Trino MCP Server

FROM python:3.10-slim WORKDIR /app # Create a non-root user RUN groupadd -r trino && useradd --no-log-init -r -g trino trino && \ mkdir -p /app/logs && \ chown -R trino:trino /app # Install runtime dependencies RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ curl \ build-essential \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Copy project files COPY . /app/ # Install the MCP server RUN pip install --no-cache-dir . # Set environment variables ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 ENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 ENV MCP_HOST= ENV MCP_PORT=8000 ENV TRINO_HOST=trino ENV TRINO_PORT=8080 ENV TRINO_USER=trino ENV TRINO_CATALOG=memory # Expose ports for SSE transport and LLM API EXPOSE 8000 8001 # Switch to non-root user USER trino # Health check - use port 8001 for the health check endpoint and LLM API HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=5s --start-period=15s --retries=3 \ CMD curl -f http://localhost:8001/health || exit 1 # Default command (can be overridden) ENTRYPOINT ["python", "-m", "trino_mcp.server"] # Default arguments (can be overridden) CMD ["--transport", "sse", "--host", "", "--port", "8000", "--trino-host", "trino", "--trino-port", "8080", "--debug"]