino through MCP. """ global app_context_global if not app_context_global or not app_context_global.is_healthy: return JSONResponse( status_code=503, content={ "success": False, "message": "Trino MCP server is not healthy or not initialized" } )"LLM API Query: {request.query}") try: # Use the Trino client from the app context client = app_context_global.trino_client # Optionally add EXPLAIN query = request.query if request.explain: query = f"EXPLAIN {query}" # Execute the query result = client.execute_query(query, request.catalog, request.schema) # Format the results for the response formatted_rows = [] for row in result.rows: # Convert row to dict using column names row_dict = {} for i, col in enumerate(result.columns): row_dict[col] = row[i] formatted_rows.append(row_dict) return { "success": True, "message": "Query executed successfully", "results": { "query_id": result.query_id, "columns": result.columns, "rows": formatted_rows, "row_count": result.row_count, "execution_time_ms": result.query_time_ms } } except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error executing query: {e}") return JSONResponse( status_code=400, content={ "success": False, "message": f"Error executing query: {str(e)}" } ) @app.get("/api") async def api_root(): """Root API endpoint with usage instructions.""" return { "message": "Trino MCP API for LLMs", "version": app_context_global.config.version if app_context_global else "unknown", "endpoints": { "health": "GET /health - Check server health", "query": "POST /api/query - Execute SQL queries" }, "query_example": { "query": "SELECT * FROM memory.bullshit.real_bullshit_data LIMIT 3", "catalog": "memory", "schema": "bullshit" } } return app def main() -> None: """ Main entry point for the server. """ config = parse_args() mcp = create_app() # ADDING EXPLICIT CONTEXT INITIALIZATION HERE global app_context_global try: # Initialize the Trino client"Connecting to Trino at {}:{config.trino.port}") trino_client = TrinoClient(config.trino) trino_client.connect() # Create application context app_context = AppContext( trino_client=trino_client, config=config, is_healthy=True ) # Set global context app_context_global = app_context # Register resources and tools register_trino_resources(mcp, trino_client) register_trino_tools(mcp, trino_client)"Trino MCP server initialized and ready") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error initializing Trino MCP: {e}") if app_context_global: app_context_global.is_healthy = False if config.transport_type == "stdio": # For STDIO transport, run directly"Starting Trino MCP server with STDIO transport") else: # For SSE transport, use run_sse_async method from MCP library"Starting Trino MCP server with SSE transport on {}:{config.port}") # In MCP 1.3.0, run_sse_async takes no arguments # We set the environment variables to configure the host and port os.environ["MCP_HOST"] = os.environ["MCP_PORT"] = str(config.port) # Configure more robust error handling for the server import traceback try: # Try to import and configure SSE settings if available in this version from mcp.server.sse import configure_sse configure_sse(ignore_client_disconnect=True)"Configured SSE with ignore_client_disconnect=True") except (ImportError, AttributeError): logger.warning("Could not configure SSE settings - this may be expected in some MCP versions") # Start a separate thread for the health check endpoint import threading def run_health_check(): """Run the health check FastAPI app.""" health_app = create_health_app() # Use a different port for the health check endpoint health_port = config.port + 1"Starting API server on port {health_port}"),, port=health_port) # Start the health check in a separate thread health_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_health_check) health_thread.daemon = True health_thread.start() # Now run the SSE server with robust error handling try: except RuntimeError as e: if "generator didn't stop after athrow()" in str(e): logger.error(f"Generator error in SSE server. This is a known issue with MCP 1.3.0: {e}") # Set unhealthy status for health checks if app_context_global: app_context_global.is_healthy = False"Server will continue running but may not function correctly.") # Keep the server alive despite the error import time while True: time.sleep(60) # Sleep to keep the container running else: logger.error(f"Fatal error running SSE server: {e}") logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Fatal error running SSE server: {e}") logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise if __name__ == "__main__": logger.remove() logger.add(sys.stderr, level="DEBUG") main()