MCP Servers for Wolfram
Wolfram is a company that specializes in computational intelligence, developing cutting-edge technologies including Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha, and the Wolfram Language. It focuses on making computation accessible and powerful for science, technology, and education.
Why this server?
Connects to the Wolfram Alpha API to answer questions by querying the computational knowledge engine
SecretiveShellVerifiedAsecurityAlicenseAqualityConnect your chat repl to wolfram alpha computational intelligence115PythonMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Provides access to WolframAlpha's LLM API, allowing users to query WolframAlpha with natural language questions, answer mathematical questions, and retrieve factual information about science, physics, history, geography, and more.
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityEnables querying WolframAlpha's LLM API for natural language questions, providing structured and simplified answers optimized for LLM consumption.320TypeScriptWhy this server?
MCP server for querying wolfram alpha API
Why this server?
Provides access to Mathematica documentation, allowing users to retrieve documentation for functions, list symbols in packages, and access documentation for add-ons and package functions.
-securityFlicense-qualityA server that provides access to Mathematica documentation through FastMCP, enabling users to retrieve function documentation and list package symbols from Wolfram Mathematica.2Python