
# Smithery configuration file: startCommand: type: stdio configSchema: # JSON Schema defining the configuration options for the MCP. type: object required: - restBaseUrl properties: restBaseUrl: type: string description: The base URL for the REST API. authBasicUsername: type: string description: The username for Basic Authentication. authBasicPassword: type: string description: The password for Basic Authentication. authBearer: type: string description: The bearer token for authentication. authApiKeyHeaderName: type: string description: The header name for API Key Authentication. authApiKeyValue: type: string description: The API key value for API Key Authentication. restEnableSslVerify: type: boolean default: true description: Enable or disable SSL verification. restResponseSizeLimit: type: number default: 10000 description: The maximum response size limit in bytes. commandFunction: # A function that produces the CLI command to start the MCP on stdio. |- config => ({ command: 'node', args: ['build/index.js'], env: { REST_BASE_URL: config.restBaseUrl, AUTH_BASIC_USERNAME: config.authBasicUsername, AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD: config.authBasicPassword, AUTH_BEARER: config.authBearer, AUTH_APIKEY_HEADER_NAME: config.authApiKeyHeaderName, AUTH_APIKEY_VALUE: config.authApiKeyValue, REST_ENABLE_SSL_VERIFY: config.restEnableSslVerify.toString(), REST_RESPONSE_SIZE_LIMIT: config.restResponseSizeLimit.toString() } })