MCP Servers for Polygon
Polygon is a blockchain platform that provides scalable, secure, and instant Ethereum transactions. It aims to create a multi-chain Ethereum ecosystem, enabling developers to build decentralized applications with lower fees and faster transaction speeds than the Ethereum mainnet.
Why this server?
Enables checking native token balances, ERC-20 token balances, sending native tokens, sending ERC-20 tokens, and approving ERC-20 token spending on the Polygon network.
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityA Model-Context-Protocol server enabling users to perform basic operations on Solana and Ethereum blockchains through simple RPC endpoints.1042TypeScriptApache 2.0Why this server?
Enables interaction with Polygon PoS network, providing tools for blockchain queries, wallet operations, and transaction management on this Ethereum scaling solution.
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityA Model Context Protocol server that gives LLMs the ability to interact with Ethereum networks, manage wallets, query blockchain data, and execute smart contract operations through a standardized interface.31212TypeScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Enables searching of Polygon-specific knowledge base through BrianKnows' knowledge engine, providing specialized information about the Polygon blockchain ecosystem.
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityAn MCP server that connects Claude to BrianKnows' blockchain knowledge base, allowing users to search for blockchain/DeFi information and interact with a specialized agent across multiple knowledge bases.3JavaScriptWhy this server?
Provides support for reading data and preparing transactions on the Polygon network as part of the multi-chain EVM-compatible blockchain support
-securityAlicense-qualityA secure system enabling AI assistants to interact with blockchain data and prepare transactions while ensuring users maintain exclusive control over their private keys and transaction signing.1TypeScriptMIT License