Personal MCP Server

  • src
  • personal_mcp
import json import logging import os import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional import click from rich.console import Console from rich.logging import RichHandler from .server import PersonalMCP console = Console() def setup_logging(verbose: bool = False): """Configure rich logging for the CLI.""" level = logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig( level=level, format="%(message)s", handlers=[RichHandler(console=console, rich_tracebacks=True)], ) def get_config_dir() -> Path: """Get the configuration directory, creating it if needed.""" if sys.platform == "darwin": config_dir = Path.home() / "Library" / "Application Support" / "personal-mcp" elif sys.platform == "win32": config_dir = Path(os.getenv("APPDATA")) / "personal-mcp" else: config_dir = Path.home() / ".config" / "personal-mcp" config_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return config_dir def load_config() -> dict: """Load configuration from config file.""" config_file = get_config_dir() / "config.json" if config_file.exists(): return json.loads(config_file.read_text()) return {} def save_config(config: dict): """Save configuration to config file.""" config_file = get_config_dir() / "config.json" config_file.write_text(json.dumps(config, indent=2)) @click.option("--verbose", "-v", is_flag=True, help="Enable verbose logging") def cli(verbose: bool): """Personal MCP Server - Health and Well-being Tracking""" setup_logging(verbose) @cli.command() @click.option("--name", default="Personal Assistant", help="Server name") @click.option("--db-path", help="Database path") def run(name: str, db_path: Optional[str]): """Run the MCP server.""" try: server = PersonalMCP(name=name, db_path=db_path) except Exception as e: console.print(f"[red]Error starting server:[/red] {str(e)}") sys.exit(1) @cli.command() @click.option("--name", default="Personal Assistant", help="Server name") @click.option("--db-path", help="Database path") def dev(name: str, db_path: Optional[str]): """Run the server in development mode.""" try: server = PersonalMCP(name=name, db_path=db_path) try: from mcp.server.development import run_development_server run_development_server(server.mcp) except ImportError: console.print( "[yellow]Development server not available. Running in normal mode.[/yellow]" ) except Exception as e: console.print(f"[red]Error starting development server:[/red] {str(e)}") sys.exit(1) @cli.command() @click.option("--name", default="Personal Assistant", help="Server name") @click.option("--db-path", help="Database path") def inspect(name: str, db_path: Optional[str]): """Run the server with MCP Inspector.""" try: server = PersonalMCP(name=name, db_path=db_path) try: from mcp.server.inspector import run_inspector run_inspector(server.mcp) except ImportError: console.print("[yellow]Inspector not available. Running in normal mode.[/yellow]") except Exception as e: console.print(f"[red]Error starting inspector:[/red] {str(e)}") sys.exit(1) @cli.command() @click.option("--claude-desktop", is_flag=True, help="Install to Claude Desktop") @click.option("--name", default="Personal Assistant", help="Server name") def install(claude_desktop: bool, name: str): """Install the server configuration.""" try: if claude_desktop: config_file = ( Path.home() / "Library" / "Application Support" / "Claude" / "claude_desktop_config.json" ) else: config_file = ( Path.home() / "Library" / "Application Support" / "Code" / "User" / "globalStorage" / "rooveterinaryinc.roo-cline" / "settings" / "cline_mcp_settings.json" ) if not config_file.exists(): console.print(f"[yellow]Configuration file not found:[/yellow] {config_file}") return config = json.loads(config_file.read_text()) server_config = { "command": "personal-mcp", "args": ["--name", name], "env": {}, "disabled": False, } if "mcpServers" not in config: config["mcpServers"] = {} config["mcpServers"]["personal-mcp"] = server_config config_file.write_text(json.dumps(config, indent=2)) console.print( f"[green]Successfully installed server configuration to:[/green] {config_file}" ) except Exception as e: console.print(f"[red]Error installing server configuration:[/red] {str(e)}") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()