MCP Development Framework

  • .lh
{ "sourceFile": "Dockerfile", "activeCommit": 0, "commits": [ { "activePatchIndex": 8, "patches": [ { "date": 1741245157547, "content": "Index: \n===================================================================\n--- \n+++ \n" }, { "date": 1741258783838, "content": "Index: \n===================================================================\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@\n RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \\\n build-essential \\\n curl \\\n poppler-utils \\\n+ tesseract-ocr \\\n+ tesseract-ocr-eng \\\n+ tesseract-ocr-chi-sim \\\n && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*\n \n # Copy project files\n COPY . .\n" }, { "date": 1741259379637, "content": "Index: \n===================================================================\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -8,11 +8,8 @@\n RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \\\n build-essential \\\n curl \\\n poppler-utils \\\n- tesseract-ocr \\\n- tesseract-ocr-eng \\\n- tesseract-ocr-chi-sim \\\n && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*\n \n # Copy project files\n COPY . .\n" }, { "date": 1741259527600, "content": "Index: \n===================================================================\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@\n RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \\\n build-essential \\\n curl \\\n poppler-utils \\\n+ tesseract-ocr \\\n+ tesseract-ocr-chi-sim \\\n+ tesseract-ocr-eng \\\n && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*\n \n # Copy project files\n COPY . .\n" }, { "date": 1741259592267, "content": "Index: \n===================================================================\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -8,11 +8,8 @@\n RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \\\n build-essential \\\n curl \\\n poppler-utils \\\n- tesseract-ocr \\\n- tesseract-ocr-chi-sim \\\n- tesseract-ocr-eng \\\n && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*\n \n # Copy project files\n COPY . .\n" }, { "date": 1741496348552, "content": "Index: \n===================================================================\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@\n \n # Copy project files\n COPY . .\n \n-# Install the package in editable mode\n-RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -e \".[dev]\"\n+# Install the package in editable mode with proper path\n+RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -e .\n \n # Expose the port\n EXPOSE 8000\n \n\\ No newline at end of file\n # Run the server with SSE transport\n-CMD [\"mcp-simple-tool\", \"--transport\", \"sse\", \"--port\", \"8000\"] \n+CMD [\"python\", \"-m\", \"mcp_simple_tool\", \"--transport\", \"sse\", \"--port\", \"8000\"] \n\\ No newline at end of file\n" }, { "date": 1741496544769, "content": "Index: \n===================================================================\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -20,5 +20,5 @@\n # Expose the port\n EXPOSE 8000\n \n # Run the server with SSE transport\n-CMD [\"python\", \"-m\", \"mcp_simple_tool\", \"--transport\", \"sse\", \"--port\", \"8000\"] \n\\ No newline at end of file\n+CMD [\"python\", \"-m\", \"mcp_tool\", \"--transport\", \"sse\", \"--port\", \"8000\"] \n\\ No newline at end of file\n" }, { "date": 1741529804201, "content": "Index: \n===================================================================\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -20,5 +20,5 @@\n # Expose the port\n EXPOSE 8000\n \n # Run the server with SSE transport\n-CMD [\"python\", \"-m\", \"mcp_tool\", \"--transport\", \"sse\", \"--port\", \"8000\"] \n\\ No newline at end of file\n+CMD [\"python\", \"-m\", \"mcp_simple_tool\", \"--transport\", \"sse\", \"--port\", \"8000\"] \n\\ No newline at end of file\n" }, { "date": 1741529967474, "content": "Index: \n===================================================================\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -20,5 +20,5 @@\n # Expose the port\n EXPOSE 8000\n \n # Run the server with SSE transport\n-CMD [\"python\", \"-m\", \"mcp_simple_tool\", \"--transport\", \"sse\", \"--port\", \"8000\"] \n\\ No newline at end of file\n+CMD [\"python\", \"-m\", \"mcp_tool\", \"--transport\", \"sse\", \"--port\", \"8000\"] \n\\ No newline at end of file\n" } ], "date": 1741245157547, "name": "Commit-0", "content": "# Use Python 3.10 slim image as base\nFROM python:3.10-slim\n\n# Set working directory\nWORKDIR /app\n\n# Install build dependencies and curl for healthcheck\nRUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \\\n build-essential \\\n curl \\\n poppler-utils \\\n && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*\n\n# Copy project files\nCOPY . .\n\n# Install the package in editable mode\nRUN pip install --no-cache-dir -e \".[dev]\"\n\n# Expose the port\nEXPOSE 8000\n\n# Run the server with SSE transport\nCMD [\"mcp-simple-tool\", \"--transport\", \"sse\", \"--port\", \"8000\"] " } ] }