MCP Servers for Strava
Strava is a fitness tracking app and social network for athletes, particularly popular among runners and cyclists, that allows users to track and share their physical activities using GPS data.
Why this server?
Provides access to the Strava API, allowing queries for athlete activities including recent activities, activities by date range, specific activity details, and activities from a recent time period. Data returned includes activity metrics like distance, time, speed, elevation, and calories.
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityA Model Context Protocol server that provides language models with access to Strava API data, allowing them to query and analyze athlete activities from Strava.41PythonMIT LicenseWhy this server?
MCP server for Strava, an app for tracking physical exercise
Why this server?
Allows analysis of Strava workouts and provides training recommendations based on Strava data using the Model Context Protocol SDK
PythonMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Provides access to the Strava API for retrieving and analyzing activity data, including runs, rides, and workouts. Supports fetching activity details, athlete statistics, route visualization, achievement tracking, and social features like kudos and comments.
-securityAlicense-qualityA Model Context Protocol server that enables language models to interact with Strava data, including activities, athlete statistics, routes, achievements, and social features.PythonMIT License