# YouTube Integration
The YouTube MCP server provides functionality to extract transcripts from YouTube videos.
## Available Tools
### get_youtube_transcript
Retrieves the transcript text from a YouTube video.
- `videoUrl`: Full YouTube video URL (supports standard, shortened, and embed URLs)
**Returns**: Object containing:
- `content`: Array with transcript text
## URL Support
Handles multiple YouTube URL formats:
- Standard: `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIDEO_ID`
- Shortened: `https://youtu.be/VIDEO_ID`
- Embed: `https://www.youtube.com/embed/VIDEO_ID`
## Error Handling
The server implements standard error handling:
- Invalid URLs return `ErrorCode.InvalidParams`
- Missing URL returns `ErrorCode.InvalidParams`
- Failed transcript fetches return formatted error messages
- Graceful shutdown on SIGINT
## Technical Details
- Built using the Highlight AI MCP SDK
- Uses youtube-transcript library
- Input validation via Zod
- Runs as a stdio-based MCP server
- Supports Node.js >=18.0.0
## Limitations
- Only works with videos that have captions enabled
- Currently only returns English transcripts
- Rate limits depend on YouTube's API restrictions