MCP Documentation Service
by alekspetrov
title: Check Documentation Health
description: API reference for the check_documentation_health tool
author: Claude
date: 2023-03-15T00:00:00.000Z
- api
- reference
- tool
- health
status: published
order: 9
# Check Documentation Health
The `check_documentation_health` tool analyzes your documentation to identify issues and calculate an overall health score. It helps you maintain high-quality documentation by checking for common problems like missing metadata, broken links, and orphaned documents.
## Usage
const healthResult = await mcp.callTool(
basePath: "docs",
checkLinks: true,
checkMetadata: true,
checkOrphans: true,
requiredMetadataFields: ["title", "description", "status"],
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
| ------------------------ | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `basePath` | string | No | First allowed directory | The base directory to check documentation in |
| `checkLinks` | boolean | No | `true` | Whether to check for broken internal links |
| `checkMetadata` | boolean | No | `true` | Whether to check for missing metadata fields |
| `checkOrphans` | boolean | No | `true` | Whether to check for orphaned documents (not in navigation) |
| `requiredMetadataFields` | string[] | No | `["title", "description", "status"]` | List of metadata fields that should be present in all documents |
> **Note**: If the `basePath` parameter is not provided or is invalid, the tool will automatically use the first allowed directory. This ensures the tool can always run even if the path is not explicitly specified.
## Response
The tool returns a health check result with the following information:
score: number; // Overall health score (0-100)
totalDocuments: number; // Total number of documents checked
issues: HealthIssue[]; // List of issues found
metadataCompleteness: number; // Percentage of required metadata fields present
brokenLinks: number; // Number of broken internal links
orphanedDocuments: number; // Number of documents not in navigation
missingReferences: number; // Number of missing references
documentsByStatus?: Record<string, number>; // Count of documents by status
documentsByTag?: Record<string, number>; // Count of documents by tag
Each issue in the `issues` array has the following structure:
path: string; // Path to the document with the issue
type: 'missing_metadata' | 'broken_link' | 'orphaned' | 'missing_reference'; // Type of issue
severity: 'error' | 'warning' | 'info'; // Severity level
message: string; // Human-readable description of the issue
details?: any; // Additional details about the issue
## Health Score Calculation
The overall health score is calculated based on:
- Metadata completeness (70%)
- No broken links (30%)
Orphaned documents are detected but do not affect the health score. The tool will identify documents not included in navigation but will not penalize the score for them.
A score of 100 indicates perfect documentation health, while lower scores indicate areas for improvement.
## Example
// Check documentation health
const healthResult = await mcp.callTool(
basePath: "docs",
console.log(`Documentation Health Score: ${healthResult.metadata.score}%`);
console.log(`Total Documents: ${healthResult.metadata.totalDocuments}`);
console.log(`Issues Found: ${healthResult.metadata.issues.length}`);
// Display issues by type
const issuesByType = healthResult.metadata.issues.reduce((acc, issue) => {
acc[issue.type] = (acc[issue.type] || 0) + 1;
return acc;
}, {});
console.log("Issues by type:", issuesByType);
## Use Cases
- **Documentation Quality Assurance**: Regularly check documentation health to maintain quality standards.
- **CI/CD Integration**: Integrate documentation health checks into your CI/CD pipeline.
- **Documentation Audits**: Perform comprehensive audits of documentation quality.
- **Identifying Improvement Areas**: Quickly identify areas where documentation needs improvement.
## Troubleshooting
If you encounter an "Access denied" error when using the `basePath` parameter, make sure:
1. The path is within one of the allowed directories specified when starting the MCP service
2. The path exists and is accessible
3. If using a relative path, it's relative to one of the allowed directories
If the path is invalid, the tool will automatically fall back to using the first allowed directory.